
Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

author:The contemplative Tocqueville
Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

Biden will convene democracy summits on December 9 and December 10, through which biden hopes to call on America's democratic allies to work together to counter the world's rising authoritarian currents.

Biden did not invite allies such as Singapore, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Turkey, and Thailand, because although these countries are pro-American, they have not practiced democratic values, and Turkey and Thailand have experienced democratic regression, and Biden believes that their presence will only undermine the purity of the summit.

Biden has shown himself how stupid he is, and he is still deeply trapped in the hypocrisy of political correctness packaged by the Democratic Party. The goal of Biden's summit is to contain China and Russia, and since it is containment, it must be "unscrupulous", but Biden has chosen to cut off from those countries that are politically incorrect because of the moral principles that the Democratic Party has long believed in.

In contrast to Reagan's relentless containment, Biden and the Democratic Party are confined to the so-called democratic values of the United States, and they forget that the United States won World War II and the Cold War not by the appeal of democracy, but by the crushing power of strength and strategy, in order to defeat Germany, the United States can ally with the Soviet Union, in order to defeat the Soviet Union, the United States will not hesitate to help the dictatorship of South Korea, chilean military governments and Afghan extremist organizations, it is realism rather than ridiculous democracy that defeats the enemies of the United States.

Even after so many setbacks, Biden and the Democratic Party are as ignorant as students who have just entered society.

Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

Biden and the Democratic Party believe that democracy is the future direction of the world, and that all countries will eventually accept the West's separation of powers and competitive electoral system. In fact, the expansion of Western democracy in recent decades is not because democracy has a strong appeal, but because it is a unilateral order output of the United States. The third wave of democratization was the result of the American victory, not the cause.

In the first half of the 20th century, human history has actually been developing towards autocracy, and in the 1930s, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Japan all belonged to the authoritarian countries in the Anglo-American context, and only a small part of the world's countries implemented Western-style democracy.

If the United States does not enter the war, the future of the world will be shaped by Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union, which will be an authoritarian future, and it will be the intervention of the United States to ensure the return of Western democratic forces, shaping the Cold War pattern of bipolar confrontation.

Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

(Authoritarian Future)

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union competed to export political order, and countless small countries would accept the American system and the Soviet system, but in general, there were not many countries that accepted the American democratic system, so that the United States needed to accept the dictatorial military government as an ally. South Korea's Park Chung-hee and Chile's Pinochet did not meet the standards of American democracy at all, but because of their staunch anti-communist stance, the United States still acquiesced to their rule.

The defeats of the United States during the Cold War were based on temporary idealistic fanaticism, the biggest of which was Iran, when the Carter administration pursued human rights diplomacy, disregarded the interests of American diplomacy, and supported Khomeini to overthrow the pro-American Pahlavi government, but the final result was a complete defeat of the United States.

Although Khomeini established a democracy, this democracy is Islamic democracy rather than Western-style democracy, and Iranian democracy applies only to believers who sincerely abide by Sharia law, and those who do not believe are rehabilitated and purged as running dogs of the United States. Islamic democracy does not include freedom of speech and secularism, which are cherished by Western-style democracy, and Islamic states only allow "freedom" within the scope of Sharia law.

Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

Until 1980, American-style democracy suffered a shameful defeat in the world, so much so that then-President Richard Nixon was very pessimistic about the future, and believed that the future world was a multipolar world, and that it was almost impossible for the United States to transform the world.

What really changed the situation was not American democracy, but the elaborate planning of George Kennan, Kissinger, Reagan and others, and it was their realist strategy that defeated the Soviet Union, because of the defeat of the Soviet Union, there was no power that could prevent the United States from exporting the order, which led to the third wave of democratization, the United States no longer tolerated the world's dictators, began to promote their democratization, which is the root cause of the upheaval in Eastern Europe and South Korea.

What really led democratization was not the appeal of American democracy itself but the expansion of American power, which stemmed from the fact that the United States won World War II and the Cold War, and it was American troops and politicians, not the scholars who invented the theory, who won the victory.

The premise of the previous US diplomatic victory was first of all to abandon the pedantic democratic values and embrace the spirit of realism, and the United States must admit that the public in most countries did not have the ability to win power on their own, they relied on the input of foreign order, and even many people did not agree with Western-style democracy, and they voluntarily accepted authoritarian rule.

From George Kennan to Reagan, they were extremely calm in containing their opponents, and in order to bring down their opponents, they did whatever it took to weave lies, and it was this spirit of compromise with reality that allowed the United States to defeat the Soviet Union.

Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

Immediately after World War II, Kennan became aware of the Soviet threat, urged the United States to return to Europe and Asia, contain soviet expansion at every location, and developed a long-term containment strategy.

