
Three Kingdoms Characters | Battle of Yiling: After Guan Yu's death, the emperor was promoted to emperor

author:Clothes are read throughout

This time, liu bei, after Guan Yu's death, went to Liu Bei before the Battle of Yiling. In 219, at the end of the year, Sun Quan captured Jingzhou and killed Guan Yu; in July 221, Liu Bei sent an army to attack Wu, under the banner of avenging Guan Erye. Many people think that Guan Yu has been dead for almost two years, Liu Big Ear, you just said that you want to avenge him, you are a liar! In order to become emperor himself, he simply threw the second master aside, this time attacking Eastern Wu, where is to avenge the second master, obviously to grab the territory! Is this the case?

Let's review a little bit before and after Guan Yu's defeat.

In 219, Liu Bei ordered Meng Da to capture Fangling (房县, in Hubei Province, part of Hanzhong County), and then sent Liu Feng to take over Meng Da's troops, fight Shangyong (Tianjiaba, southwest of Zhushan County, Hubei Province, part of Hanzhong County), and surrender Shangyong, so that Fangling, Shangyong, and Xicheng (Ankang City, Shaanxi Province) in the eastern part of Hanzhong County were all in the emperor's pocket. Liu Feng and Meng Da may have been stationed at Shangyong.

When Guan Yu besieged Fancheng and Xiangyang, he wanted to send Liu Feng and Meng Da to send troops to help, but the brothers did not accept Guan Yu's dispatch on the grounds that "Shan County had just been annexed and was unstable". After that, Liu Feng and Meng Da looked down on each other, and it was estimated that Liu Feng repaired Meng Da at every turn, and Meng Da, in a rage, led more than 4,000 of his subordinates back to Cao Wei. This was in 220 AD.

By this time, Cao Pi had already succeeded the King of Wei and appointed Meng Da as the general of Shanqi Changshi and Jianwu, and the Marquis of Pingyang Ting. Subsequently, Cao Pi combined Fangling, Shangyong, and Xicheng into one county, called Xincheng County, appointed Meng Da as the Taishou of Xincheng, and sent the southern general Xiahou Shang, the right general Xu Huang, and Meng Da to attack Liu Feng. As soon as Cao Wei's army arrived, Shangyong and Xicheng surrendered, and Liu Fengbing fled back to Chengdu in defeat.

Liu Feng did not help Guan Yu, and then caused Meng Da to rebel, the emperor saw this adopted son, his eyes went straight to the flames, Kong Ming poured some oil on the side at the right time, and the emperor killed Liu Feng.

Three Kingdoms Characters | Battle of Yiling: After Guan Yu's death, the emperor was promoted to emperor

[Meng Da should be more handsome than this one]

The new city is too guarded by Mengda, just like the west of Hanzhong, living quite beautifully.

Around the same time, Yong Min, a large clan of Yizhou Commandery (闿州郡, Injinning District, Kunming), killed Liu Bei's appointed Taishou Zheng'ang and hooked up with Sun Quan's appointed Taishou Shi Xie of Jiaozhi Commandery (燮燮) and attached him to Sun Quan. In 220 CE, Sun Quan appointed Lü Dai to succeed Bu Dai as the Assassin of Jiaozhou, so Yong Min's rebellion was no later than 220 AD. According to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Zhang's biography, Sun Quan killed Guan Yu, took Jingzhou, and appointed Liu Zhang as the pastor of Yizhou, and after Liu Zhang's death, Yong Min occupied Yizhou County, and returned to Wu. Guan Yu died in December 219, then, Liu Zhang served as Yizhou Pastor until his death, when in 220 AD. Therefore, we can be sure that the opposite of Yong Min was in 220 AD.

In this way, we know that Xincheng County in the northeast of Yizhou was taken by Cao Pi; Yizhou County in the south of Yizhou surrendered to Sun Quan.

Did Liu Bei have any movements?


Uncle Liu Huang was left with one Yizhou, and he was also dug up by Cao and Sun, so he couldn't react without any reaction, right? Can't follow

It's human, right?

I think that at this time, the emperor did not want to fight, but could not fight, there was no condition for fighting.

