
For the first time in 60 years, the U.S. military has erupted into a financial crisis, and the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act is hopeless

author:Military intelligence writer Chen Xi

Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in the United States, a full year and nine months have passed so far, and although some more positive measures have been taken to fight the epidemic since the Biden administration took office, the pit dug by Trump is too big, coupled with the widespread anti-scientism in the United States, resulting in the epidemic being unable to be controlled at all. Coupled with Delta and the latest, The Latest, The 3000s, the two variants of the coronavirus continue to proliferate, further intensifying the U.S. fight against the pandemic. In fact, the United States is so epidemic-proof, and the world outside China is so epidemic-proof, the epidemic situation cannot get better at all! Due to the epidemic, the productivity of the United States has dropped sharply, followed by the inevitable Great Recession! The impact of this Great Recession is global, first impacting the lives of ordinary Americans and soon the normal military spending of the U.S. military.

For the first time in 60 years, the U.S. military has erupted into a financial crisis, and the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act is hopeless

According to the latest report on the US Defense News website, the original US Congress had to pass the legislative process every year to determine the "National Defense Authorization Act" for the next fiscal year, but the hope of this process this year has been "almost dashed", and republican senators in the US Congress have forcibly blocked the passage of the 2022 "National Defense Authorization Act" at the end of last month with the so-called lack of time to review the provisions of the amendment. At the end of each year, the agenda of the U.S. Congress is always full, which means that the United States does not have enough time to vote on the bill in a formal process, because the process is quite time-consuming.

For the first time in 60 years, the U.S. military has erupted into a financial crisis, and the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act is hopeless

The result of this incident is "disastrous" for the US political arena and the military, on the one hand, it means that throughout the 2022 fiscal year, the US military will face a very serious financial crisis, bearing in mind that the bill was first passed in 1961, and there has never been such a situation in 60 years. Using the National Defense Authorization Act at the end of the previous year to provide military spending for the next year's U.S. military is one of the important signs of compromise and cooperation between the two parties of the Democratic And Republican Parties! Of course, in the past 10 years, especially after the economic crisis in 2008, the contradictions between the two parties in the United States have intensified, and the entire American society has been torn apart! Now it seems that the fierce party struggle in the United States and the despair of internal problems are impossible even to follow the normal judicial administrative process!

For the first time in 60 years, the U.S. military has erupted into a financial crisis, and the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act is hopeless

Specifically, this move will also cause great damage to the confidence of America's allies! Not long ago, US President Biden just promised to provide Australia with nuclear submarine construction technology, such a money-burning project, naturally need high military expenditure to support, but the Americans themselves are running out of money, and whether they can provide technology to their allies in time is still unknown.

For the first time in 60 years, the U.S. military has erupted into a financial crisis, and the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act is hopeless

Next, the US military is still facing quite a lot of problems, requiring a lot of money-burning equipment construction and research and development programs. For example, there are three unfinished Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers left, one of which will cost at least $12 billion or more. In addition, they are planning and building 12 Columbia-class strategic nuclear submarines, and the cost of one is more than $7 billion! The U.S. Air Force is also promoting the development of the B-21 stealth strategic bomber, in addition, the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force, each has its own hypersonic weapons research and development projects, these projects are not burning money, it can not continue at all. And you must pay on time every year to keep the project on schedule! Therefore, today, the financial crisis facing the US military is unimaginably serious - impacting the progress of all major projects, and even the probability of success!

For the first time in 60 years, the U.S. military has erupted into a financial crisis, and the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act is hopeless

But then again, there is still one last hope left for the U.S. military, and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Reid said that the U.S. Congress is likely to force the bill through due process, and they hope that in the same way used in 2013, the Senate and House Committee chairs will hold an informal meeting, and then come up with a compromise version of the National Defense Authorization Act, pass it in the shortest possible time, and then let US President Biden quickly sign it. If you can't even do this expediency, you're done. Of course, looking at the current situation of the United States that year is not as good as a year, we should understand that any expedient measures are useless, and the final fate of the United States may be extremely tragic!