
Turtle soup nourishes aphrodisiac to reduce high blood pressure and has a good effect on anemia

author:New Oriental students share food

Today I will teach you a turtle soup without any big messy spices. Ensure that the soup is fresh and tender.

Ham stewed turtle:

Turtle soup nourishes aphrodisiac to reduce high blood pressure and has a good effect on anemia

Ingredients: turtle, ham

Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken juice (or chicken essence), green onion, sesame oil

Directions: 1. Slaughter the turtle to remove the internal organs and wash it, and blanch the turtle with 70 to 90 degrees. Use a wire ball to remove the outer skin.

2. Slice the ham and blanch it in water and set aside. The turtle blanched again. Wash all the visceral skin and set aside.

3. Boil water in a pot with green onion and ginger slices. MSG chicken essence is added to the turtle and ham slices. Open the pressure cooker on high heat for eight minutes, add salt and add green onion to the plate. You can put less sesame oil or not.

The soup is golden and delicious, and it is very nutritious and well worth trying at home.