When Guan Erye besieged Fancheng, Liu Bei and Zhuge had no support, and many people were critical. We look back now, and the reason may be as follows: one is that Guan Yu was hanging the Wei army in the early stages of the war, did not need support, and when he failed, it was too late to save; the second was Sun Liu's alliance, and Liu Bei did not expect Sun Quan to stab Guan Yu in the back; and the other was that although Liu Bei won the Battle of Hanzhong, he won a tragic victory, and his troops were not rich and could not be supported. You see, not only was Uncle Huang unable to take back Xincheng County, but it was even difficult to draw troops to quell the rebellion against Yizhou County. In fact, it was not until 225 AD that Yizhou County was reclaimed by Zhuge Liang.

Then, we can consider that whether it is to fight Meng Da, or to fight Yizhou County, or to avenge the second master, the emperor is bound to send troops, he can't play mahjong with the hot pot in Chengdu, it must be prepared for war and prepared grain and grass.

However, the news of Cao Pi's claim to the title of emperor came.

Three Kingdoms Characters | Battle of Yiling: After Guan Yu's death, the emperor was promoted to emperor

[I don't know which is the Emperor Xian, which is Cao Pi, hehe]

On October 29, 220, Cao Pi took over the emperor's burden from Liu Xie. On November 1, Cao Pi made Liu Xie the Duke of Shanyang. This news, under the communication conditions at that time, should be in mid-to-late November before it reached Chengdu.

Therefore, the matter of fighting the war must be put aside first, the Han family must continue, and the emperor must be called emperor.

Many people believe that Liu Bei's claim to the throne is wrong, and he should proceed from the overall situation and continue to unite with Wu to resist Wei.

I don't know what the big picture of these people is referring to. When Sun Shiwan first moved the knife to Guan Yu, why didn't he talk about the overall situation? Why didn't Sun Quan maintain the Sun Liu Alliance? After the cheap are taken advantage of, then talk to the big picture there, which is a bit funny.

At this time, the Han Dynasty was dead, and if Liu Bei did not claim the title of emperor, who was he? Whose flag is he holding?

Some people say, now liu xie is still alive, liu bei, why do you call the emperor?

Liu Xie had already become the Duke of Shanyang, and it was still in the hands of Cao Pi, Liu Xie could no longer stand up to the heavens of the Great Han Dynasty, so how could he live? However, in order to ascend the throne smoothly, Liu Xie must "die".

Therefore, it was rumored in Shu that Liu Xie, the emperor of Shu, had been killed by Cao Pi.

Liu Xiezhi's "death" was, of course, arranged by Liu Bei. Why? On November 1, 220, Liu Xie was made the Duke of Shanyang; by the time Liu Bei became emperor, it was already April of the following year. It's been half a year, and you still don't know Liu Xie's life or death?


It's just that I can't admit it.

Then, the trick we are most familiar with appeared again—

Proverbs and auspiciousness fly all over the place.

The emperor did things for the well-lived Duke Liu Xie of Shanyang, held a funeral, the scene was very large, the emotions were also in place, the performances up and down were very successful, and the emperor was posthumously honored as the emperor of filial piety (read Rumin).

Since then, various places have reported auspicious rui, month by month, day by day, and from time to time.

Three Kingdoms Characters | Battle of Yiling: After Guan Yu's death, the emperor was promoted to emperor

【All kinds of auspicious rui, come to report】

Therefore, Liu Bao, Marquis of Yangquan, Marquis Xiangju of Qingyi, Zhang Yi, Huang Quan, Sima Yinchun, Yizhou Beichai, Zhao Feng (pronounced as yesterday), Yang Hong in Zhizhong, He Zong in liquor sacrifice, Du Qiong in Yi Cao, Zhang Shuang, Yin Mo, and Zhou Zhou in Persuasion, said:

Ministers and others heard that the River Chart, the Book of Luo, the Five Classics, the Wei, and the Interpretation and Screening of Confucius, many of them were fulfilled, so they were widely circulated in later generations.

The Luoshu Zhen Yao Du says that the Red Three Days of Dechang, the Ninth Emperor, and the Emperor.

The "Luo Shubao's Commandment" says that the Tiandu Emperor Daobei was called emperor, and he was undefeated by unifying the contract.

The Book of Luo records the period of fortune, saying that the Nine Marquises and Seven Masters fought for the lives of the people to cook the remains, and the road books were carried out on the heads of people, who made the Lord Xuan and came.

Yi Zhilu said: Here we interject, these few proverbs, do not need to understand, originally this kind of thing did not want people to understand, as long as you have a vague impression, the purpose of the producer will be achieved. For example, these three sentences, it is difficult for us to explain clearly, but the feeling of "Liu Bei is not called emperor, God does not agree" has come out.

