
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

author:Xi'an traffic police


122 "National Road Safety Day"

It's coming!

This year's theme is

Comply with the law and know the courtesy

Travel safely and civilly

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

To welcome the tenth "122" National Traffic Safety Day

Earnestly do a good job in the theme publicity activities of the National Traffic Safety Day

Continuously enhance the masses' awareness of traffic safety and traffic civilization

Xi'an public security traffic police organization carried out various theme activities

Let's take a look

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

Traffic police Goose Pagoda Brigade joint jurisdiction enterprise organization

Carry out 122 "National Traffic Safety Day" theme publicity activities

The on-site activities were divided into two parts, the first part was the launching ceremony, the brigade invited Ma Huimin, deputy district chief of Yanta District, director of the Public Security Yanta Branch Bureau, director of the Yanta District Traffic Safety Committee, Xiao Hao, secretary of the Party Working Committee of xiaozhai Street Office, Yao Junli, captain of the traffic police Yanta Brigade, Zan Jingwu, deputy captain of the brigade, ren Pingyang, head of the Civilization Section of the Propaganda Department of the District Committee, and other leaders to attend. On behalf of the Yanta District Traffic Safety Committee, Yao Junli, the captain of the brigade, read out the traffic safety proposal, and the representatives of the police, the representatives of the Didi driver and the representative of the courier takeaway brother made statements respectively, and finally Comrade Ma Huimin announced the start of the 122 National Traffic Safety Day theme publicity activities.

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

The second part is the theme publicity, and three areas are arranged at the event site, namely: traffic safety publicity and warning education area, traffic police business consultation area, and experience interaction area.

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Carried out by the Kai Kai Brigade

122 "National Traffic Safety Day" theme publicity activities

With the theme of "abiding by the laws and knowing courtesy and allowing safe and civilized travel", the traffic police economic development brigade carried out the 122 National Traffic Safety Day theme publicity activities in the south square of the North Railway Station. Liu Ke, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xi'an High-speed Railway New Town, deputy director of the Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone, and director of the Traffic Safety Committee, Zhao Yongqiang, captain of the traffic police economic development brigade, Wang Peng, deputy director of the Public Transportation Branch of the Xi'an Municipal Public Security Bureau, Zhao Lihua, director of the Xi'an High-speed Rail New Town Square Office, Gao Feng, deputy director of the Railway Public Security Department of the Xi'an Railway Public Security Bureau, Yang Fan, deputy director of the Xi'an Taxi Management Department, cadres of the relevant squadrons of the Economic Development Brigade, representatives of the people's police, all the police officers of the safety supervision squadron, and representatives of key enterprises in the jurisdiction attended the event.
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
This theme publicity activity aims to establish the traffic safety concept of "abiding by laws and regulations, knowing courtesy, and making safe and civilized travel", prevent and reduce traffic accidents from the source, further enhance the awareness of the rule of law, safety and civilization of traffic participants, and create a good road traffic safety environment.

The Chang'an Brigade was launched

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
In order to strengthen children's awareness of traffic safety and cultivate children to develop the good habit of consciously abiding by traffic laws, the police of the Traffic Police Chang'an Brigade went deep into the Wangzi Lakeside Kindergarten in the jurisdiction to carry out 122 theme publicity activities. The police teach children outdoors about common traffic signals, signs, and markings. The police enlivened the atmosphere of the scene through the game form of your Q&A. The police also instructed the children on how to wear safety helmets correctly and deepen the "one helmet and one belt" safety protection action. Finally, the police distributed publicity materials to encourage children to bring safety knowledge to their families and strive to become traffic civilization supervisors.
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

The Qujiang Brigade entered the campus to carry out

Themed promotional activities

The Xiying Road Squadron of the Traffic Police Qujiang Brigade walked into Qujiang No. 1 Middle School to carry out traffic safety into the campus activity with the theme of "abiding by laws and regulations and knowing courtesy to let safe and civilized travel".

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

The police combined the current students' travel characteristics and traffic safety knowledge when going to and from school to teach and explain. In the activity, the students actively answered questions and actively participated in the interaction, and the atmosphere was warm. The vivid and interesting outdoor classroom made the students realize the importance of "abiding by the laws and knowing the courtesy", further publicized and advocated the concept of law-abiding travel, effectively reduced the risk of minors preventing traffic accidents and injuries, and enhanced the students' traffic safety and self-protection ability.

