
Zhao Xin, vice president of Yili Group: The relationship between the "people and goods yard" in the retail industry is being reconstructed, and the market dominance is shifting to consumers

author:Sohu Finance
Zhao Xin, vice president of Yili Group: The relationship between the "people and goods yard" in the retail industry is being reconstructed, and the market dominance is shifting to consumers

On November 30, the "2021 Sohu Finance Summit" was held in Beijing.

The summit brought together more than ten political elites, business leaders and economic leaders to discuss the current economic situation and innovation opportunities in depth around the themes of "new economic cycle and new driving force for consumption", "coordinated development of the financial industry and manufacturing industry", and "scientific and technological innovation supports the rise of domestic products".

The summit is divided into two sessions, morning and afternoon. The morning session focused on the macroeconomic situation, and the afternoon session focused on the micro level of business operations.

In the afternoon meeting, Zhao Xin, vice president of Yili Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech entitled "Stimulating Innovation and Leading the High-quality Development of the Whole Chain".

Zhao Xin, vice president of Yili Group: The relationship between the "people and goods yard" in the retail industry is being reconstructed, and the market dominance is shifting to consumers

(The picture shows Zhao Xin, vice president of Yili Group)

Zhao Xin first showed that how to develop in the post-100 billion era of enterprises and how to promote the new momentum of enterprises is nothing but innovation. He believes that the most important advantage of future competition between Chinese and Chinese enterprises is not limited to the competition of lower resource costs, but to innovation and technology, so reform, upgrading and innovation breakthroughs will become the main tone in the next few years.

He talked about "no innovation and no future" is Yili's development concept, and summarized Yili's four-point practical experience: first, the use of digital transformation to promote the innovation of the entire industry chain; second, the integration of global wisdom resources, build an innovation platform; third, strengthen scientific research to promote product innovation; finally, embrace new business models and promote marketing innovation.

He said that Yili has promoted a series of digital transformations in recent years, and has developed a "four fully digital operation business system", realizing the coverage of the whole industry chain, the penetration of all channels, the all-round interaction and the sharing of all categories.

In addition, Zhao Xin specifically mentioned that with the rise of Generation Z and the continuous application of digital technology in the retail industry, the relationship between "people and goods yards" is being reconstructed. The market dominance is shifted from the brand owner to the consumer, and the brand owner will become the provider of solutions from the perspective of user demand, so how to establish the ability to take the consumer as the operation center and explore the agile delivery model that directly faces the consumer will become the key.

The following is the full text of the speech:

Distinguished guests, friends, good afternoon! Thank you very much to Sohu Finance, and thank you Chairman Zhang Chaoyang for giving me this opportunity to participate in the 2021 Sohu Finance Summit and share some of the practices of my own enterprises on this platform.

Just now, Zhao Zong of Bloomage Biology, including Li Zong of Xiaoniu Electric, talked about innovation, in fact, this is what I am thinking in the past few days, how to achieve this scale of enterprises, how to develop in the post-100 billion era, how to promote the new momentum of enterprises, I think it is not innovation. The theme I bring today is "Stimulating Innovation and Leading the High-quality Development of the Whole Chain", which is not only an enterprise, but also includes the whole industry chain and our ecosystem.

2021 is also an extraordinary year, we are already standing at the starting point of a new era, major global challenges are piled up, the trend of multipolarization is becoming more and more obvious, and the global governance system and the process of globalization are quietly changing. After experiencing the new crown epidemic, China has also opened a new stage of development in the 14th Five-Year Plan, and the advantages of cost, transformation, innovation and technology are the most important for the future competition of Chinese and Chinese enterprises, not limited to the competition of lower resource costs, but turning to the advantages of innovation and technology, so reform, upgrading and innovation breakthroughs will become the main keynote in the next few years.

"No innovation, no future" is Yili's development concept, innovation is not a phased concept, as long as the enterprise exists, it must innovate, it must change, which is a long-term and continuous process. Over the years, Yili has continuously cultivated new models, activated new kinetic energy, and shaped new advantages, and has some practical experience in these aspects, and today we also talk about some practical experience.