The "Filial Piety Sutra Hook Destiny" says that emperors three build nine will be prepared. When the subject father group was not dead, the southwest number of words had yellow qi, standing upright for several zhang, seeing the accumulation of years, there were jingyun auspicious winds from time to time, from the Xuanji (pronounced as Xuanji, referring to the first to fourth stars of the Big Dipper) down to respond, this is a strange rui.

The courtiers and others have heard that if the king of the Holy Ming acts before the heavenly time, the mandate of heaven will not disobey his wishes, and if he acts after the heavenly time, it is in accordance with the mandate of heaven and the gods. It is hoped that the king will be able to respond to the times of heaven and the people and quickly ascend the throne to stabilize the world.

Yi Zhilu said: "Filial Piety Sutra Hook Destiny Record" said that Emperor Sanjian Jiu would prepare. I understand that after Liu Bang founded the Western Han Dynasty and Liu Xiu revived the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Bei will "make the Great Han Dynasty great" for the third time. After that, there is a large passage, when the subject father group is not dead, yunyun. Probably means that when my father was alive, he said that the yellow qi appeared several times in the southwest, standing there straight, several feet high, and over the years, there was always a Jingyun auspicious wind, coming down from the Big Dipper, corresponding to the yellow qi, which was auspicious and auspicious.

Who is this "group of subjects"? There are only two people named Hequn in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one is Chen Qun in the Book of Wei, and the other is Zhou Qun in the Book of Shu. Therefore, I judge that this "subject group" refers to the Zhou group.

Zhou Qun was a native of Langzhong, Brazil, whose father was named Zhou Shu, who had studied with Yang Hou (a master of the so-called "Taoism") from childhood, and was very good at the Yin and Yang Five Elements, and was recruited as an official several times, but did not go. At that time, someone asked him what he meant by the Spring and Autumn Sayings, "Those who represent the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gao"?

Zhou Shu said that when the tu gao, Wei Ye.

It means that the one who replaced the Han Dynasty was Wei.

Zhou Qun has been learning from his father since he was a child. The Zhou family was very rich, there were many slaves in the family, and the sons and sons who had money and leisure and hobbies began to engage in "scientific research." Zhou Qun built a small building in his own yard, let the household slaves take turns to observe the sky upstairs, as long as they see gas, no matter whether they are in the middle of the morning and night, immediately report, Zhou Qun himself went upstairs to watch. Therefore, Zhou Qun's research on celestial phenomena has a very solid observation basis, and he can see with his own eyes every change in qi, and because of this, Zhou Qun speculated about the development of things, which is quite accurate. In 202 AD, a man in Yue Wei (pronounced Ruxi) became a woman, and Zhou Qun said that the same thing happened during the mourning of the emperor, which was a sign that the dynasty was about to change. In 220 AD, Emperor Xian ceded the world to Cao Pi. In October 207 AD, there were celestial signs showing that Jingzhou Mu was going to die, and Jingzhou changed hands. The following year, Liu Biao died, and Cao Cao pacified Jingzhou. And so on and so forth. In short, this Zhou Qun is a big god.

The three words "subject father group" in this book give me the feeling that it seems that his son Zhou Ju said it. History says that Zhou Qun's son, Zhou Ju, "passed on his skills quite a bit.". I suspect that the "Filial Piety Book" was concocted by Zhou Ju, which is why these three words are quoted in the book.

Of the twelve men who wrote the book, two were proficient in proverbs, Du Qiong and Tan Zhou. Tan Zhou once asked Du Qiong for advice, what did Mr. Zhou Qun mean when he said, "When you are a high-ranking person, Wei Ye"?

Du Qiong said, Wei, Que name also, when tu and high, the saint takes the class to speak of the ear.

He also asked Tan Zhou, is there anything strange about this?

Tan Zhou said, I didn't understand.

Du Qiong explained that in ancient times, there was no Cao in official positions; since the establishment of the Han Dynasty, as long as official positions are mentioned, they all have the character Cao, such as Eastern Cao, Western Cao, Gong Cao, and so on.

Du Qiong meant that Cao Wei was a Han Dynasty, which was an obvious thing.

Three Kingdoms Characters | Battle of Yiling: After Guan Yu's death, the emperor was promoted to emperor

Forty years later, this master urged Liu Chan to surrender to Deng Ai.

