
Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

author:Food God Tao Ge Food Exchange

Hunan cuisine has formed a cuisine system as early as the Han Dynasty, with three local flavors based on the Xiangjiang River Basin, Dongting Lake Area and Xiangxi Mountainous Area. Hunan cuisine has always attached importance to the combination of raw materials and the mutual penetration of taste. Hunan cuisine is especially sour and spicy. Due to the geographical location, the climate in Hunan is mild and humid, so people like to eat peppers to refresh their minds and get wet. Let's take a look at the top 10 "alternative" foods in Hunan, which are regarded as delicious by locals and impossible for foreign diners to eat.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

1. Chenzhou fishmeal

Not I blow, Chenzhou every 100 meters there are two or three powder shops, 80% of the powder shops called Qi Fengdu fishmeal, and each store 100% have Qifengdu fishmeal, five dollars a bowl of affordable plus an egg 7 tube full, Chenzhou fishmeal pays attention to a spicy, Hengyang fishmeal pays attention to a fresh. Leaving aside the other flavors, the bowl of fish soup is the most important. So about boiling soup, every fishmeal shop has its own experience, can make the fish fillet into thin slices, fry first, then boil the soup, and finally add a little pepper, a little caper, a small spoonful of onions, and then the painting style becomes like this. You can choose fillet meal, fish head meal, fish belly powder, and eat a bite of flour first. And then take a sip of soup on this unfinished powder, my God, it's heaven.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

2. Shaoyang blood sauce duck

Shaoyang's blood sauce duck, listening to this name is particularly cool, very delicious, may be the second best duck in Hunan Province (because in my heart of the child ginger fried duck is the first place) thick duck blood sauce wrapped in duck meat, and refreshing lettuce stewed together, stewed together, when eating that duck blood sauce taste rich wrapped in fat duck meat, I want to say, that whole plate please give me. However, for foreign diners, if they want to accept the taste of this dish, it is estimated that they will need to slowly adapt. I also want to mention the sauce plate duck in Hunan, which is usually very spicy, but it is very delicious, and I want to spit when I smell it, and I want to continue to eat it until my face is red.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

3. Chenzhou Zilong County jar meat

Chenzhou Zilong County jar meat, the first time I ate it was sent by a friend of Chenzhou, a small jar, particularly unremarkable, but my friend said it was very spicy to arouse my interest. Take it home and open it, and the scent of the soul will come to your face. My cousin, who says every day that you can't eat so spicy, sees that we eat very fragrantly, and can't help but come to a piece, ah, really fragrant. Later, I gave Amway to my colleague, and there were many Cantonese people in the company, and I said with tears, "Delicious, but too spicy." Recommend that you can eat spicy guest officers to try, you will not regret it. A piece of meat can dry a bowl of rice series.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

4: Chilli peeled eggs

The combination of chili peppers and peeled eggs can be said to be an absolutely heavy delicacy. Many out-of-town diners will definitely say, what kind of food is this? Hunan locals generally make this dish with chopsticks to insert peppers, put on the gas stove to bake, and then peel off the black layer, casually chop and throw into the bo (bo), the skin eggs can be steamed in advance, this step is a matter of opinion, direct peeling can also be. Then cut to your preferred size. Peel two cloves of garlic and casually chop them into a bo. To keep the flavor rich and the skin of the egg intact, add a little soy sauce and eat it.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

5. Spicy snacks

I remember that after the evening self-study in high school, I used ten yuan to buy a Zhiyin Comic Book, a pack of Flip Tianwa, a bottle of soda, a pack of small fish boys, watching the Comic Man on the bed while eating Flip Tianwa until one o'clock in the morning, sitting up and drinking soda, opening the window to blow the wind, summer nights, the sound of insects and cars and dogs barking in the distance, suddenly saw the five or three on the table, took out a pen to make a cone curve, just sewed a draft on the side of the page, and then wrote a lyric or two lyrics or someone's name, this time yawning, there was a hint of sleepiness , fell on the bed, closed his eyes on the wall to find the switch, pressed down, and then opened his eyes, the moonlight just shone in, took a deep breath, turned over, the hand touched the long-distance passenger who had read the book, cool, and there was the sound of the train whistle in the distance, really sleepy, sleep.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

6: Stir-fried yellow beef

Stir-fried yellow beef is a very typical Hunan dish, the tender yellow beef is the protagonist, and the pepper is the soul. The most important thing is that the method is not difficult, you can make it at home, it is the most basic home-cooked dish in Hunan cuisine, and it can be seen in restaurants large and small.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

Prepare beef, millet spicy, line pepper, pickled wild pepper, lard, vegetable oil, garlic, salt, pepper, oyster sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, and other spices. Peppers must be many, peppers are the soul. Pour the thinly sliced beef into oyster sauce, soy sauce, stir well and marinate. The sautéing of the dish of small stir-fried yellow beef is also very important, basically ensuring that it is cooked for one minute.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

Beef tender and smooth, full of gravy, spicy and fragrant, belongs to the more you eat the more you eat the kind, the more spicy you eat, the more spicy you want to eat, even the pepper can not let go. Eating a bite will have the urge to stop, the more spicy the more you want to eat, ordinary appetite people can make two bowls of rice, can eat a little of three bowls of almost. The soup is then poured over the rice, which is the number one on my next meal list.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

7: Stir-fried bacon with chili peppers

Bacon eaten by a family in the Bushan District of Shaoyang City in 2012. That year was very cold, a group of us sat around the wood stove to roast the fire, a hanging pot on the stove, the head of the household took out his own smoked bacon cut into pieces, poured into the pot and stir-fried suddenly the aroma of bacon spread in the hot wave of the stove smelled our mouth-watering, there is not too much condiment, just some white peppers, the more fried the more fragrant. After frying, the head of the household brought us rice, the bacon is still in the hanging pot, the flames are burning in the hanging pot below, the aroma is emitted with the heat in the sound of the bacon nourishment, the aroma is rich in the mouth, the oil is not greasy, the incense overflows the entire mouth, with a little bit of white pepper slightly spicy, this salty local delicacy, let me still miss, wrapped in bacon flavor and white pepper spicy, eating in the mouth is really too satisfying.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

8: Shake the pepper with eggplant

Let's talk about my favorite dish when I was a child: steaming peppers and eggplant, mashing them in a bowl, then putting salt; pouring them in hot oil, accompanied by a crackling sound, and a delicacy is born. The dialect of our tea is called: eggplant shake pepper.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

9: Chop the head of the pepper fish

Minced pepper fish head is Hunan's signature dish, this fish head is cleaned up, with cooking wine, a small amount of salt, to its front and back to the side of the touch evenly. Then put the ginger slices and green onion white on the inside of the fish head, let it marinate for ten minutes, after 15 minutes of marinating, we will put this green onion white and ginger slices on the bottom of this plate, and then lay the fish head on top. At this time, give him pepper, the most important thing is this pepper, in fact, to the pepper fish head to make it delicious, mainly depends on the taste of this pepper.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

10. Pig blood pills

Pig blood balls, even cooking skills are not needed, when cooking rice, put one in the rice pot, steamed together with rice, and then taken out and cut into slices, that is really fragrant, oil nourishing, too delicious, the only drawback is that the seasonality is too strong, can only be done in winter, can only eat a season, after the end of the year the weather is hot can only eat inventory.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth


There are many reasons why Hunan cuisine is becoming more and more spicy. Hunan cuisine pays attention to large plates and large bowls of long chopsticks double tabletop, a table can sit seventeen or eight people, although because of the terroir and climate, the emphasis on spicy taste, but the general dishes are also thick and thick, still in line with the yangtze River area cooking nature. As a result, the spiciness is higher than Sichuan cuisine, the ingredients look more "earthy", and the cooking techniques look more "scarce", but also have more local feelings of some Hunan restaurants, which have opened all over the country and "seduced" Hunan compatriots who are away from home.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

In the past, in some economically underdeveloped but pepper-producing areas, chili peppers could be cheaper than fish and vegetables, which were loved by the toiling public and kept a distance from the exquisite dishes of the upper class - just like the non-spicy Hunan dishes in "Hunan Cuisine Collection", in fact, they all have a bit of "landlord old wealth" temperament. After all, they love to eat spicy mainly to resist the humid and hot climate, the spiciness is just needed, the spicy better, spicy to sweat, always more painful than cloudy days dry steaming people.

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

The biggest side effect of "chili fried everything" is that the bacon smoked shoots, or abalone sea cucumber, stir-fried out are all a taste. Not only is Hunan cuisine completely spicy and unpleasant, but our taste is also getting hotter and spicy, and there is no room for other flavors of hunan cuisine. Although this change is also natural and involuntary, is it a good phenomenon that we are sweating and dizzy when we are so hot that we are dizzy?

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

As one of the eight major cuisines in China, hunan cuisine only has a spicy taste? A cuisine that has been passed down so hard and is widely popular, but at the expense of many famous dishes, is it surviving or declining for this cuisine? Is it still the whole cuisine that has been passed down in this way?

Hunan's top 10 "alternative" cuisines are regarded as delicious by locals, and foreign diners have no way to mouth

Today's sharing is here, what is your favorite Hunan cuisine? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, like friends remember to pay attention to the next, I wish everyone good health in 2021, the source of wealth is rolling, goodbye!

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