
Mo Lu listened to the rain and read the Yan Yuan of the Analects

author:Strange Road Listen to Rain 2

Yan Yuan is a small topic in which Confucius answers various questions from his disciples, mainly answering questions about "benevolence" and related questions. Among them, yan yuan's "self-denial and retribution" is given; Zhonggong is "going out as if he were seeing a great guest, so that the people will be like a great sacrifice, and they will not do to others if they do not want it..."; and to Sima Niu, he said, "He who is benevolent, his words are also transcribed.". The statement of Ren is also "teaching according to aptitude". And Zi Zhang's question should also be a highlight: "The infiltration of the proverb, the skin of the suffering, can not be said to be clear..." In short, the content of this article is very rich, he will express many complex problems in a simple way, it is worth reading.

Mo Lu listened to the rain and read the Yan Yuan of the Analects


Yan Yuan asked Ren. Zi Yue: "Self-denial is benevolence." One day of self-denial, the world returns to benevolence. For the sake of benevolence, but by others? Yan Yuanyue: "Please ask his purpose." Zi Yue: "Don't look at incivility, don't listen to incivility, don't talk about incivility, don't move if you are incivility." Yan Yuanyue: "Although hui is not sensitive, please do something." ”

Yan Yuan asked what to do to be a ren. Confucius said, "To restrain one's desires and to make one's words and deeds conform to the requirements of etiquette is benevolence." Every day, you can restrain your words and deeds with etiquette, and people all over the world will call you benevolent. The cultivation of Rende depends on oneself, do you still have to rely on others?" Yan Yuan said, "Please ask the specific details of practicing Ren." Confucius said, "Don't look at things that don't conform to etiquette, don't listen to words that don't conform to etiquette, don't talk about things that don't conform to etiquette, and don't do things that don't conform to etiquette." Yan Yuan said, "Although Hui is not a very intelligent person, he must also follow what you said." ”

Zhu Zi: Benevolent, the full virtue of the original heart. Grams, katsuya. Self, the selfish desires of the body. Complex, reverse also. Liturgy, the Celestial Festival. For the benevolent, so the virtue of the whole heart is also. Purpose: Conditions also. Those who are indecent, their own selfishness. No, forbidden words. It is the reason why the human heart is the main one, and the opportunity to win the private gift is also. Private victory, then moving and circumventing is all polite, and between daily use, it is not the popularity of heavenly reason. Things, such as "things" things, "please do things", Yan Zi tacitly understands its reasoning. And knowing that his strength is still victorious, he thinks that he has no doubt about his own responsibility. Foolish Press: The Q&A in this chapter is a crucial word for imparting the Dharma of the Mind. Unless it is clear, it cannot be detected, and it cannot be decided unless it is healthy. Therefore, only Yan Zi can hear it, and no scholar can fail to encourage it.

Mo Lu listened to the rain and read the Yan Yuan of the Analects


Zhonggong asked Ren. Zi Yue: "When you go out, you will see the guests, and the people will be like a great sacrifice." Do not do to others what you do not want to do to others; there is no complaint in the state, no complaint at home. Zhonggong said, "Although Yong is not sensitive, please do something." ”

Zhonggong asked What Rende was. Confucius said, "Man is: when he goes out to do things, he must be as respectful as if he were to receive noble guests; and the servants are as careful and serious as if they were undertaking major sacrifices." Don't impose on others what you don't want to do. When working together in the imperial court, I did not do resentful things, and there was no complaint between clan relatives. Zhonggong said, "Although Yong is not intelligent, he must also do what you say." ”

Zhu Zi: Respecting oneself, resentment and things, then selfish intentions are intolerable and the heart is complete. There is no complaint inside and outside, and it is also said with its effect, so that it can be self-examination. Self-denial and retribution, dry way also; the Lord honors and forgives, Kun Dao also. Yan and Ran Zhixue, their height and depth, can be seen here. However, if a scholar can engage in forgiveness and have gain, he will have no self-restraint.


Sima Niu asked Ren. Zi Yue: "The benevolent one, his words are also praised." "His words are also true, and si is benevolent?" Zi Yue: "It is difficult for it, and it is not surprising to say it?" ”

Sima Niu asked what to do with Ren. Confucius said: "People of benevolence are very cautious when they speak, and they do not express their opinions easily. Sima Niu said, "Just by speaking cautiously, can you become a benevolent person?" Confucius said, "It's very difficult to do, can you always be cautious when you speak?" ”

Zhu Zi: Sima Niu, disciple of Confucius, famous plough, brother of Xiang Yu. Curse, sound blade, ninja also, difficult also. The ninja's heart is not let go, so if his words are endured and not easy to issue, one of the ends of the Gaiqide is also. The master was impatient with the cattle, so he told him to do so. If it is prudent in this regard, it is the party of benevolence, which is nothing more than a good thing. Niu Yiren's way is great, not only as the father and the son said, but the master also told him. The heart of the cover lasts forever, the story is not meticulous; the matter is not meticulous, so its words have their own and cannot be changed, and they are not forced to close and do not come out. Yang Shi said: "Looking at this and asking again in the next chapter, the cattle can be seen in their words." "If the fool says that the cattle are like this, if they do not tell them what their sickness is, and if they think of it as a general word of benevolence, then with the other's impatience, they will not be able to think deeply about their sickness, and they will not be able to enter into virtue in the end." So it tells. Although the words of the gai saints are different in height and size, but they are cut to the body of a scholar, and they are all the key to entering morality, they are not different at first, and the reader thinks about it.


