
Heng Zheng'an: The contemporary cultural significance of the "Four Elders of Jinling" calligraphy | Jiangsu Fangzhi Lecture Hall Nanjing

author:Fang Zhi Jiangsu

On October 25th, the 7th Pukou Special Session of "Nanjing Fangzhi Lecture Hall" was held at the Memorial Hall of Qiuyu Mountain Forest Dispersion. Heng Zheng'an, director of the China Literary and Art Critics Association and deputy secretary general of the Jiangsu Literary and Art Critics Association, was invited to give a lecture entitled "The Contemporary Cultural Significance of the 'Jinling Four Elders' Calligraphy".

Heng Zheng'an: The contemporary cultural significance of the "Four Elders of Jinling" calligraphy | Jiangsu Fangzhi Lecture Hall Nanjing

Pukou District is located in the northwest of the main city of Nanjing, south of the Yangtze River, north of the Pillow Chu River, laoshan across the east and west, with "ten miles of hot springs, hundreds of miles of old mountains, thousands of years of ginkgo, ten thousand egrets". Ge Huayou, vice chairman of the CppcC District Committee, introduced in his speech that Pukou District is not only blessed with unique ecological resources, but also has a long cultural heritage. Pukou has formed a unique regional culture in the course of thousands of years of historical precipitation, including the Buddhist culture represented by Dharma's "One Reed Crossing the River", the Republic of China culture represented by Pukou Railway Station, the red culture represented by Wang Hebo, the folk culture represented by the hand lion dance, and the calligraphy culture represented by the "Four Elders of Jinling" is the treasure of Pukou's history and culture. At present, Pukou District firmly grasps the strategic opportunities of Jiangbei New Area, Free Trade Zone, Yangtze River Delta integration and other intertwined and superimposed strategic opportunities, and strives to build a "landmark industrial highland", build the "most beautiful garden in the metropolitan area", and build a "Jiangbei Pearl" with "distinctive characteristics, developed industry, ecological livability, and modern openness", highlighting the vitality of the times of the beautiful ancient capital.

Heng Zheng'an: The contemporary cultural significance of the "Four Elders of Jinling" calligraphy | Jiangsu Fangzhi Lecture Hall Nanjing

Since the twentieth century, there have been many famous scholars in jiangsu's book circles, the most outstanding representatives of which are Lin Sanzhi, Hu Xiaoshi, Gao Ershi and Xiao Xian, who are known as the "Four Elders of Jinling". Heng Zheng'an began by introducing their lives and characteristics, and respectively outlined lin Sanzhi and Gao Ershi's lifelong dedication to calligraphy research, which were comparable to each other's famous cursive writings, and recognized as a good story; Hu Xiaoshi grew up in the study of stele paleography, calligraphy Zhong Ding Da seal as the basis, Han Libei stele as the mainstay, and saw the spirit of Gu Mu Gangjian; Xiao Xian calligraphy was based on the qin and Han dynasty foundations, swallowing the great wilderness, seeing the heroic in simplicity, and seeing the harmony in dunhou. Subsequently, in the process of leading everyone to appreciate the fine calligraphy of "Ancient Ginkgo Xing", "Linju YanhanJian", "Reading and Nourishing Qilian", and "Hefeng Julu Lian", he interpreted the life experiences of the four elders who were born in the late Qing Dynasty and grew up in the Republic of China, adhered to the literati ethics, devoted their lives, and eventually became a magnificent meteorology, as well as the bookish atmosphere and golden stone qi of their calligraphy, the superb pen and ink skills embodied in them, and the profound cultural skills contained, and focused on analyzing the cultural value of their calligraphy in the transition period from tradition to modernity. Finally, through reflection on the problems existing in the inheritance and innovation of contemporary calligraphy, the positive practical significance and far-reaching historical significance of reconstructing calligraphy culture for the protection, research and development of calligraphy art traditions and the enhancement of regional cultural soft power are expounded.

Heng Zheng'an: The contemporary cultural significance of the "Four Elders of Jinling" calligraphy | Jiangsu Fangzhi Lecture Hall Nanjing

The Qiuyushan Cultural Celebrity Memorial Hall, where this lecture hall is located, is composed of Lin Sanzhi, Hu Xiaoshi, Gao Ershi and Xiao Xian Memorial Hall, and has a collection of more than 1,000 "four big people" calligraphy and painting treasures. The memorial hall has a quiet scenery, a gathering of humanities, and has the reputation of "contemporary Orchid Pavilion", which is a calligraphy holy place that people in the calligraphy and painting circles at home and abroad yearn for, and is also a national third-level museum, a national AAA-level scenic spot, and a Pukou creation training base of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. At the event, Mao Zubin, former director of the Local History Office of Jiangpu County, honorary chairman of the Pukou District Calligraphers Association, the first curator of the Lin Sanzhi Memorial Hall, and a member of the Sanweng Gate, donated calligraphy works to the provincial and municipal local history offices, and Chen Hua, deputy director of the provincial local history office, and Tang Linping, deputy director of the municipal local history office, accepted the donation.

Heng Zheng'an: The contemporary cultural significance of the "Four Elders of Jinling" calligraphy | Jiangsu Fangzhi Lecture Hall Nanjing
Heng Zheng'an: The contemporary cultural significance of the "Four Elders of Jinling" calligraphy | Jiangsu Fangzhi Lecture Hall Nanjing

Source: Fang Zhi Nanjing

Review, Release: Zhu Zhenxin