
Strong Skills of Soldiers and Soldiers in Posts

author:Hubei Horizon

Strong Skills of Soldiers and Soldiers in Posts

Strong Skills of Soldiers and Soldiers in Posts
Strong Skills of Soldiers and Soldiers in Posts
Strong Skills of Soldiers and Soldiers in Posts
Strong Skills of Soldiers and Soldiers in Posts
Strong Skills of Soldiers and Soldiers in Posts

In order to comprehensively improve the level of education protection, effectively change the concept of education, and improve the professional quality of teachers, the Longquan Branch of the kindergarten directly under yiling District of Yichang City, Hubei Province, recently carried out the all-round "Education Protection Star" selection activity.

The activity included case analysis and theme wall design, and the assessment of nursery staff was divided into written test for childcare and health knowledge and on-site practice. Kindergarten teachers and childcare workers under the age of 40 participated in the judging activities.

The new Outline points out that teachers should become supporters, collaborators and guides of children's learning activities. Teachers should understand young children, every behavior of children, each problem has its own reasons, to deeply understand the child's physical and mental characteristics and development level, stand in the child's position to think about the problem, and establish a people-oriented education idea. In this case study, a record of the activities in the construction area was selected, and the teachers recorded the activities by watching the video, using white drawing, and then analyzed the game. Before the event, the Education Office formulated 26 themes, and the teachers selected the themes by lottery, designed them on white paper according to the themes, and then displayed them one by one and explained the design ideas.

Nursery staff are important staff members of kindergartens and are front-line preschool educators, who are responsible for children's daily life activities and cooperate with teachers to complete teaching work.

After the evaluation of the activity, Deputy Director Li Rongqiao affirmed the growth and progress of each teacher and nursery staff in the activity, and also pointed out the existing problems, put forward specific requirements for the teachers' later work, they can not forget their original intentions in the future work, and strive to improve every learning again, to be a kindergarten teacher that parents and children like.

Written by: Li Rongqiao Sun Yue Review: Li Rongqiao Editor: Cao Wenqian