
Fist Zen blindly understands life

author:Mr. Xuanjie's big punch

Feng Zhan, Leng Jun, Xuan Yuan, Fang Fei, Zhan Zhi is in front of him, and suddenly after him, that is, as if he is getting it, the handshake has been violated. With Shui Fang in his hand, he made the leaves fragrant and dressed, and walked into the depths of the flowers, as a "Bodhi Leaf".

Zen relies on the fist to experience, fist through Zen and crazy. Fist Zen is a taste, and the director is like this. The Dacheng Pile Method restores the wisdom of Shakyamuni Prajnaparamita, showing the universe gene, the beautiful and quiet tactile vitality, and the confusing and incomprehensible method of inability, so that the holder of the pile rises to the status of equal consciousness. The three realms of wisdom, all laws are empty, so that the holder of the pile has a "that is, the present is free" understanding of the past, the present and the future. The subject and the object, the knowable and the known, are no longer different, absolutely unified, and the "mystery and fog" of the entire universe are dissipated between the "divine energy" light machine. The vitality of the "divine light" made the whole world poetically mysteriously open, and the long-sealed heart jumped out of the dim dusty and vulgar flesh. Its own "spiritual divine light" was suddenly elevated to the moonlight realm that was as bright as a pure land, and everything that confused the pile holder on a normal day dissipated, so that the body of the pile holder was completely integrated into the clear and pure realm, and this field cut the pile holder from the flow of "time" in which the pile holder was placed, so that the pile holder was completely relaxed. At this time, static and motion eliminate the absolute identity of perception, motion is transformed, static is transformed, and the pile holder transcends motion and motion, transcends time and space. At this time, the so-called empty pine flows with super wonderful emotions. The vitality is far away, free from the emotional stickiness, and presents the vitality of Dengming Crystal. "The treasure moon flows brightly, the clear cloth shadow, the water has no meaning of dipping in the moon, the moon has no heart to illuminate, and the water and the moon forget twice, can be judged."

Instinctive touch vitality, sucked up the aura of heaven and earth, with the call of nature, came to every pile holder, happily stretched that beautiful posture, summoned the pile holder to enter, she put the heavens and the earth, the wind and snow moon, one by one in this small seven-foot space, so that the pile holder to achieve the same feelings as time and space, so that the pile holder's fear of the passage of time, rose to the Zen joy, ease and serenity of space. It is not time and other things, but the mutual presence of time and things; not the unilateral passage, but the two sides taking pictures of each other; not autumn comes and then the tung leaves fall and fly, but the tung leaves fall and fly to the autumn. Without the tung leaves flying, there is no autumn, there is no time, there is no time, a dime can accommodate all the worlds and obstacles, and all things in heaven and earth are one and the same. I am heaven and earth, heaven and earth are me, I am the tactile vitality, and the tactile vitality is me, reflecting the wise and flexible Zen Zen realm. If the deep and clear fusion of each other integrates the "small self" into the "big self", this "big self" is the life of the universe itself. The same age as Qingshan, the same year as the universe, space is unchanged, time is not dead, time and space are not two, not born and not destroyed. My life is the life of the universe, the life of instinctive touch vitality. The flow of time is truncated, stopped or transcended, time is spatialized, and the fear of time dissolves into a pure experience of nature, of space, of the vitality of instinctive touch.

The Great Success Method zen enlightens life, zen understands the universe, overlooks the phenomenon of life and death, regards life and death as the natural transmutation of the universe, is the random incarnation of the phenomenon of life and death, has the tranquility of philosophy and poetic freedom, and shows the will to life of Gao Yujun, the ordinary and ordinary. Green Water Plains worry-free because of the wind wrinkles, Aoyama is not old for snow white head. It is normal for people to return to the water, and it is normal for people to go and come. Life is like green mountains, bright moons, like willows supporting the wind, like the waves of the Yangtze River, like the water returning to the sea, like the clouds returning to the mountains. The small and the vast, the dim and the bright; the floating and the sea, the transient and the eternal; the individual and the race, the nature and the life, all blend and contrast, forming an endless web of pearls. Here, the melancholy, fear, and confusion of life are gone, but only the perfection of life, the harmony of the realm, and the supreme joy that arises from it. Treating life with such feelings, treating life and death, and treating all things and phenomena is the arrival of the "wonderful truth". All things and phenomena in the universe and even life are one, and they do not distinguish between you, me, him and it, all hardships and enmity are nothing less than one, but they are all done by one person, and the feelings of the unity of heaven and man are born, hardship, enmity, and the emptying of heavenly pleasures, but Zen joy, tranquility, and "peace and tranquility in the present moment", and thus rise to the state of compassion.

The country and mountains are unharmed, the earth is rejuvenated, the sun is warm and the tea is fragrant, and the windows are bright and clean. Put aside the pen, don't enjoy it, only let the spring breeze and the bird continue to ghostwrite, describing the "instinctive tactile vitality" that cannot be said!

(Xing Tainan and Li Hu of Hebei, character Yizhi, pen name Bodhi Yiye.) Dacheng boxing master Wang Xuanjie entered the room as a disciple. )

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