First of all, Yili is using digital transformation to promote innovation in the entire industry chain. Today's real enterprises in China are making every effort to deepen the integration with the digital economy, and the application of digital technology has promoted the innovation of the whole industry chain and stimulated the development of enterprises with innovation. In the case of Yili, in recent years, it has promoted a series of digital transformations, and has developed a "four-fully digital operation business system", realizing the coverage of the whole industry chain, the penetration of all channels, the all-round interaction and the sharing of all categories. We deeply activate all kinds of data value, we not only pay attention to public domain traffic, cooperate with e-commerce and media platforms in an all-round way, but also capture opportunities in public domain traffic, but also attach great importance to the development of private domain, closely interact with consumers, build trust and emotion, and achieve good results.

After the entire digital transformation, Yili e-commerce business has developed rapidly to become the first in the category, taking this year as an example, whether it is "6·18" or "11·11" Yili ranks first in the sales of dairy products on the whole network, and continues to maintain a significant leading trend in the industry.

The second point is to integrate global wisdom resources and build an innovation platform. Under the current new development pattern, the high-quality development of China's emulsion is inseparable from the important support of innovation, especially a new round of scientific and technological revolution is reconstructing the global innovation map, requiring enterprises to seize the opportunity, accelerate the integration of global wisdom resources, build a global innovation platform, and continuously enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. In recent years, Yili has built a global wisdom chain in the Netherlands, New Zealand and other regions, integrating global wisdom and providing consumers with high-quality products. For example, Erie and Wageningen University have joined forces to study the gap between human milk in the West, establish the first database of human milk composition research in Chinese enterprises, accumulate tens of millions of breast milk composition data in 19 years, and transform a series of scientific research results into high-quality health products.

The third point is to strengthen scientific research to promote product innovation, under the general trend of upgrading health demand, consumers have put forward higher requirements for different dimensions such as product quality, nutrition, experience, etc., which requires enterprises to develop diversified and personalized products for consumers at all times. In recent years, Yili has been adhering to the innovation strategy, closely following the consumption upgrade, tackling the core technology, and listing more than 100 new products every year. By the end of 2020, it has obtained 3109 patents at home and abroad, ranking the forefront of global emulsions. For example, Yili's Shuhua Milk, we apply lactose hydrolysis technology to completely solve the problem of lactose intolerance of 90% of Asian people, so that people who cannot drink milk can also enjoy the taste and nutrition of milk.

Finally, I still want to share, to embrace new business models and promote marketing innovation. Nowadays, from growth hacking to consumer operations, from membership economy to experience economy, more and more concepts related to user operations are emerging, and the core logic behind these concepts is that the cognitive boundaries and growth logic of enterprises are reconstructed in the era of consumption. Specifically, with the rise of Generation Z and the continuous application of digital technology in the retail industry, the relationship between "people and goods yards" is being reconstructed.

The market dominance is shifted from the brand owner to the consumer, and the brand owner will become the provider of solutions from the perspective of user demand, so how to establish the ability to take the consumer as the operation center and explore the agile delivery model that directly faces the consumer will become the key. With the improvement of residents' living standards, social and cultural changes, people's consumer demand for food and beverages is also constantly adjusting, healthy consumption, experience consumption and other new demands continue to create new business opportunities, especially last year's epidemic examination, further catalyzing the consumption mode of the new platform, high-quality consumption mode, new media, new services, new channels of accelerated maturity to promote the majority of consumers for the new ecology of the acceptance, small and beautiful sub-brand based on the insight of consumerism and new consumer groups, whether from packaging design, Product positioning or marketing means, are accurately capturing the needs of young people, this part of the Anmuxi, is a single product sales of more than 20 billion yuan in 2019, it is a representative work of in-depth insight into consumer demand and continuous innovation, this product through continuous innovation invested a lot of manpower and material resources, overcome more than a hundred technical problems, quickly and iteratively launched 5g protein spoon yogurt, AMX 0 sucrose series products, etc., leading the development of the entire category, in the market segment, The share reached 65.1%.

Health is sustainable, for innovators, steady and far-reaching. Not long ago at the Yili 2021 Leadership Summit, Yili released the goal of comprehensive value leadership, we must achieve the value leadership of consumers, the value of society, the value of employees, and the value of enterprises. Re-emphasize the importance of innovation and use it as the main driving force for enterprises, including the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises. In the future, Yili will continue to adhere to the consumer-centric approach and promote a better tomorrow for China's dairy industry with innovation and change.

Finally, I wish today's 2021 Sohu Summit a complete success, thank you.


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