
When you first enter the workplace and want to get ahead, please keep in mind Du Yuesheng's secret of life

author:Yu Lang reads

Du Yuesheng was the head of the three tycoons of Shanghai Beach in the 1920s and 1930s, and a big man who dominated the Huangpu River.

So, in that turbulent and chaotic era, how could a grassroots with no background and no skills be able to achieve this position?

In fact, it is only evident from his performance in his youth.

When you first enter the workplace and want to get ahead, please keep in mind Du Yuesheng's secret of life

Du Yuesheng's family was poor since childhood, and at the age of fifteen, he went to the beach alone to seek a way to survive. In order to survive, he mixed in the three religions and nine streams, almost did all the livelihood he could do, although he has always been an obscure little leper, but he has also refined the experience of mixing society and the ability to wipe his eyes.

As the saying goes, opportunities always come to those who are prepared, and Du Yuesheng, who has been at the bottom for many years, has finally waited for an opportunity to change his life, and what is more valuable is that when this opportunity comes, he can firmly grasp it accurately and steadily, and from then on, with his own efforts and years of accumulation of skills.

And this opportunity to change his fate is to work as a migrant boy in The Golden Rong family.

Jin Rong was the only top boss on the beach at that time, and he was also the chief inspector of the French Concession Patrol House, which can be described as a figure with black and white feet. The person who introduced Du Yuesheng into the Golden Rong family was Jin Rong's follower, and also Du Yuesheng's friend Huang Zhenyi in his daily life.

Under the recommendation of Huang Zhenyi, Du Yuesheng met With Jin Rong, who had a deep influence on him after meeting him. This first sight also had a profound impact on Du Yuesheng in the future.

On the same day, Du Yuesheng followed Huang Zhenyi into the Huang Mansion, where the palatial furnishings and densely packed servants and subordinates were something he had never seen before, especially the row of big men sitting in front of the living room door was even more conspicuous, they were silent, just sat there quietly, and when they saw Huang Zhenyi and the two people coming, they looked at it without smiling, which was a greeting.

Such a battle and noodles, if replaced by a small leper on the ordinary market, I am afraid that my legs would have been frightened, and although Du Yuesheng was also very nervous in his heart, he did not write it on his face at all, and followed Huang Zhenyi into the living room to meet his future master, Jin Rong.

When you first enter the workplace and want to get ahead, please keep in mind Du Yuesheng's secret of life

Du Yuesheng's calm and introverted personality is not innate, but has accumulated over the years of mixed society. And the people who do things for Jin Rong need this feeling of not saying much, being very capable, and at the same time being humble and courteous.

Therefore, when Jin Jinrong saw Du Yuesheng, he found that this young man was always standing straight behind Huang Zhenyi, smiling, asking questions, and there was no unnecessary nonsense, and his heart was very satisfied, which also laid a good foundation for Du Yuesheng to do things in the Huang Mansion after that.

Du Yuesheng knew that being able to enter the Huang Mansion to do things was a hard-won opportunity for him, and if he could firmly seize it and do it well, the day when he would get ahead of himself would be just around the corner.

The difference between successful people and mediocre people is that in addition to being able to seize opportunities quickly and accurately, they can also instantly change their previous shortcomings in order to achieve a career, and let themselves be reborn and do things wholeheartedly.

Du Yuesheng was obviously such a person, after entering the Huang Mansion, not only did he change his previous habit of gambling and prostitution overnight, but also for a long time in the beginning, in addition to serving the government on business, he stayed at home on weekdays, always staying in his own cubicle, not to mention walking around and inquiring like other newcomers.

Because he knows that when he first enters an environment, especially in the lowest position, the first thing to do is the eight words "Silence is gold, not to cross the thunder pool."

Talk less, do more, know the measure, understand the rules, is the most suitable for newcomers in the workplace, any boss will like to use such a new person, and Du Yuesheng is perfect to do this, naturally it is the same as the Huangfu people.

When you first enter the workplace and want to get ahead, please keep in mind Du Yuesheng's secret of life

Although Du Yuesheng never went around asking people about anything on weekdays, he did not hear anything out of the window, but only knew how to bury his head in work. When doing things for Jin Rong, he would also silently watch the four directions and listen to the eight directions, examining and speculating on everyone in the Huang Mansion.

Treating other people, Du Yuesheng only observes their preferences, dispositions and habits, so as to facilitate future interactions with people who are good for them. But for Jin Jinrong, in addition to carefully observing his temperament preferences, Du Yuesheng will also carefully ponder his way to success.

At first, Du Yuesheng wondered why Jin Jinrong, as the chief inspector of the patrol room, usually never went to work, but just wandered around all day, playing cards, taking a bath, and smoking a big cigarette?

If he didn't do the right thing all day, how did he get to this position?

After a long period of observation, Du Yuesheng found that although It seemed that Although Jin Rong did not seem to do the right thing all day, he had already woven an intelligence network for himself that spread throughout all corners of Shanghai.

Under him, there are more than a dozen "bao inquires", all of which are exquisite characters in all walks of life in Shanghai Beach, and each of these dozen bao inquires also controls countless minions, mixing in the streets and alleys to collect intelligence for them.

That is why, even if Jin Rong did not leave the house, any wind and grass on the beach could not escape his eyes and ears, and he was only responsible for remotely controlling and commanding his subordinates.

I have to say that Jin Rong's means of compiling a large network are indeed clever, but it is such a clever means that Du Yuesheng, who silently does things for him, learns to be blue, so that in the future, Du Yuesheng not only sprinkled his intelligence network on the beach, but also spread it to the whole country.

In addition to casting a big net, Du Yuesheng also learned another point around Jin Rong, that is, the ability to step on black and white.

When you first enter the workplace and want to get ahead, please keep in mind Du Yuesheng's secret of life

With the longer he followed Jin Rong's side, Du Yuesheng finally understood the secret of this big guy's success, that is, to first mix some fame in the underworld, and then use this to exchange for a white road identity, and then use the white road identity as his protective umbrella to engage in the underworld business. Over time, it will naturally be possible to eat both black and white.

After understanding the secret of Golden Rong's success, Du Yuesheng instantly used it for his own use, playing it to the fullest, and even doing better than Golden Rong.

In the underworld, he can dominate the whole Shanghai beach, and everyone will give him a face. In the white path, you can see the sky with your hands and eyes.

Obviously, Du Yuesheng's success lies not only in his shrewdness and smoothness, but also in his proper behavior, careful observation, learning from the highlights of the leader and making it better for himself. How could such a young man not succeed?

Many times, young people complain that there is no opportunity, in fact, what young people really lack is not the opportunity, but whether they have the ability to accept it when the opportunity comes.

Du Yuesheng's success, although there is the particularity of the times, the so-called "times create heroes", but what he is more worth learning is his kung fu of "observing words and observing colors" and the "three bowls of noodles" kung fu of dealing with people.

Good ideas are stolen, instead of struggling to find the way to success, it is better to absorb his success secret from the person who has succeeded, if you can get one or two, you will benefit a lot.