
42+5 new in the country! 2 cadres were dismissed! | To restore normalization, Zhong Nanshan said that there are 2 prerequisites! But not yet satisfied...

author:Yanzhao Metropolis Daily

Just now, the National Health Commission announced: On December 4, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 59 new confirmed cases. Among them, there were 17 imported cases (7 cases in Yunnan, 4 cases in Shanghai, 2 cases in Tianjin, 2 cases in Liaoning, 1 case in Guangdong and 1 case in Guangxi), including 2 cases from asymptomatic infected people to confirmed cases (1 case in Guangdong and 1 case in Yunnan), 42 cases in local cases (30 cases in Inner Mongolia, all in Hulunbuir City; 10 cases in Heilongjiang, all in Harbin City; 2 cases in Yunnan, all in Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture). There were no new deaths. There were no new suspected cases. There were 21 new asymptomatic infected patients, including 16 imported from abroad and 5 cases in China (4 cases in Inner Mongolia, all in Hulunbuir City; 1 case in Yunnan, in Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture).

Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia added 30+4

At 0-24:00 on December 4, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region reported no new suspected cases, 30 new locally confirmed cases (all of which were in Hulunbuir Manzhouli City), and 4 new cases of local asymptomatic infection (3 cases in Hulunbuir Manzhouli City, and 1 case in New Balhu Right Banner).

Ma Qiang, secretary of the Manzhouli Municipal Party Committee in Inner Mongolia, introduced on the 4th that after genetic sequencing, the new coronavirus in the cases in Manzhouli belonged to the Delta variant, which is a new import of the new coronavirus through people or things abroad.

On the 4th, the Manzhouli City New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters announced the trajectory of 90 confirmed cases, which involved multiple schools and were confirmed by many teachers and students. furthermore. The confirmed cases also involve physiotherapists, beauticians, sales clerks, cashiers, canteen staff, etc.

2 cadres in Manchuria were dismissed!

"Manzhouli Daily" WeChat public account news on December 5, in the Zhazhanuoer District Public Security Bureau Deputy Director Zhao Hui, Vice Chairman of the Manzhouli Federation of Trade Unions Su Weidong in the epidemic prevention and control work there are problems such as lack of awareness of the overall situation, ineffective performance of duties, work prevarication and procrastination, etc., after the Manzhouli Municipal Party Committee researched and decided, the two were dismissed.

According to the notice of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Manzhouli City on December 4, from 0:40 to 1:30 a.m. on December 4, Zhazhannuoer District held a meeting to study and deploy the epidemic prevention and control work, and made arrangements for the centralized isolation and transfer of more than 100 close contacts. Zhao Hui, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of Zhalainuoer District, who is specifically responsible for implementing this work, began to arrange the implementation at 7:00 a.m. on December 4, which greatly affected the transfer and "zero clearance" work. Zhao Hui did not understand the importance of the tasks he undertook, and his action was slow, resulting in a serious lag in the isolation and transfer work.

On December 3, when the discipline inspection team carried out inspections of the isolation point of the Matryoshka Hotel in Manzhouli City, it was found that the isolation point Changsu Weidong (vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions) did not have a strong sense of responsibility, and the number of isolated personnel in the isolation point was unclear and the situation was unknown, and the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control work requirements were not in place.

Heilongjiang Harbin confirmed 10 cases

At 0-24:00 on December 4, 2021, there were 10 new locally confirmed cases in Heilongjiang Province (6 cases in Nangang District of Harbin City and 4 cases in Xiangfang District), of which 8 cases were found during centralized isolation and observation, 1 case was found in nucleic acid screening of all employees, and 1 case was found in active medical treatment. On the same day, 1 locally confirmed case was cured and discharged from the hospital (Aihui District, Heihe City).

Starting from 24:00 on December 4, 2021, the semi-enclosed area of Xingcheng Community, No. 58 Guogeli Street, No. 324 to No. 346 Post Street, and Building No. 346 to No. 59 Manzhouli Street in Nangang District, Harbin City will be adjusted to medium-risk areas.

There were 2+1 new cases in Longchuan, Yunnan

From 0 to 24:00 on December 4, there were 9 new confirmed cases in Yunnan Province, including 7 imported cases (4 cases in Myanmar and 3 cases in Laos) and 2 local cases (nucleic acid testing of close contacts under centralized isolation and management in Longchuan County).

