
How does Yiye Huiming achieve a party to benefit the people?

author:China News Network
How does Yiye Huiming achieve a party to benefit the people?

White Jade Immortal Tea Li Dian photo

Lishui, China, December 3 (Reporter Shao Yanfei Li Dian) Boiling water slowly injected, crescent-shaped tea leaves churning up and down in the cup. After a few moments, the distinct leaves are suspended at both ends of the tea. Immediately, the aroma of elegant tea entered the heart...

Over the past few days, China News Network has reported that the team has wandered in Jingning, Shexiang, Zhejiang Province, drinking a cup of Huiming tea and listening to the Huimin Sutra. The stories of fragrant tea and villagers ring in the ears, accompanied by songs, which have stretched over the Donggong Mountains for many years.

How does Yiye Huiming achieve a party to benefit the people?

Jingning Tea Garden Photo by Li Dian

Jingning, one of the counties with the most mountains above a thousand meters in the Yangtze River Delta region, coupled with humid climate, suitable soil and other innate conditions, makes it a paradise for tea, with a total area of tea gardens reaching 73,100 mu, almost "villages and villages have tea gardens, and households pick tea leaves". In 2020, the total output of tea in Jingning was 3,092 tons, and the output value reached 489 million yuan.

Yan Douwei, the "third generation of tea" from Chengzhao Township, remembers that from childhood to adulthood, every time around the Qingming Dynasty, his parents would always go out early and go to the tea garden to pick tea. Killing, kneading, stir-frying... After the production process, the tea leaves are formed, and the elders will carry these tea leaves to the countryside to sell, "My family's tea garden is not large, but it is the main economic income of the family." ”

How does Yiye Huiming achieve a party to benefit the people?

A scene of Jingning Tea Garden photographed by Li Dian

Yan Duwei, who "grew up drinking Huiming tea", established the Chengzhao Tea Cooperative in 2011, which set up YeYaquan Family Farm. Today, this farm has planted 250 acres of ecological organic tea, and the "Golden Award Huiming" produced is sold at home and abroad, driving dozens of surrounding villagers to increase production and income.

In the development of the Huiming tea industry over the years, there are many examples of "getting rich first and getting rich later" like Yan Duwei, which has become one of the local "tacit" paths to common prosperity.

How does Yiye Huiming achieve a party to benefit the people?

Jingning Huiming Tea Li Dian photo

In addition to the "capable people" leading the way, the leadership of leading tea enterprises is also the "secret" of Jingning to get rich with tea.

The reporter and his party came to the Paradise Lake Tea Garden of Qi'er Tea Industry. Not far away, a few clumps of white loomed in the verdant verdant eyes. Looking closer, I could see that the sheep were "immersed" grazing. Ye Youqi, chairman of Qier Tea Industry, told reporters that this is the ecological breeding model of "raising sheep and controlling grass" that it has explored since 2016, and according to the experience of "sheep eating grass and not tea", the sheep have become the "weeder" and "fertilizer appraiser" of the tea garden.

Nowadays, this model has been rolled out in Jingning County, Chengzhao Township, Hexi Street, Zhengkeng Township and other key tea production areas to establish a standardized grid "sheep control grass" tea garden of more than 3,000 acres, driving the "sheep control grass" area of more than 10,000 acres, the establishment of ecological teaching training bases 2, leisure sightseeing and parent-child activities more than 200,000 people, to achieve the integration of agriculture and tourism.

The healthy and orderly operation of the global tea industry is inseparable from the support and guidance of the top-level design.

In order to promote the healthy development of the tea industry chain and give tea merchants and tea farmers a "reassuring pill", in 2019, Jingning promulgated a law for Huiming Tea - "Regulations on Promoting the Development of Huiming Tea Industry in Jingning She Autonomous County". Flipping through this regulation, modern technology, modern management concepts, standardized production and operation and other contents appear frequently, indicating the local determination to build this traditional industry into a modern, ecological and high-quality industry for the benefit of the people.

On the road of common prosperity, the cross-border combination of tea and culture, tourism, homestays and so on has allowed the tea industry chain to be extended and expanded, and the county development and people's income have been leveraged with a multiplier effect.

How does Yiye Huiming achieve a party to benefit the people?

Tea themed homestay "Mountain Language Room" lei fu zhu provides

After half a lifetime of dealing with tea, Lei Fuzhu, a sister of the Shejia family, blended with ingenious ingenuity in the mountains of Fuye Village in Dajun Township to create a "tea shop that can be lived". Magenta, boiled black, white, overflowing, drinking yellow... Each room of this tea homestay called "Mountain Language Room" has a different theme style, quietly telling the story of tea and Shexiang with colors, and for a time it has become a good place for tea lovers to punch cards.

Nowadays, out of the initial stage of the development of Huiming tea, more and more villages are trying to plot to tell more stories with Huiming tea.

Chen Xinghe, general secretary of the Sanshi Village Branch of Chengzhao Township, talked about the development plan of the village, imagining that in the future, the land under his feet will introduce manor-style tea enterprises, so that tourists can experience the joy of tea picking and taste the beauty of the tea ceremony.

At that time, looking at the place where Jing Ning's song resounded, the fragrant tea rose up and greeted the guests who came from afar. A leaf Huiming, so to benefit the people of the party... (End)

Source: China News Network