
How often is it healthier to eat hot pot? The key is to pay attention to these 5 points!

author:Healthy China

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The weather is gradually getting colder, and many people choose to eat hot pot, right? Hot pot has a wide variety of ingredients and a delicious and spicy taste, which makes people more and more addicted the more they eat. Moreover, hot pot is almost the easiest way to make food. Wash ingredients, make your own soup base, plug in the electricity... Sit and wait for "Gollum" and eat!

Usually, everyone feels that the hot pot is nourishing and warm, but some people have found through experiments that the hot pot is cooked for a long time, not only the nutrition of the ingredients will be lost, but also the soup water is easy to produce nitrites that are harmful to the human body. The so-called hot pot is delicious, but also beware of "toxic"! So the question is: what are the taboos for eating hot pot?


How often is it healthier to eat hot pot? The key is to pay attention to these 5 points!

Comments: Recently, a big mother was too anxious to eat hot pot, resulting in gastrointestinal ulcers, and was admitted to the hospital. The human mouth, esophagus and gastric mucosa can generally only tolerate high temperatures of 50 ° C. Food that is too hot will damage the mucous membranes when ingested. The temperature of the hot pot soup can be as high as 120 ° C, and if the food is taken out and eaten, it is very easy to burn the mouth, tongue, esophagus and gastric mucosa. Some people who originally have recurrent aphthous sores are prone to fire after eating hot pot, and the probability of aphthous sores will be several times more, or lead to aggravated symptoms of inflammation of the original oral mucosa. Repeatedly, it may also induce esophageal cancer. The most dangerous are those who suffer from precancerous lesions such as leukoplakia of the oral mucosa or lichen planus, and the heat of the hot pot and the stimulation of the seasoning will accelerate the progression of the disease.


How often is it healthier to eat hot pot? The key is to pay attention to these 5 points!

Comments: In addition to the fact that such eating may cause indigestion, what is more frightening is that the bacteria and parasite eggs hidden in the food will enter the gastrointestinal tract with the food, resulting in the occurrence of diseases. According to studies, three serious parasitic diseases – trichinellosis, taeniasis and cysticercosis – can all be transmitted through hot pot. Unclean pork slices and beef slices are likely to contain these 3 parasites. At present, although it is uncertain whether the lamb contains trichinella, tapeworm and cyst worms, there have been reports that eating shabu lamb has caused people to get trichinellosis. If you have a parasitic disease, you will be weak, sore muscles, puffy body, and sometimes there will be a tingling sensation when you step on the ground.


How often is it healthier to eat hot pot? The key is to pay attention to these 5 points!

Comments: Most of the soups of the hot pot use high-fat foods such as pigs, sheep, butter as the base, and mostly use peppers, peppers and peppers as condiments, and eating too much can easily lead to high blood lipids, cholelithiasis, duodenal ulcers, mouth ulcers, gingivitis, hemorrhoids and other diseases. In addition, the hot pot soup boils for a long time, and the ingredients in it will undergo some chemical reactions to produce harmful substances. For example, the porphyrin substances contained in meat and seafood are mostly soluble in soups, and the high concentration of porphyrin in the soup is metabolized by the liver, which may cause gout and damage kidney function in severe cases. So, don't drink hot pot soup! Even if the homemade hot pot soup is washed repeatedly, there are more impurities inside and it is not healthy.


How often is it healthier to eat hot pot? The key is to pay attention to these 5 points!

Comments: After eating hot dishes, the gastrointestinal system expands, followed by immediately drinking a large number of cold drinks, the original warm stomach is suddenly stimulated by cold, which is easy to lead to a series of adverse reactions. At this time, the blood vessels will contract rapidly, and the secretion of gastric juice will change, which is not only poor for digestion, but may even lead to an increase in blood pressure, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms. Suddenly hot and cold, extremely unfavorable to the gastric mucosa, it is very easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases. Alternating hot and cold, the stomach has been double tested in a short period of time, and it is not uncomfortable to be strange.


How often is it healthier to eat hot pot? The key is to pay attention to these 5 points!

Comments: The mouth has been eating, then the secretion of gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice and other digestive juices cannot be stopped. If this process lasts for several hours, the glands do not get normal rest, it may lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction and abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc., and serious diseases such as chronic gastroenteritis and pancreatitis may occur. Another manifestation is that you eat too long, eat too much, and have insomnia at night. Moreover, the longer the food in the hot pot is cooked, the lower the nutritional value, and even at the end, the junk food that is eaten into the mouth may have no nutritional value, and even endanger health.

The author | Wang Yuqi, Department of Nutrition, Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital affiliated to Jinan University

Audit | expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Zheng Peifen, chief physician of the Department of Nutrition and Gastroenterology of Zhejiang Hospital

Planner | Tan Jia Yu Yunxi

Cartography | Yu Yun West

Editor| Yu Yunxi

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