
"Xun Ge'er" and his "Monkeys" (4)

author:LS Furuya

There is a large garden behind my house, which is called the Hundred Grass Garden according to legend. Now it has long been sold to Zhu Wengong's descendants with the house, and even the last meeting has been seven or eight years away, and it seems that there are only some weeds in it; but it was my paradise at that time.

"Xun Ge'er" and his "Monkeys" (4)

It is not necessary to say that the turquoise vegetable beds, the smooth stone well bars, the tall soap pod trees, and the purple mulberry trees; it is not necessary to say that the cicadas are groaning in the leaves, the fat wasps are crouching on the cauliflower, and the lightly called Tianzi (skylark) suddenly flew straight from the grass to the clouds. Just the short mud wall roots around it are infinitely interesting. Butterflies sing here, crickets play the piano here. Turning over the broken bricks, you will sometimes encounter centipedes; and there are also spotted scorpions, if you press your fingers on its spine, you will clap and spew out a puff of smoke from the back. He Shou Wu vine and Wood Lotus vine are entangled, Wood Lotus has lotus-like fruits, and He Shou Wu has bloated roots. Some people say that He Shou Wugen is humanoid, and when I eat it, I can become a fairy, so I often pull it up, implicate it continuously, and I have also damaged the mud wall because of this, but I have never seen a root that looks like a human. If you are not afraid of thorns, you can also pick raspberries, like small balls of coral beads, sour and sweet, and the color and taste are far better than mulberries.

The long grass is not to be visited, because according to legend, there is a big red snake in this garden.

"Xun Ge'er" and his "Monkeys" (4)

The eldest mother once told me a story to listen to: Earlier, there was a reader who lived in an ancient temple and worked hard, and at night, when he was cooling in the courtyard, he suddenly heard someone calling him. Agreed, when I looked around, I saw a beautiful woman's face exposed on the wall, smiled at him, and disappeared. He was very happy; but he had revealed the mechanism to the old monk who had come to talk at night. It is said that there is some demon on his face, and he must have met the "beautiful snake"; this is a monster with a human head and a snake body, which can call people by name, and if he agrees, he will come to eat this man's flesh at night. Naturally, he was scared to death, but the old monk said that it was okay to give him a small box, saying that as long as it was placed next to the pillow, he could lie on his pillow. Although he did the same, he always couldn't sleep,—— of course he couldn't sleep. In the middle of the night, sure enough, it came, rustling! Outside the door was like the sound of wind and rain. When he was shaking, he heard a loud sound, a golden light flew out of the pillow, there was no sound outside, and the golden light flew back and was in the box. And later? Later, the old monk said that this was a flying centipede, it could suck the brain marrow of the snake, and the beautiful snake was cured by it.

"Xun Ge'er" and his "Monkeys" (4)

The lesson at the end of the day is: Therefore if a strange voice calls your name, you must not promise him. 

This story makes me feel very dangerous, the summer night is cool, often a little worried, afraid to look at the wall, and desperately want to get a box of flying centipedes like an old monk. When I walked to the grass in the Hundred Grass Garden, I often thought the same way. But until now, I have never gotten it, but I have never met a red snake or a beautiful snake. Strange voices calling me by name are naturally common, but none of them are beautiful snakes.

In winter, the herb garden is more odorless; when the snow falls, it is different. Shooting snowmen (printing their full form on the snow) and shaping snow arhats need to be appreciated, this is a deserted garden, inaccessible, so it is not suitable, so they have to come to catch birds. Thin snow is not enough; it is always necessary for the snow to cover the ground for a day or two, and the birds and finches have nowhere to feed for a long time. Sweep away a piece of snow, expose the ground, use a short stick to support a large bamboo sieve, sprinkle some grain underneath, tie a long rope on the stick, people hold it from a distance, watch the birds and finches come down to peck, and when they go to the bottom of the bamboo sieve, they pull the rope and cover it. But the most people who get are sparrows, and there are also white-cheeked "Zhang Fei Bird", who are very irritable and can't be raised overnight.