We have talked so much, but we just want to say that if the historical records are true, Zhou Qun, Du Qiong, and Tan Zhou, who were nagging gods and gods, decided early on that Cao Wei was going to replace Han, but Du Qiong and Tan Zhou all appeared in the list of people who wrote the book, and what they said was completely contrary to their own claims, and we can reasonably speculate that they were forced to engage in this matter, and these edicts were probably made up temporarily, and the purpose was to prove the legitimacy of Liu Bei's claim to be emperor.

The proverb and xiangrui are the first dial, and then the second dial is coming.

Taifu Xujing, The An Han General Mi Zhu, The Military Division General Zhuge Liang, Taichang Lai gong, Guanglu Xun Huangzhu, and Shaofu Wang Mou said:

Cao Pi usurped the throne, destroyed the Han Dynasty, stole state power, coerced loyal people, was cruel and ruthless, and the heavens were angry and resentful, and the people missed the Liu family's world. Now the country is ownerless, and the people are afraid and have nothing to rely on. There were more than 800 subjects who wrote before and after, and they reported the auspiciousness of various places, and the foreshadowing of the figures and rumors was obvious. Nowadays, auspicious omens have been sent from heaven, scholars and talents have presented the secrets of the River Map, the Book of Luo, and the true meaning of the diagrams explained by Confucius, and the signs of fulfillment have all appeared. You are the son of Emperor Xiaojing and the descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan, Zi Rong Wei'an, the god Yingwu, Ren Shen De, and Corporal Li Xian, so you have won the hearts of the world. You ascend to the throne, inherit the great deeds created by the high ancestors and the ancestors, and continue the sacrifices of the temple, which is the blessing of the people of the world, so you should quickly ascend to the throne.

The people who wrote this time were all big coffees like Xu Jing, Lu Zhu, and Zhuge Liang.

But if the emperor wants to become an emperor, as usual, he must show a little restraint, so he must refuse, and the emperor said, I am not virtuous enough, how can I be an emperor?

Kong Ming jumped out and said:

At that time, Wu Han, Geng Yi, and others persuaded Shizu to take the throne, and Shizu resigned four times. Later, Geng Chunjin said that the heroes of the world followed you, they all wanted to seek a future, you are not called the emperor, then what do you do with you? It is better to ask others for riches. Shizu's sense of purity is deep, so he promised it. Now Cao Pi usurped Han, the world has no master, the great king you are a descendant of the Liu clan, the root is Miao Hong, you are not the emperor who is the emperor? Hurry up. The scholars and masters have worked hard with the king for so long, and they all want to follow you to get fame and fortune.

As we said earlier, Cao Pi refused twenty times before and after, and it was not until the twenty-first time that he accepted Liu Xie's zen position. But uncle Huang had time to play like this, he refused once, and he went from it.

On April 6, the emperor ascended the throne in the south of Wudan Mountain, northwest of Chengdu, pardoned criminals, changed the era name of Jian'an to Zhangwu, and changed the twenty-sixth year of Jian'an to the first year of Zhangwu.

Three Kingdoms Characters | Battle of Yiling: After Guan Yu's death, the emperor was promoted to emperor

[It's not easy, sixty!] 】

Yi Zhilu said: Interestingly, Liu Bei is still using the Jian'an Nian Eh. In the twenty-sixth year of Jian'an, the entire "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" appeared twice, once in Liu Bei's biography and once in Kong Ming's biography. In fact, Before Zen Rang, Liu Xie had changed the era name from Jian'an to Yankang. I don't know why Liu Bei didn't use Yankang, but continued to use Jian'an. Jian'an and Yankang have become history, and the Great Wei Dynasty used the Huang Chunian name, so from the perspective of the era name, Liu Bei also had to be called emperor to continue Han Zuo.

Emperor Liu Bei of the Shu Han Dynasty appointed Zhuge Liang as chancellor and Xu Jing as Situ. Zhang Fei was a che riding general, a lieutenant colonel, and a marquis of Xixiang. Ma Chao was a general of the Hun Horse, led liangzhou pastor, and entered the fengfeng (pronounced Tai) township marquis.

On May 12, Lady Wu was made empress, her son Liu Chan was made crown prince, and Zhang Fei's daughter was made crown princess.

