
In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

author:Talk about the art

First, I would like to present the answer to the question in the title: "Shijing Xiaoya Tateshina (lù é)": "Take care of me to restore me, in and out of the abdomen and me", "fu" means "repeated", repeated originally refers to the situation of uncertain choices due to the lack of a clear goal in the heart, which refers to the situation in which parents take care of their children, and they cannot choose to go in and out constantly (is it to let go of the child's labor, or to hold the child?). The compound here is the Chinese character that we are going to talk about in detail today.

"復" is a Chinese character for the "彳" part in the Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字). The character "復" was listed as "complex" in the 1986 "Simplified Word General Table", and "fu" is a common word in modern Chinese, and, in the "Shuowen Jiezi" "夂" section of the "Fu" writing (pronounced fú), the glyph writing is as follows, the upper left of the figure, and eventually developed into "complex", in fact, today's lesson solves the two glyphs contained in the "Shuowen Jiezi" of the complex:

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(Two sources of "complex")

Therefore, "fu" is a key Chinese character that needs to be memorized. Details are as follows:

Complex (復). Read fù. The explanation given by the "Explanation of Words" is "fu, back and forth." From the 彳, the complex sound. "Shape sound word. Another way of writing in the figure above, the explanation given by the "Explanation of Words in the Text" is: "Walking the Way", the meaning of the two writing methods is basically no difference, and, from the perspective of glyph development, in the oracle bone, "complex" is from the "夂" part, "夂" already has the meaning of "line", so "彳" is the later additive meaning symbol. The glyph development of the complex is shown in the following figure:

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(The development of the glyph containing "complex" in "Etymology")

You see, the early "fu" originally did not have a "彳" side, but it was added later.

The original meaning of restoration is to return; also. Arya Commentary: "Restore, return." Duan Yujie's "Notes on the Interpretation of The Words of the Sayings": "The "Shubu" said: Return, return also." Also, fuse also. All are trained to come and go. "It's just going and going back. "Little Erya Guangyan": "Fu, also also." "Yi Tai" is never repeated. For example, "Zuo Chuan Huan Gong Five Years": "Chun Yu Gong is like Cao, surviving his national crisis, and will not recover." Du Pre-noted: "The state is in danger and cannot be at ease, so it will not return to the DPRK." Chun Yugong arrived at the Cao Kingdom. He estimated that his country would be in danger, so he did not return home. Another example is the Chu Ci Nine Chapters lamentations: "It has not been restored for nine years." That is, (Qu Yuan) spent nine years outside and did not return to his homeland.

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(Qu Yuan in long-term exile)

It can also refer to repetition. For example, the "Book of Poetry, Xiaoya Tateshina": "Take care of me and restore me, and go in and out of my belly." The Biography of Mao said: "Repeat, repeat also." "Refers to the parents' care for their children, constantly going in and out of the inability to make trade-offs, resulting in indeterminate choices (is it to let go of the child's labor, or to hold the child?). )。

In addition to the original meaning, there are many more uses of compound, to name a few commonly used words:

(1) Recovery; For example, the "Chronicle of the Plains of The Plains": "Three phases, three restorations." It refers to Pingyuan Jun, who served as the prime minister of King Huiwen of Zhao and King Xiaocheng, and once left the position of prime minister three times, and was reinstated three times. Another example is Tang Yuanjie's "Ode to The Great Tang Zhongxing" (the one who learned the Yan style must have passed the "Ode to the Tang Zhongxing"): "Its years are restored to two capitals, and the emperor is still the beijing master." The "fuse of the two capitals" here refers to the "Anshi Rebellion" after the official army recaptured Chang'an and Luoyang.

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(Part of Yan Zhenqing's "Ode to The Tang Dynasty")

(2) Retaliation. For example, in the "Zuo Chuan Ding Gong Four Years": "(Wu Yuan) said Shen Bao Xu Yue: 'I will restore the Chu Kingdom'" Du Pre-noted: "Fu, repay also." When Wu Zixu fled, he said to Shen Baoxu, "I must take revenge (subvert) the Chu state." In fact, he really took revenge on chu in the end.

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(Portrait of Wu Zixu)

(3) Reward. For example, the Book of Han and the Transmission of the Xiongnu: "Restore the grace of the Son of Heaven." Yan Shigu's note: "Fu yi retribution." "Repay the kindness of the Son of Heaven."