This is the method taught by The Father of the LeapIng Earth, but I can't use it very well. Obviously, he saw them go in, pulled the rope, and ran to see, but there was nothing, it took half a day's effort, and only three or four were caught. Leaping Earth's father was able to catch dozens of them in half a day, put them in fork bags and scream and crash. I once asked him the reason for the gain or loss, and he only smiled quietly: "You are too anxious to wait for it to go to the middle." ”

I don't know why my family sent me to the school, which is called the most severe school in the city. Maybe it's because He Shouwu destroyed the mud wall, maybe it's because the Liang family who threw the bricks on the middle wall went, maybe it's because he jumped down from the stone well railing... There's no way to know. All in all: I will not be able to go to the Hundred Grass Garden very often. Ade, my crickets! Ade, my raspberries and wood lilies!

"Xun Ge'er" and his "Monkeys" (4)

Going out to the east, not more than half a mile, walking across a stone bridge, is my husband's home. Enter through a black bamboo door, and the third room is the study. In the middle hangs a plaque: Sanwei Bookstore; below the plaque is a painting of a very fat sika deer crouching under an ancient tree. Without the Confucius tablet, we saluted the plaque and the deer. The first time was to worship Confucius, and the second time was to worship Mr. Confucius.

At the second ceremony, the gentleman kindly answered the salute. He was a tall, thin old man with gray hair and large glasses. I had great respect for him, for I had heard earlier that he was the most square, simple, and erudite man in the city.

I don't know where to hear it, Dongfang Shuo is also very knowledgeable, he knows a kind of insect, called "weird", the anger is dissolved, and once it is poured with wine, it is dissipated. I would love to know this story in detail, but Ah Chang doesn't know, because she is not knowledgeable after all. Now that you have the opportunity, you can ask sir.

"Sir, what's going on with this 'weird' worm?" I went to the book of life, and when I was about to retire, I hurried to ask.

"I don't know!" He seemed very unhappy, and there was anger on his face.

"Xun Ge'er" and his "Monkeys" (4)

I know that as a student, you should not ask these things, just read, because he is a profound Confucian, and he will never be unaware, and the so-called ignorant person is not willing to say. People older than me, often so, I've met several times.

I just read books, learn words at noon, and have classes at night. Sir was very harsh on me in the first few days, but later he got better, but the books he read to me gradually increased, and the words were gradually added to the class, from three words to five words, and finally to seven words.

There is also a garden behind the BaicaoYuan Sanwei Book House, although small, but there you can also climb up the flower bed to fold wax plum blossoms and look for cicadas on the ground or on the osmanthus tree. The best job is to catch flies and feed the ants, quietly without sound. However, the fellow windows went to the garden too much, too long, but it was not okay, and the gentleman shouted in the study:

"Where have all the people gone?"

One by one, people walked back; they couldn't go back together. He has a ruler, but it is not commonly used, and there is also a rule of punishment for kneeling, but it is not commonly used, and the ordinary always just stares a few times and says loudly:


So everyone opened their throats and read for a while, and it was really loud. There are those who read "Ren is far more than I want Ren Si Ren to be the best", those who read "Laughing at the lack of human teeth and the dog's sinus are wide open", those who read "Don't use the Nine Hidden Dragons on the Top", and those who read "Don't Use the Dragon Under the Soil"... The gentleman himself also studied. Later, our voices went down and quieted down, and only he read aloud:

"Tie Ruyi, the commander of the puppet, is shocked to sit down; Jin Porphyry, upside down, a thousand cups are not drunk..."

I suspected that it was a very good article, because reading this, he always smiled, and he lifted his head, shook it, and threw it backwards, and threw it over.

"Xun Ge'er" and his "Monkeys" (4)

When sir reads and immerses himself in reading, it is very suitable for us. A few of them played on their fingernails with paper-paste armor. I was painting, using a kind of embroidery called "Jingchuan paper", which was painted one by one on the embroidered portraits of the novel, like the shadow writing when I was learning to write. More books were read, more paintings were drawn; the books were not read, but the results of the paintings were not few, and the most fragmented were the embroidered portraits of "Dang Kou Zhi" and "Journey to the West", all of which had a large number of copies. Later, because he wanted money, he sold it to a rich classmate. His father had opened a tin foil shop; he had heard that he was now a shopkeeper and was about to rise to the rank of gentleman, and this thing had long since ceased to exist.

"From The Hundred Grass Garden to the Sanwei Book House"