Sima Niu asked the gentleman. Zi Yue: "A gentleman is neither worried nor afraid." "Don't worry or be afraid, si call a gentleman?" Zi Yue: "Introspection is not guilty, why should the husband worry or be afraid?" ”

Sima Niu asked how to be a gentleman. Confucius said, "A gentleman is neither sorrow nor afraid." Sima Niu said, "Don't be worried or afraid, so that you can be called a gentleman?" Confucius said, "What sorrow and fear is there in reflecting on oneself without guilt?" ”

Zhu Zi: When xianglu is in turmoil, the cattle are often worried. Therefore, the master informed him of this. Niu Zhi asked again, just like the meaning of the previous chapter, so he told him again. Guilt, illness also. Words are not ashamed of what they do in their daily lives, so they can introspect without guilt, and they cannot be worried about themselves, and they cannot be thought to be easy to ignore. Chao Shi said: "No worries, no fear, no flaws from virtue." Therefore, there is no entry and no self-satisfaction, and there is no real fear and forced dismissal. ”


Sima Niu worried: "Everyone has brothers, and I die alone." Zi Xia Yue: "The business is known, the dead have a life, and the riches are in the heavens." Gentlemen are respectful and respectful, respectful and courteous, and brothers from all over the world. Why should a gentleman suffer from having no brothers? ”

Sima Niu said worriedly, "Everyone else has brothers, but I don't." Zi Xia said, "I have heard that human life and death are predestined, and that man's wealth is determined by heaven." A gentleman acts cautiously and without fault, treats others respectfully and politely, then all the worlds are brothers. Why worry about not having brothers? ”

Zhu Zi: The cow has brothers and the clouds are cloudy, and they are worried that they will die for chaos. "The Master of The Merchants", the Master of the Cover. Destiny is at the beginning of life, and it is not possible to move now. Heaven forbid, not what I can do, but just accept it. He who is content with his destiny should also cultivate himself. Therefore, if you can keep yourself respectful and uninterrupted, and receive people with respect and discipline, then everyone in the world loves and respects them as brothers. Gai ZiXia wants to worry about the cattle, so it is a last resort, and the reader does not mean to be harmful.

Mo Lu listened to the rain and read the Yan Yuan of the Analects


Zi Zhang asked Ming. Zi Yue: "The saying of infiltration, the sorrow of the skin, and the inability to do it, can be said to be clear." The saying of infiltration, the sorrow of the skin, and the inability to do so, can be said to be far away. ”

Zi Zhang asked how to achieve clarity of mind. Confucius said, "The rumors that gradually penetrate, the hurts and slanders that you feel personally, will not work in your place, and it can be called a clear heart." The rumors that gradually penetrate, the hurt and slander that you feel personally, will not work in you, then it can be called wise and lofty. ”

Zhu Zi: Infiltration, like the infiltration of water, moisturizes, gradually staining without suddenness. Zen, the act of destroying people also. Skin suffering, that is, the skin suffers, is very strong, such as "Easy" so-called 'peel the bed to the skin, cut close to the disaster' also. 愬 (愬) (愬), the wrong of self-pity also. If the destroyer gradually stains but does not suddenly, the listener does not feel the depth of his entry and believes. Those who have been wronged are urgent and personal, and those who hear it are not able to give details and are violent. If the two are difficult to detect and can be detected, they can see the clarity of their hearts and not be hidden in the near future. This will also be told because of Zhang's loss, so his words are complicated and not killed, so that Ding Ning's intentions are cloudy.