(4) Tell; reply. "Xiao Erya Guangyan II": "Fu, Bai Ye." For example, the "Chronicle of Sima Xiangru": "It is the king's resignation that will not be restored." Sima Zhen's "History of Suoyin" quoted Guo Puyue: "Fu, answer also." The King of Qi did not answer any words.

(5) Compensation. "Li Ji ZengZi asked": "Except for mourning, do not return to the ceremony?" Zheng Xuan's note: "Fu, Yu Pay also." "The gist is: (when there is a funeral at the time of the wedding, do the funeral first), and do you want to make up the wedding after the funeral has passed?

(6) Practice; performance. "Analects of Learning": "Faith is close to righteousness, and words can be restored." Zhu Xi's note: "Fu, practice words also." "Trustworthiness is close to righteousness, and what is said must be fulfilled."

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(Statue of Confucius)

(7) Exemption (taxation and servitude). For example, "Mozi Order": "Men, women, old and young, no one, people give money and thousands, and they are three years old." "Whoever, regardless of men, women and children, participates in the defense shall not be given a reward of one thousand per knight, and shall be exempted from taxation for three years.

(8) Leniency; preferential treatment. For example, "Lü's Spring and Autumn Reward": "Therefore, the sin of restoring the right lord is." "It means that Qin Xiangong pardoned the sins of the Right Lord.

(9) Tranquility; appeasement. For example, "Zuo Chuan Zhao Gong Twenty-Seven Years": "The restoration of the Ji clan, the forgiveness of heaven." Du pre-noted: "Fu Yu'an also." Ji Shi was appeased, and it was Heaven who pardoned him.

(10) The ancient saying that after death, people will summon their souls to return. It is the name of the summoning soul, such as the "Li Ji Tan Bow": "Fu, the way of love." Zheng Xuan's note: "Resurrection is summoning souls." ”

(11) One of the sixty-four trigrams, shaking down Kun shang. "Easy Fu": "Thunder is in the earth, fuse." It is generally believed that the explanation of the compound gua is that the thunder is moving slightly in the ground, symbolizing the "recovery" of yang qi.

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(The Gua Xiang of the Compound Gua)

(12) Used as an adverb, there are three more uses:

First, it means repeating or continuing, which is equivalent to "re". For example, Li Bai's "Will Enter the Wine": "The king does not see the water of the Yellow River rising from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning." ”

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and flows to the sea and never returns)

Second, it indicates rhetorical questions or strengthens the tone. For example, "Ancient Poems for Jiao Zhongqing's Wife": "The child has been Thin Luxiang, fortunate to have regained this woman." ”

Third, it indicates the frequency, which is equivalent to "and", "also". For example, Tao Yuanming's "Reading the Classic of Mountains and Seas": "Immortality, long live as usual." ”

(13) Used as a conjunction. Represents a side-by-side relationship. Equivalent to "and", "and". For example, Wang Wei's "Memories of Li Kai in the Snow": "Chang'an Thousand Doors and Thousands of Households, Where to Fall (Read Xiè Dié) Golden Bondage." ”

(14) Used as a mnemonic. Plays a role in supplementing or adjusting syllables. For example, "Mulan Poems": "Chirping and chirping, Mulan is weaving." Another example is Du Fu's "Gift to the Eight Virgins": "What is the future of this night?" A total of this lamp candlelight. ”

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(What is the eve of this night?) Common this lamp candlelight)

(15) For place names. First, the west of Qiuyang County, Hubei Province. "Ji Yun · House Rhyme": "Fu, the name of the state." Second, it is now FuXian County, Liaoning Province.

(16) In addition, the words "complex, covered, and abdomen" are also used, and the meaning of the common word is taken, which is not described in detail.

Fu is still a surname, which is contained in the Orthographic Pass. The "Zuo Biography" and "History" all record people with the surname Fu.

The small seal of the complex is written as shown in the following figure:

In the verse "Take care of me and restore me, go in and out of the abdomen and me" in the verse of the Book of Verses, what does "restore" mean?

(Compound small seal notation)

([Explanation of words] no. 289, some pictures quoted from the Internet, copyright belongs to the original author)