
Foreign Ministry: China will resolutely counter the US diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics

author:CCTV News

On December 7, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, on December 6, the Us side announced that the Biden administration will not send any diplomatic or official representatives to attend the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. What is China's comment on this?

Zhao Lijian said that the century lie concocted by the US side that there is "genocide" in Xinjiang has long been debunked by the facts. The US side's attempt to interfere with the Beijing Winter Olympics based on ideological prejudices, lies and rumors will only make people see the sinister intentions of the US side and will only make the US side lose its morality and credibility even more. Speaking of "genocide", the crimes committed against native Indians in American history are the real genocide, and this hat is the most appropriate for the United States to wear itself.

The US approach seriously violates the principle of political neutrality in sports established by the Olympic Charter, runs counter to the more united Olympic motto, and stands against the vast number of athletes and sports enthusiasts around the world. The Chinese side expresses its strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the US side, has made solemn representations to the US side, and will make a resolute countermeasure.

Zhao Lijian pointed out: The Winter Olympics are not a stage for political showmanship and political manipulation. According to Olympic rules, officials from various countries should be invited by their national Olympic Committees to attend the Olympic Games. Whether OR not U.S. government officials attend the Beijing Winter Olympics and whether they come to cheer for their athletes is a matter for the U.S. side. In the absence of an invitation, the US side linked whether or not to send government officials to attend the so-called "Xinjiang human rights issue.", which is completely inverting black and white, adding mistakes to mistakes, and deceiving itself. The political plot of the United States is unpopular and doomed to failure.

Zhao Lijian stressed that the Beijing Winter Olympics is a grand event for winter Olympic athletes and ice and snow sports enthusiasts around the world, and they are the protagonists. The international community, including the International Olympic Committee, highly recognizes China's preparatory work, and foreign athletes are eagerly looking forward to participating in China, including a large number of American athletes. We believe that under the guidance of the Olympic spirit and the joint efforts of all parties, China will certainly be able to present a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event to the world. The US side should stop politicizing sports and stop interfering with words and deeds that undermine the Beijing Winter Olympics, otherwise it will undermine dialogue and cooperation between the two countries in a series of important areas and on international and regional issues.

(CCTV reporter Shen Yang Kong Luyuan)

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Foreign Ministry: China will resolutely counter the US diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics