
Follow the dust-free reading of good books and build a good intimate parent-child relationship (ninety-five)

author:Psychological counselor Miao Baoping
Follow the dust-free reading of good books and build a good intimate parent-child relationship (ninety-five)

Friends are friendly, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor, and the name of the network is like dust.

Today we continue to read dr. Yue Xiaodong's book "The Feeling of Ascending to Heaven: I Did Psychological Counseling at Harvard University": "Chapter 10 Out of the Abyss of Spiritual Trauma".


Helping a person to eradicate the trauma in his heart requires not only care and understanding, but also certain psychological counseling and treatment skills. In this counseling note, I successfully helped a traumatic person out of his self-enclosed world and learn to interact normally with people. In this process, I fully experienced the pain endured by the patient's family and helped them correct the deviation in the care of the patient. Together, we ushered in the spring of patient recovery.

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Knowing Mu Xian was entirely entrusted by friends. Mu Xian was twenty-seven years old this year, but some of his words and deeds were not as good as a seventeen-year-old child.2 Mu Xian was very willing to chat with people, but it was a very difficult thing for others to chat with him. His thinking is jumpy, his speech is very incoherent, often talking about one thing before it is finished, and the two can be described as incompatible.

For example, when talking about Boston's most famous basketball star, Larry. When Bird, he would suddenly talk about the situation in the Gulf War; Or he calls you and comes up and asks if President Bush will be re-elected. Talking to him, I often feel inexplicable, and he is unaware.

Mu Xian was also immature enough. Sometimes he talks to me on the phone and can talk without any sense of time. I repeatedly hinted to him that he was going to hang up the phone, but he did not respond, and he had to make it clear to me before he reluctantly put down the phone. Sometimes he calls and I'm busy telling him I'll call him back when I'm free. I don't want him to call again every twenty minutes and ask if I'm done.

Sometimes I think he's cute to do that, and sometimes I think it's pathetic.


In fact, it is not surprising that the author describes Mu Xian's behavior in this way, because this is another case of psychological counseling. The protagonist of each case behaves differently, and it seems to happen to us, so we can't help but sigh!

What type of visitor does Mu Xian belong to? I think that today I will not interpret more, let us understand it with the progress of the case, which is also the 10th case of the book "The Feeling of Ascending to the Heavens: I Did Psychological Counseling at Harvard University", which also means that the interpretation of the case is nearing the end!

December 6, 2021 #Counselor said #

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