
Prose: The Rhyme of the Mountains and Forests

author:Bashu literature

Tao Shixiu

Prose: The Rhyme of the Mountains and Forests

Distant mountains, so lush and gently stretching, white clouds soft, wave after wave covering the mountain, more want to learn them, dashingly throw themselves in the weeds of the mountains, let the white clouds and blue sky cover the eyes.

Those frozen clouds! Not to wander and wander, but to fall on the top of the mountain, is it looking for a dream? Or contemplation? Is it also like us, in the meditation always delusional about life to understand something: survival, value, soul, in the dream is always looking for the future, love, life, and what do we know, in addition to adding one mystery after another, then let us live, to experience, to pursue! Why explain life?

Looking at the quiet and serene clouds, my heart is always a bit wild, like my hair is flying in the wind, there is no rhythm, I really want to tie it up with a belt, but I don't believe it, or continue to let it spin in the wind, I like nature.

The wind, it is this wind, wrapped in the rustle of leaves, floating over and over, the shattered sunlight, sprinkling all over us, the sound of the wind tempting us to speak loudly, some childish, honest, proud and unadorned words, alas, suddenly and for no reason to rejoice that we are young. Young, envied, pampered, pampered, able to say silly words, able to sing overwhelming the wind, able to laugh to wake up the white clouds, I always think so, under the sun is all flowing for people to see, think, listen to the excitement of the colors, sounds, how can we not wholeheartedly embrace joy and forget.

The vague twilight seeped in, and I opened my arms and took a full breath, Ah! The sunset, the sunset that always comes quietly and quietly walks in the city, like a lonely traveler, only silently counting their own footprints.

The Xiao Suo and loneliness of the little mountain temple, in the contrast of the dazzling sunset, to our incomprehensible group of people to pull up a small pity and confusion, we are silent, this time, the silence does not intend to understand anything, can not understand anything, we all yearn for the grandeur, the pursuit of brilliance, we love shooting stars, praise the sunset, worship heroes, intoxicated by the light and heat emitted in any moment... What Zen machine can be realized in the face of the gray shadow? Life does not need to be explained or accepted, as long as there is passionate love, passionate hatred, enthusiastic affirmation of something, negation of something, capture something, create something... Oh, I always think so.

There are clouds outside the clouds, there are mountains outside the mountains, and we all have such a long way to go. Hopefully, one day, I'll have a solid laugh, even if it's silent.

Produced by Bashu Literature

Editor-in-chief: Pen and Ink Shu Volume

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