Zigong asked the government. Zi Yue: "Enough food, enough soldiers, the people's faith." Zi Gong Yue: "I must go away, what is the first of the three Ofs?" Zi Yue: "Go to the soldiers." Zi Gong Yue: "I have to go away, what is the first of Yu Si and si?" Zi Yue: "Go to eat." Since ancient times, there has been death, and the people have no faith or standing. ”

Zigong asked how to govern the country. Confucius said: "Let the country's food be sufficient, make the country's army strong, and the people have full confidence in those in power." Zigong said, "If you have to remove one of the three, which of the three should you give up first?" Confucius said, "Remove the army." Zigong said, "If you have to remove one, what about the first one between the two?" Confucius said: "Since ancient times, no one can avoid death by removing the article of sufficient food, and if the people lose faith in the country, then the country will be in danger." ”

Zhu Zi: "Foot food" sentence, the words are solid and the weapons are prepared to cultivate, and then the teachings are practiced, and the people believe in me, and do not leave the rebellion. The sentence "Must be a last resort" is a sentence that is eaten and believed, and there are no soldiers and there are no soldiers. If the people have no food, they will die, but what the dead will do will not be spared, and if there is no faith, they will not be born with self-reliance, and it is better to die than to die. Therefore, it is better to die than to lose faith in the people, so that the people would rather die than lose faith in me.

Mo Lu listened to the rain and read the Yan Yuan of the Analects


Thorn Zicheng said: "The quality of a gentleman is only enough, why should I write about it?" Zi Gong Yue: "Sorry! The Master's saying gentleman also! Donkeys can't reach the tongue. Wen Yu quality also, quality Yu Wen also, tiger and leopard of the dog and sheep. ”

Thorn Zicheng said: "A gentleman can have a simple and thick quality, what is the use of literary style?" Zigong said, "What a pity! That's how you define a gentleman. A word is uttered, and the horse is difficult to chase. If the literary style is as simple as the plain, and the simplicity is like the literary style, the two are equivalent, just as the skin of the tiger and leopard removes the hair and the skin of the dog and sheep remove the hair, and their skins are no longer different. ”

Zhu Zi: Thorn Zicheng, Wei Dafu, the humanities of the sick time, so this is the word. The words of zigong and zicheng are the meaning of a gentleman. However, if the words come from the tongue, the horse cannot chase them, and it is a pity that it has lost its words. Ruby, peeling hair remover also. The quality of speech and literature is equal to the ear, and it cannot be without it. If he will exhaust his writing and keep his quality alone, then the gentleman and the villain will not be able to distinguish it. The disadvantages of the husband and the thorns at that time are inherently lost; and the disadvantages of the zigong correction are not the difference between the end and the weight, and the loss is lost.


The Duke of Sorrow asked Yu Youruo, "Hunger in the year, insufficient use, so what?" If you say, "Huh? "Second, I am not enough, how thorough is it?" "The people are sufficient, and the kings and the inadequacies are insufficient?" The people are insufficient, and the king is full? ”

Lu Aigong asked Youruo: "The year is not good, the country is difficult to use, what should we do?" He said, "Why don't you practice thoroughly?" Lu Aigong said, "Now that I have two out of ten, I'm still afraid that I won't have enough degrees, so how can I still draw one out of ten?" If you say, "When the people are rich, how can you not be rich?" If the people are poor, how can you be rich? ”

Zhu Zi: The one who calls himself Ruo, the word of the king. Use, refer to the national use. The public will to cover wants to add to the endowment to be fully used also. Thorough, tongye, all also. Weekly system: a husband receives 100 acres of land, and cooperates with the people who share the well in the same ditch, and the acres are harvested. The great people get nine of them, and the public takes one, so it is called thorough. Lu Zi declared that he would pay taxes on mu mu, and if he took one mu by mu, he would take two of them. Therefore, if you please but specialize in practicing the Dhamma thoroughly, you want to use it in public moderation and be generous to the people. Second, the so-called tithe. If the public does not say a certain purpose, it is said to show the meaning of endowment. If the people are rich, the king will not be poor alone; if the people are poor, the king will not be rich alone. If there is a deep meaning of the unity of the king and the people, in order to stop the thickness of the public, it is appropriate for the people to think deeply.

Mo Lu listened to the rain and read the Yan Yuan of the Analects


Zi Zhang asked Chongde and discernment. Zi Yue: "The Lord is faithful, righteous, and revered." Love desires its life, and evil desires its death; it desires both its life and its death; it is confusion. 'Sincerity is not rich, nor is it different.' ’”

Zi Zhang asked what to do to improve moral cultivation and the ability to distinguish doubts. Confucius said, "Focusing on loyalty and faithfulness and making one's actions righteous is the way to improve moral cultivation." If you like a man, you want him to live long, and when you hate a person, you want him to die immediately; you want him to live and you want him to die. The verses say, 'Even if it is not as powerful as the poor who love the rich, they may still see different thoughts.' ’”

Zhu Zi: If the Lord is faithful, then he is established. Righteousness, the new day. Love, evil, and human nature. However, human life and death have a destiny, and they cannot be obtained but desired. Those who love evil and desire their lives are confused. If you want to live and die, you are even more confused. Cheng Ziyi said: "The sentence 'Sincerity is not rich', this error is simplified, blocking the sixteenth article 'Qi Jing Gong has Ma Qiansi', so the following also has the word 'Qi Jing Gong' and is also wrong. ”