
The China-Oregon Climate Change Forum comes at an appropriate time

author:American Overseas Chinese Daily Network

The "China-Oregon Climate Change and Sustainability Forum", jointly organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Tianjin Municipal People's Government, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Fujian Provincial People's Government and the Oregon-China Council, was held by video at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time on December 7 (9:30 a.m. Beijing time on December 8).

U.S. Rep. Earl. Earl Blumenauer, Oregon Senator Lu. Lew Frederick, Vice Mayor of Tianjin Wang Xu, Vice Governor of Fujian Province Guo Ningning and Chinese Consul General in San Francisco Wang Donghua attended the video forum, which was presided over by Lan Jin, Chairman of the Oregon-China Council, and introduced guests.

Organizers said the world has suffered from extreme weather events in recent years, many of which are directly related to human-caused destruction of nature. As a result, all of humanity is facing more terrible climatic consequences than it has ever been documented. Wildfires and floods in Oregon, California, and the Pacific Northwest, as well as typhoons in China, vividly illustrate the climate change crisis facing the United States and China, and it is incumbent upon both countries to work together to find a solution.

The China-Oregon Climate Change Forum comes at an appropriate time

U.S. Congressman Blumennaul said that climate warming is a global problem, some areas are hot, some areas are cold, some areas are rainstorms, some areas are fires, and the abnormal natural disasters caused by extreme weather have profoundly affected human production, work and life. He pointed out that in the context of this extremely serious global problem, no one can stay out of the matter, nor can any single country solve it, and the United States and China must work closely together to address climate change. He was pleased to see the online climate forum held in Oregon and China's friendly provinces and cities of Fujian and Tianjin, and wished the forum a complete success.

The China-Oregon Climate Change Forum comes at an appropriate time

Senator Frederick of Oregon is encouraged by the good development of Oregon, Fujian Province and Tianjin City in the past. He pointed out that the growing climate crisis has brought great challenges to the three places and must be seriously addressed. He said he had visited Fujian and seen the development and changes in Fujian Province. He said that There is a lot of room for improvement in Oregon and Fujian Provinces, and as long as the two sides work closely together, they can bring well-being to the people of both sides and can also cope with the worsening climate change.

Wang Xu, vice mayor of Tianjin, said that it is a pleasure to hold an online climate change forum with oregon leaders today, which is a concrete action to implement the consensus reached by the heads of state of China and the United States, enlarge the cooperation cake, jointly explore the sustainable development of green cities and civilization construction, strengthen the research and development and cooperation of carbon reduction technologies, and further promote the development of sister cities.

The China-Oregon Climate Change Forum comes at an appropriate time

Guo Ningning, vice governor of Fujian Province, stressed in his speech that climate change has brought serious challenges to all mankind, and it is urgent to deal with climate change. China and the United States are two major countries in the world. We should work together and respond together. China and the United States have worked together to promote the Paris Agreement to address climate change and the Glasgow Declaration on climate change in the 21st century. The two heads of state once again reached a consensus on climate change in video talks.

Guo Ningning said that Fujian Province has established friendly province-state relations with Oregon Prefecture in 1984, and over the years, the two sides have made great achievements in economic and trade, environmental protection, agriculture and forestry. She put forward four suggestions: 1. Joint development in the field of low-carbon technology, hoping that universities of the two places will cooperate in the field of low-carbon environmental protection; 2. Strengthen investment and cooperation in green industries; 3. Jointly cultivate the carbon sink capacity of low-carbon systems between the two sides; 4. Deepen exchanges between the two sides to build national parks and achieve the mission of protecting ecosystems.

The China-Oregon Climate Change Forum comes at an appropriate time

Wang Donghua, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in San Francisco, pointed out that the extreme weather that occurs in many parts of the world and the natural disasters caused by them all show that climate change really exists in all parts of the world. He said China has committed to achieving a "carbon peak" by 2030 and a "carbon neutrality" by 2060, and has worked tirelessly to achieve this goal. He bluntly said that addressing climate change requires global governance, and China and the United States can play a positive role in promoting cooperation to address the challenges brought about by climate change.

After the guest speeches, the activities were divided into "Think Tank and Enterprise Forum", "Technology and Innovation Forum" and "Grassroots NGO Forum"; in addition, "Oregon Crater Lake National Park Branch of Nanping City, Fujian Province"; 25 guests participated in the event and sub-forum discussion.

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