
cattle! 20 yuan won 17.38 million yuan

author:Li Qinglong

We hope the story: dreams change lives, love creates miracles! Riches please pay attention!

The Secret of The Riches ⬇⬇⬇

cattle! 20 yuan won 17.38 million yuan
cattle! 20 yuan won 17.38 million yuan

Get rich details ⬇⬇⬇

On November 30, 2021, the 2021137 two-color ball draw was drawn, of which 2 first prizes were from Meishan, Sichuan, with a winning amount of more than 17.38 million yuan. On the morning of December 1st, the winning lottery players could not wait to appear at the Welfare Lottery Center and go through the procedures for redemption. The grand prize winner took the prize money accompanied by his son, and both were very calm.

Speaking of this lottery experience, the winning lottery player said that his 5 numbers have been kept for 6 or 7 years, just to get rid of it, convenient, and let the owner copy it once every time. The lucky bettor said that he does not like multiple bets, he likes single double betting, feel that the amount of betting is small, the pressure is not so large, usually double, good mood to double the vote, very convenient.

The winning lottery ticket is a 20 yuan 5-bet 2 times lottery ticket, with a total winning amount of more than 17.38 million yuan! Such luck has made many gamblers say: "So envious!" ”

cattle! 20 yuan won 17.38 million yuan

Boom in the aftermath ⬇⬇⬇

Asked about the use of the bonus arrangement, he said that he had planned to take half of the financial management as his pension, and the other half to the son who needed money. Hope to make life better and more exciting.

Go with the flow, and the riches will come!

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