
Zhenping County Pengying Town Party History Study and Education Activities: Watching the Red Movie "Born in the Sky"

author:Throughout the news

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the party history study and education mobilization conference, carry forward the party's glorious traditions and fine work style, strengthen confidence, gather strength, and create a strong atmosphere of "learning party history, enlightening the mind, doing practical things, and opening a new situation", on the evening of December 1, Pengying Town, Zhenping County, organized all cadres and workers to watch the red movie "Born out of the Sky".

The film mainly tells the story of General Feng Shi and scientist Lu Guangda leading scientific research troops to overcome difficulties in the northwest desert and finally complete the explosion of China's first atomic bomb. Relying on their indomitable and strong will to be fearless of difficulties, and relying on the burning patriotic spirit in their hearts, they have created miracles that belong to the Chinese.

Born out of nowhere, Mang Kunlun, reading the spring colors of the world. Through watching the film, we learned about an unknown history, remembered these anonymous ancestors, and made us more firm in our ideals and beliefs. Study the history of the party, follow the party, inherit the party's fine work style, and always maintain the party's spirit of struggle. In the future work, we will not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, integrate the revolutionary spirit into ordinary work, base ourselves on our posts, have the courage to take responsibility, and contribute our strength to better serve the masses of the people with practical actions. (Liu Zhenwei, Jiang Zheng)

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