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

Subsequently, the leading teacher guided 20 students to ride the school bus in an orderly manner and carried out the school bus safety escape drill, aiming to appeal to drivers, teachers and students to pay attention to the safety of the school bus and improve the ability of students to escape from school bus emergencies.

The police called on the students to strive to be the small guardians of civilized traffic, give play to the role of "small hands holding big hands", and popularize the awareness of traffic safety to every member of the family, so as to achieve the good publicity effect of "educating a child, driving a family, and influencing the whole society", and work together to create a safe, orderly and smooth traffic environment.

The New City Brigade was launched

The traffic police new city brigade set up a 122 theme publicity activity site in Xi'an Experimental Primary School, organized publicity activities, and carried out synchronous live broadcasts.

The traffic police new city brigade carefully prepared a variety of educational activities for children in Xi'an Experimental Primary School, real-life simulation, edutainment. The theme publicity and education site has set up six major education areas: bus blind area demonstration and ride safety area, traffic safety chess entertainment area, traffic sign puzzle area, school bus emergency drill, police motorcycle visit and helmet wearing area, and traffic sign reward recognition area. Through the warning publicity of real cases and the simulation experiment and real-life experience of small and large, the police gave the students a profound, vivid and unforgettable traffic safety warning education class.

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

The Lianhu Brigade entered the campus

On the day of the tenth 122Th National Traffic Safety Day, the traffic police Lianhu Brigade mobilized all the police to focus on the theme publicity activities of the 122 Traffic Safety Day. The police walked into the FM104.3 radio booth and interacted with the listeners, talked about the changes in the past ten years of the 122 National Traffic Safety Day, as well as the hot traffic problems that the masses are concerned about, and popularized traffic safety knowledge; the police walked into the blue eagle kindergarten, far east experimental primary school, Shangjinqiao Primary School, Gongyuanmen Primary School, Fengqing Road Primary School and the children talked about traffic safety, spread the concept of traffic civilization knowledge, led the children to know a helmet and a belt, experience police motorcycles, interactive questions and answers to understand traffic signs The police went into the enterprise to post 122 theme propaganda posters, led the enterprise leaders, drivers and friends to learn traffic laws together, and build a solid source management of traffic safety!

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

High-speed brigades are launched

The traffic police high-speed brigade police brought the theme publicity class to the work site, placed theme exhibition boards and distributed propaganda coloring pages in a number of high-speed service areas in the jurisdiction, analyzed and explained the real cases of traffic accidents on the highway due to illegal acts such as jam rushing and speeding, and advocated that the majority of traffic participants abide by the law and know etiquette and walk safely.
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Xi'an high-speed traffic police have arranged centralized deployment of police forces on the ring highway to investigate and deal with key highway violations such as illegal occupation of emergency lanes, illegal parking, large vehicles not driving in accordance with the prescribed lanes, and overcrowding of passenger cars, which are easy to cause traffic accidents or expand the consequences of accidents. During the morning peak duty on December 2, the Xi'an high-speed traffic police punished more than 70 cases of various illegal acts on the spot.

The Beilin Brigade was launched

All the police officers of the Beilin Brigade's Safety Supervision Squadron mobilized to carry out a propaganda campaign with the theme of "abiding by laws and regulations, knowing courtesy, and allowing safe and civilized travel." The police went to the Affiliated Primary School of Xi'an Jiaotong University to hold a traffic safety activity into the campus. The police synthesized the characteristics of road traffic around the campus, combined with real accident cases, and brought practical and highly operable traffic safety knowledge to the students from the aspects of getting on and off the car safely, crossing the road safety, and the necessity of using seat belts and helmets.
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

The Gaoling Brigade actively carried out

The traffic police Gaoling Brigade and the Shaanxi Automobile Group Security Department jointly carried out the launching ceremony of 122 traffic safety publicity in the subsidiary Deshi Group. Minister Ni of the Security Department of Shaanxi Automobile Group delivered a speech for the launching ceremony, and Sang Ang, deputy captain of the Gaoling Brigade, conducted traffic safety training for the employees and drivers of the Deshi Group. After the training, Deshi Group, a subsidiary of Shaanxi Automobile, organized all employees to hold a collective signature activity on the theme of 122 this year.

