
7 countries secretly help Taiwan build submarines? After the British media exposed the list, South Korea urgently clarified: It has nothing to do with me

author:DS North Wind

Recently, more and more major events have occurred around the situation in the Taiwan Strait. On November 28, 27 PLA military aircraft patrolled Taiwan, and the Y-20 appeared in the Taiwan Strait for the first time. On November 29, a rare US reconnaissance plane sailed through the Taiwan Strait. A day later, foreign media reported that Chinese submarines also appeared in the Taiwan Strait on November 29. On December 1, Mr. Abe spoke against the Taiwan Strait.

7 countries secretly help Taiwan build submarines? After the British media exposed the list, South Korea urgently clarified: It has nothing to do with me

Among the many news about the Taiwan Strait, there is actually another piece of news that is also worth noting, that is, the United States, Britain and other countries are secretly helping Taiwan build submarines. According to British media reports, 7 countries are secretly helping Taiwan build submarines. At present, Taiwan has obtained engineers, technicians and parts needed to build submarines from these countries.

It is reported that these 7 countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Spain, India and South Korea. On the surface, these 7 countries are all countries with submarines, but analysts believe that if it is really these 7 countries that helped Taiwan build submarines, then the quality of Taiwan's submarines will be very worrying.

7 countries secretly help Taiwan build submarines? After the British media exposed the list, South Korea urgently clarified: It has nothing to do with me

First, the United States and the United Kingdom, although militarily powerful, are also experienced in building submarines. However, it should be noted that the United States and the United Kingdom have not built conventional submarines for many years, so there is not much experience with modern advanced conventional submarines.

Although the British media said that the main role of these 7 countries is the United States and the United Kingdom, the reality is that the United States and the United Kingdom can not provide much help to Taiwan.

As for Australia, Canada and India, although they also have experience in building conventional submarines, the level of military industry in these three countries has always been unrecognized. For example, in India, although a lot of equipment is built on the surface, the core parts are actually sourced from abroad.

And the quality of the weapons and equipment that India is responsible for building has been criticized, as has Australia and Canada. If these three countries help Taiwan build submarines, then the quality of Taiwan's submarines may not be guaranteed.

7 countries secretly help Taiwan build submarines? After the British media exposed the list, South Korea urgently clarified: It has nothing to do with me

As for Spain, although the military industrial strength is at the leading level, but perhaps due to economic limitations, or other reasons, the weapons and equipment built by Spain have also been accidents due to mistakes many times before, so Spain is also not credible.

At present, in terms of experience and military industry level, only South Korea is more reliable. In recent years, South Korea's military level has indeed developed well, and its military industrial strength is also constantly improving, and it also has experience in building submarines.

However, just after the British media exposed the list of 7 countries, South Korea urgently clarified: It has nothing to do with me. According to reports, after the British media announced the list, the Blue House officials of the South Korean presidential office personally responded: The report is inconsistent with the facts.

7 countries secretly help Taiwan build submarines? After the British media exposed the list, South Korea urgently clarified: It has nothing to do with me

Meanwhile, Blue House officials said South Korea was checking to see if there was any case of providing illegal intelligence to Taiwan in its personal capacity. It is not difficult to see from the Blue House's statement that South Korea does not want to offend China. Although South Korea is an ally of the United States, South Korea is also a neighbor of China, and South Korea is very dependent on China in the economic and trade field, so it is normal that South Korea does not want to offend China.

In addition, according to reports, after the British media exposed the relevant news, a source from the Japanese government revealed that Japan had also considered participating in the project to help Taiwan build submarines, but considering that it might anger China, the Japanese government decided to give up participating in this project.

7 countries secretly help Taiwan build submarines? After the British media exposed the list, South Korea urgently clarified: It has nothing to do with me

Today, it seems that Japan and South Korea have made a wise choice in this matter. After all, Japan and South Korea are both Neighbors of China, and once they completely anger China, the situation of Japan and South Korea will become very sad.

In addition, after the report, Taiwan's defense department said that the work related to submarine research and development and manufacturing is in normal progress, which means that Taiwan may have a submarine in the near future. According to previous reports, Taiwan plans to deploy the submarine in the waters east of Taiwan to cope with possible situations.

In this regard, China's military experts said that at the current level of the Taiwan military, even if they have new submarines, the role they can play is very limited, and the threat to the mainland is not large, and it is not enough to affect the overall situation.

7 countries secretly help Taiwan build submarines? After the British media exposed the list, South Korea urgently clarified: It has nothing to do with me

However, we still need to pay attention to this matter at the tactical level. Experts believe that anti-submarine warfare is difficult for all countries, but at present, China's anti-submarine capability has been greatly improved. Therefore, although the possession of submarines by the Taiwan military will affect peaceful reunification to a certain extent, it will not affect the overall situation, and reunification is still an imperative and will certainly be achieved.

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