There were 5 new cases of asymptomatic infection in Yunnan Province, including 4 cases imported from abroad (all imported from Laos), 1 case in the mainland (detected by nucleic acid testing of close contacts under centralized isolation and management in Longchuan County), 1 case released from medical observation, and 95 cases still under medical observation (55 cases imported from abroad).

To restore normalization, Zhong Nanshan said that there are 2 prerequisites! But not yet satisfied...

On the 4th, at the second Greater Bay Area (Shenzhen) Vaccine Summit, Academician Zhong Nanshan gave his latest judgment on issues related to the epidemic. A number of topics rushed to the hot search, causing concern.

42+5 new in the country! 2 cadres were dismissed! | To restore normalization, Zhong Nanshan said that there are 2 prerequisites! But not yet satisfied...
42+5 new in the country! 2 cadres were dismissed! | To restore normalization, Zhong Nanshan said that there are 2 prerequisites! But not yet satisfied...
42+5 new in the country! 2 cadres were dismissed! | To restore normalization, Zhong Nanshan said that there are 2 prerequisites! But not yet satisfied...
42+5 new in the country! 2 cadres were dismissed! | To restore normalization, Zhong Nanshan said that there are 2 prerequisites! But not yet satisfied...

How can normalization be restored?

How can we get back to normal? Zhong Nanshan proposed that there are two prerequisites: one is that the case fatality rate should drop to about 0.1%, which is basically the level of influenza, but it is still above 1%; the second is the replication index, which is between 1-1.5.

To this end, in terms of prevention and control measures, we must adhere to three points: the whole people are vaccinated and herd immunity is established; the prevention and control of community groups is normalized; and effective therapeutic drugs are developed.

Specific to China, Zhong Nanshan revealed that at present, the number of people who have completed the whole process of vaccination in the country has reached 1.125 billion, accounting for 79.76%. He stressed, "The case fatality rate of the Delta virus outbreak in Guangzhou and Nanjing this year is zero, which is very related to vaccination. The problem now is to strengthen vaccinations against the elderly, especially those over 70 years of age. ”

42+5 new in the country! 2 cadres were dismissed! | To restore normalization, Zhong Nanshan said that there are 2 prerequisites! But not yet satisfied...

Talk about Omikeron: Most patients have mild symptoms

It is reported that 11 states in the United States have found Omilton virus strain infected; and in South Africa, where Omikejong was first found, the number of confirmed cases of new crown has nearly quadrupled in 4 days, exceeding 16,000. This also confirms Zhong Nanshan's judgment that The Infectivity of Omi kerong is stronger, "From the genetic sequence, Delta has 3 mutation sites, while Omilon has as many as 15." ”

As for the pathogenic rate, there are different views now, but Zhong Nanshan said that the current situation in South Africa and other countries, at first glance, most patients have mild symptoms.

What is the protection rate of existing vaccines, and will the ability of existing antibodies to neutralize new viruses be reduced? Zhong Nanshan said that it is now being intensively studied and still needs to be observed. "But in any case, we apply this dynamic zero-clear response, and adopt further precision prevention and control, and we are not afraid of Omicron." And in the world, many countries are now paying more attention to this situation. ”

Finally, Zhong Nanshan once again stressed that prevention is still the best way to prevent and control the new crown epidemic.

Is there a need to develop new vaccines?

Regarding the impact of the new coronavirus Omiljung variant on the current vaccine research and development, whether it is necessary to replace the strain for the development and vaccination of related vaccines, Zhong Nanshan said: "I don't think it is necessary to adjust immediately. ”

Zhong Nanshan analyzed that although the inactivated vaccine has a slightly lower protection rate, it does cover the widest range, "I believe it will not be completely ineffective against Aomi Kerong."

In addition, Zhong Nanshan also pointed out that there should be no problem in changing, but the cost is very large, whether to change depends on two factors, one is the spread of Aomi Kerong, the other is the pathogenic rate of Aomi Kerong, "if its pathogenic rate is not as terrible as we say", in such a situation, the new crown virus will slowly be like the flu.

Zhong Nanshan believes that now is not an urgent need to adjust the vaccine, we need to see the development trend of the Aumechjong virus in about two or three weeks.

Source: National Health Commission, CCTV News, Beijing Daily, Manzhouli Daily, People's Daily, The Paper

42+5 new in the country! 2 cadres were dismissed! | To restore normalization, Zhong Nanshan said that there are 2 prerequisites! But not yet satisfied...