When the matter of claiming emperor came to an end, Liu Bei began to attack Sun Quan, and many ministers advised, and the general Zhao Yun of the Yi Army wrote:

The thief of the state was Cao Cao, not Sun Quan. If we destroy Wei first, Sun Quan will naturally submit. Although Cao Cao was now dead, Cao Pi stole the throne of the Han Dynasty. We should conform to the will of the people, seize Guanzhong as soon as possible, occupy the upper reaches of the Yellow River and weishui, so as to facilitate the conquest of rebellion, and the righteous soldiers east of Hangu Pass will certainly bring their own military food, drive war horses, and meet His Majesty's royal division. We should not ignore Cao Wei and go to war with Sun Quan first. Once the war between the two countries begins, it is impossible to end it quickly, which is not the best policy.

Liu Bei did not listen, leaving Zhao Yun to oversee Jiangzhou.

Yi Cilu said: This passage is from the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Zhao Yun" Pei Songzhi's note quoted "Yun Bei Biography", I always feel that Zhao Yun's words are very strange. One is that Zhao Yun advocates that Sun Quan kill Guan Yu and seize Jingzhou; the other is that as long as we take Guanzhong, the Guandong righteous soldiers will prepare their own dry food and come to defect. Why don't I believe that? How many trips did Zhuge Liang make later to Qishan, and which righteous soldiers came to be attached? History calls Zhao Yun a serious person, why do I think his words are so unreliable?

Zhang Fei, the general of the Che Riders, has always been known as the enemy of ten thousand people and the general of the bears and tigers, but Guan Yu treats the pawns well and is proud of the scholars, and Zhang Fei loves to respect the gentleman and does not sympathize with the villain. Liu Bei often admonished Zhang Fei, saying:

You punish too harshly, you kill too many people, and you keep those soldiers who have been whipped, which is a curse to invite evil.

Zhang Fei is still the same. Liu Bei ordered Zhang Fei to lead 10,000 horses from Langzhong to join the army at Jiangzhou. Before sending the army, two of Zhang Fei's cadres, Zhang Da and Fan Qiang, murdered Zhang Fei, and with Zhang Fei's head, they went down the Yangtze River and surrendered to Sun Quan. Liu Bei heard that Zhang Fei's battalion governor had come to the table, so he said, "Oh, Zhang Fei is dead!"

In July, Liu Bei personally led various armies to March to Eastern Wu.

Yi Cilu said: Many people think that Liu Bei should not conquer Eastern Wu, and I think it is the reason for backwards from the results. For example, when Zhou Yu persuaded Sun Quan to resist Cao Cao, the Battle of Chibi was won; what if the battle was lost? Does losing the battle mean that Sun Quan should not resist Cao Cao?

At that time, the situation was that of the fourteen states under the heavens, Cao Pi occupied nine (Si, Yu, Yan, Ji, Qing, You, Xu, and Liang), Sun Quan accounted for three (Yang, Jing, jiao), Liu Bei had only one Yizhou, and cao Pi and Sun Quan each snatched one. Against Cao Wei, it is obviously not an opponent, and against Eastern Wu, it is still possible to fight.

Some people say that Liu Bei should take advantage of Cao Cao's death and Cao Pi's unstable foundation to unite with Sun Quan to fight Cao Pi. I'll go! Can Sun Shiwan believe it? If the two sides really joined forces again, and Liu Bei went to fight Cao Pi, would Sun Shiwan suddenly attack Yizhou? Sun Quan stabbed Guan Yu's knife from behind, and the blood on it had not yet dried up! Moreover, as we said earlier, until after 220 AD, Sun Quan was still fighting the idea of Yizhou, not to mention that the strategic plan that Zhou Yu had given Sun Quan before his death was to occupy Yizhou and unite with Ma Chao in the northwest to confront Cao Cao. That is to say, as long as the conditions permit, Sun Quan may attack Yizhou at any time, so why should Liu Bei unite with Sun Quan?

Three Kingdoms Characters | Battle of Yiling: After Guan Yu's death, the emperor was promoted to emperor

【Cut off chicken head, burn yellow paper, worship handle】

Some people say that Liu Bei's pattern is not large, and he cannot look at the overall situation and maintain the Sun-Liu alliance. Then, Sun Quan seized the three counties of Liu Bei's Jingzhou, killed the general Guan Yu, collected hundreds of cadres at all levels of shu han, and obtained 30,000 Wei pawns that Guan Yu had surrendered. It's like two people, one robbing the other of the house, money and women, and then saying let's worship the handle, can this handle worship?

【Picture from the network】

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