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

The Lantian Brigade actively carried out

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

The traffic police brigade of the Lantian County Public Security Bureau joined hands with Lantian County

Rong Media Center, Lantian County Education Bureau, Shaanxi Shunlai Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Lantian County People's Insurance Company, Lantian County Wenji Middle School held the 122 National Traffic Safety Day theme publicity activity of "Abiding by laws and regulations and knowing courtesy and allowing safe and civilized travel" at the cross of Wenji Road Procuratorate in Lantian County. Zhang Jin, member of the party committee and deputy director of the Lantian County Public Security Bureau, Wu Xiangke, instructor of the traffic police brigade of the Lantian County Public Security Bureau, and Zhao Huanfeng, deputy captain of the brigade, led the safety supervision squadron and the iron riders

Leaders of relevant departments, as well as representatives of students and parents, participated in the activities.

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
At the scene of the event, the police explained the blind area of the muck car, and through the rotational experience of the students and parent representatives in the blind area and the driving position, they immersed themselves in the blind area of the large vehicle blind area, and deeply realized the danger of the blind area of the driver's vision. The police also explained the "ghost probe" accident model through on-site simulation, and guided everyone how to prevent the harm caused by the "ghost probe" traffic accident when driving or walking. The police called on everyone to "abide by the laws and regulations and let safe and civilized travel", consciously abide by road traffic safety laws and regulations, actively refuse and resist the traffic violations of driving without wearing seat belts and cycling without helmets, and form a good travel habit of "driving (sitting) wearing seat belts and cycling wearing helmets".
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

Lintong Brigade was launched

The traffic police Lintong Brigade held the tenth "122" National Traffic Safety Day theme publicity activity in Huaqingchi Square. More than 500 people attended the event, including Gao Shaojun, deputy district governor of Lintong District, director of the District Traffic Safety Committee and director of the Lintong Branch of the Public Security Bureau, Liu Fang, director of the Suburban County Division of the Xi'an Traffic Police Detachment, leaders of member units of the Traffic Safety Committee such as the Propaganda Department of the Lintong District CPC Committee, the District Education Bureau, and the Transportation Bureau, as well as representatives of passengers, freight transport, muck transportation enterprises, express delivery, students, and police in the jurisdiction.

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

The police distributed traffic safety publicity materials to the masses on the spot, answered the masses' consultations, and the leaders attending the meeting and the masses from all walks of life left their names on the propaganda banners and made promises of "civilized travel". In this activity, more than 20 traffic safety publicity display boards were placed, 2 propaganda banners were hung, and more than 800 copies of traffic safety publicity materials were distributed to the masses, which created a good publicity atmosphere for the 122 publicity activities and played a positive role in guiding and educating the broad masses of the people to "abide by the laws and regulations, know courtesy, and travel safely and civilizedly".

In order to comprehensively do a good job in the publicity of the "122" National Traffic Safety Day, the brigade also arranged multiple groups of publicity teams to carry out traffic safety publicity activities in the lobby of the brigade's vehicle management office, the police hall, the "road school", the accident handling rapid claim settlement point, and the key road sections of the jurisdiction.

Yan Liang Brigade carried out

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
On December 1, the Yanliang Branch of the Public Security Bureau held a brief induction ceremony of "Iron Riding Small Horn" in the courtyard of the traffic police brigade, and Pan Junfeng, captain of the traffic police brigade, made a mobilization speech. After the induction ceremony, the 40 "iron horse trumpets" took to the streets to work. Next, they will be active in the main intersections and key parts of the jurisdiction, and continue to promote traffic safety knowledge such as "one helmet and one belt" to the public.
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

The Enyi Brigade was launched

The traffic police Enyi Brigade and the Enyi Rescue Team carried out the "122" National Traffic Safety Day theme publicity work in Renmin Road Square. The police and rescue team volunteers carried out non-motorized vehicle bright tail work in Renmin Road Square, distributing more than 5,000 copies of publicity materials and posting more than 10,000 copies of non-motorized "reflective stickers".
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action
Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

Through today's campaign

Enable the majority of traffic participants to be exemplary leaders in compliance with laws and regulations

Internalize and externalize traffic safety regulations

Strive to be a law-abiding citizen

Be an active practitioner of courtesy

Abide by the laws, be civilized, and know courtesy

Cultivate the awareness of traffic civilization

Be a disseminator of law-abiding etiquette

Obey the law and know the courtesy

The police and the people join hands with the whole society to participate

Strive to be the leader, practitioner and communicator of civilized travel

Jointly build a safe Xi'an beautiful Xi'an

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action

Xi'an traffic police for your original presentation Please indicate the source when reprinting

Review: Ma Qiang Editor: Wang Lele Editor: Shi Mengnan

Compliance with laws and regulations let丨we are in action