Kennan believes that the Soviet Union's long-standing sense of insecurity and communist ideology is the driving force behind Moscow's expansion, and the United States cannot change the Soviet Union's expansion attempts, and the United States can only stop the Soviet Union by adopting a policy of containment. The United States must abandon the small-scale fuss and wishful thinking of the short-term and replace it with a long-term, patient but determined policy of containment. He believes that if the United States wants to win, it must achieve three things: one is to effectively prevent the expansion of the Soviet Union while avoiding direct confrontation with the Soviet Union, and the other is to promote the division within the Soviet Union. The third is to enhance the health and vitality of the United States and give confidence to allies.

At Kennan's suggestion, the United States quickly intervened in the situation in Europe and Asia, launched a long-term confrontation with the Soviet Union, the United States launched the Marshall Plan to aid Western Europe, so that the strength of Western European countries quickly restored to become a staunch ally of the United States, in the Berlin crisis, the United States used large-scale airdrops to give hope to the people of Berlin, because of the materials of American aid, the German public who had doubts about the Allies quickly supported the leadership of the United States.

Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

(The large-scale airlift of Berlin by the United States during the Berlin Crisis won the hearts and minds of the people.)

In Asia, the United States quickly changed its previous policy of non-intervention, cultivating Japan, while deeply involved in the situation in North Korea and cultivating South Korea, an anti-Soviet bridgehead. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy's tough attitude of not giving in brought shame to Khrushchev.

In the Cold War, although the United States avoided a direct decisive battle with the Soviet Union, it still showed strength and toughness at key points, and it was the toughness of the United States that contained the Soviet Union rather than the inspiration of American democracy.

In addition to being tough, the United States also united all forces against the Soviet Union, during this period, in addition to the Carter period engaged in human rights diplomacy, other presidents generally abided by the principles of realism, for those anti-Soviet dictators, the United States still use it, South Korea's Park Chung-hee, Chun Doo-hwan, Chile's Pinochet, Saudi arabia's monarchs are dictators, but as long as they are anti-Soviet, the United States will acquiesce in their rule and give economic assistance, in 1980, The United States, in order to ensure South Korea's stability, chose to support Chun Doo-hwan rather than Gwangju's call for democratization. This embodies the principles of American realism.

Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

(U.S. alliances are very diverse.)

By the Reagan era, this principle of realism was even more extreme, no matter how much Israel and Saudi Arabia violated universal values, Reagan still called them allies, no matter how crazy the Muhad in Afghanistan was, the United States still supported their weapons, no matter how inconsistent China and American values were, Reagan still followed Nixon's line and befriended China. As long as the Soviet Union can be defeated, Reagan is not ashamed to ally with any country, no matter how much Reagan praises neoliberalism and democracy, in practice, he is a realist.

After the victory of the Cold War, the United States fell into arrogance, And Fukuyama proposed the end of history, and Americans seemed to forget that what really made democracy the trend was the cannon of the United States and not the American democracy itself. The American left is as ignorant as it was in the '60s, their stupid brains completely unaware of the cruelty of the real world and thinking only about the world with their giant baby-like IQs. Led by a group of idealistic children, the United States has made countless mistakes, whether it is George W. Bush, Republican, Obama, and Biden, all of whom have disregarded the principles of realism.

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has cost the United States so much that even the Washington Post believes that American democracy is dying in the dark, but even in the face of such a catastrophe, the American left still does not reflect on its naivety, but continues to exalt political correctness. Biden's democratic summit alienated allies who would otherwise have helped the United States.

Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

The Saudi Emirates, while extremely conservative, has always defended U.S. interests, Singapore, while authoritarian, has always provided a military base for the United States, and Turkey, despite its regressive democracy, is a bridgehead to contain Russia.

Biden's democracy summit will also chill Vietnam and India, Vietnam has been wary of color revolutions, the more the United States emphasizes democracy, the more Vietnam will be away from the United States, India has recently encountered democratic regression, Modi has been tightening control of social media and seeking re-election, India has become a de facto one-party system, although these two countries are deviating from the category of democracy, they are an indispensable part of the US Indo-Pacific strategy.

Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

Although the democracy summit has not yet been held, but the United States is doomed to nothing at the summit, Biden proved that he is a Carter-like president, not Roosevelt and Reagan, he has no courage to break political correctness, nor does he have the ability to make the right choice, Biden is still like a young man, always make the wrong choice.

The United States still enjoys superiority in strength, but if the United States continues to ignore reality and allow foolish political correctness to interfere with its policies, there will be no suspense in its failure. A country that cannot recognize reality in the face of disaster is doomed to destruction.

Biden's democratic summit is doomed to nothing, where is he from Kennan and Reagan?

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