
14 golden verses in the literary works

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1. Do you think I'm poor and have no feelings? I swear to you that if God gave me wealth and beauty, I would make it impossible for you to leave me, just as I cannot leave you now. Although God did not do this, we are still spiritually equal.

- "Jane Eyre"

2. Happy families are the same, unhappy families are different.

- Anna Karenina

3. The most precious thing about man is life, and life belongs to man only once. Man's life should be lived in such a way that when he looks back on the past, he will not regret his wasted years, nor will he be ashamed of his inaction. In this way, on his deathbed he could proudly say: "I have devoted my whole life and all my energies to the most magnificent cause in the world in the struggle for the liberation of mankind." ”

- "How Steel is Made"

4. Sometimes when he encounters the front obstacle of the rock, he rushes up in anger, roaring angrily, swirling, and the ups and downs of the waves before and after are urged, until he passes and washes down this dangerous cliff. Sometimes he passed through the fine flat sand, in the slanting sun herbs, and saw the red peach blossoms on the shore, he was happy and shy, flowing quietly, singing lowly, and gently spending this romantic journey.

- "On Life"

5. One is Langyuan Xian Fan Bao, and the other is Beautiful Jade Flawless. If there is no strange fate, this life will meet him again; If there is a strange fate, how can the heart finally be blurred? One is self-defeating, one is empty; One is the moon in the water, and the other is the flower in the mirror. Want to see how many tears can be in your eyes? How to go through autumn to the end of winter, spring to summer.

- "Dream of the Red Chamber"

6. Time is like a sharp knife, if used improperly, it will carve deep lines on the beautiful face, so that the exuberant youth will be consumed month after month, year after year; However, when used properly, it can carve an ordinary piece of stone into a magnificent statue.

- "Wish"

7. There is nothing more distressing between people than to suffer annoyance and damage in a place where you think you deserve kindness and friendship.

- "The Legend of the Giants"

8. I mean the kids are running wild and don't know where they're running, I have to come out of nowhere and catch them. I do this all day. I just want to be a watchman in the wheat fields. I know it's a bit whimsical, but that's what I really like to do.

- "The Catcher of the Rye"

9. A man is not born to be defeated, you can destroy him, but you cannot defeat him.

- "The Old Man and the Sea"

10. The closer you are, the farther the road; The simplest tones require the hardest practice.

- Selected Poems of Tagore

Modern Chinese Literature

1. I live in the world,

Nothing more than wanting to understand some truths and encounter some interesting things,

If I can do what I want, my life will be a success.

——Wang Xiaobo

2. People would rather care about a crappy movie actor's eating, drinking, and frivolity,

And do not want to understand the turbulent inner world of an ordinary person.

—— Lu Yao, "Ordinary World"

3. The world is my food. Man eats only a small amount of time,

Most of the time I'm digesting, and being alone is the world I digest.

——Zhou Guoping, "Man and Eternity"

4. Look out the window,

Just remember the regrets of a lifetime,

Plum blossoms fell all over the South Mountain.

—— Zhang Zao, "In the Mirror"

5. I am young and tired.

- Haizi, "Dreaming as a Horse"

6. Behind some smiles is the soul that clenches its teeth.

- Chai Jing, "Seeing"

7. The four words "false alarm" are the best idioms in the world, which are a hundred times better than anything that is cheerful, colorful, and smooth sailing. You know what loss is.

——Han Han, "1988: I Want to Talk to the World"

8. There will always be such a time in your life,

Your heart has been turned upside down,

But in the eyes of others, you are just a little more silent than usual,

No one will find it strange.

This kind of war is destined to go it alone.

——Bai Yansong, "Pain and Happiness"

9. I want someone like you.

Like the morning wind in the mountains,

Like the light on the road to the ancient city,

Warm without burning, covering all my skin.

From the starting point to the night, from the mountains to the study,

The answer to all the questions is simple.

I hope that there is a person like you, who will carry out the road sign of the future and repeat the life several times.

——Zhang Jiajia, "Passing Through Your World"

10. We desperately learn how to successfully sprint a hundred meters, but no one has taught us: how to fall with dignity when you fall; how to clean the wounds and bandage when your knees are broken and blurred with blood; how to treat the pain of blood flowing in your heart when you plant your head; how to obtain deep peace in the soul; how to clean up when your heart is broken like glass?

——Long Yingtai "Eye Sending"

11. We know too little about the world. Countless unknowns surround us, so that life retains the joy of bursting out. When one day, everything in the world can be clearly explained, and the world becomes very boring. Life will become a simple trajectory, a dull repetition.

——Yu Qiuyu, "Cultural Journey"

12. I was eager to have a good chat with a person, not just a greeting, but a real exchange, but found that the common topic has changed countless times, the familiar people have long ceased to have the feelings they once had, and I have been defeated by countless "Oh" and "Okay". Unsociable is only superficial loneliness, and being gregarious is inner loneliness

——Liu Tong, "Your Loneliness, Although Defeated"

13. Spring water is born, spring forest is beginning to flourish, spring wind is ten miles, not as good as you. Autumn wind leaves, autumn rain, sadness on autumn, just for you.

——Feng Tang, "Thirty-six Congresses"

14. As a word, "alive" is full of power in our Chinese language, and its power does not come from shouting or attacking, but from enduring, to endure the responsibilities that life entrusts us, to endure the happiness and suffering, boredom and mediocrity that reality gives us.

—— Yu Hua, "Alive"