
Ten things women should understand after marriage (recommended collection)

author:Little jiujiuha

Marriage is the top priority in a woman's life, and the quality of a marriage determines whether a woman will be happy in the future. And life after marriage means responsibility for women, not only to end the previous free life, but also to deal with things big and small in the family. So what do women need to understand after marriage?

1. Marriage is not the beginning of a romance

Many girls will imagine the sparkling and sparkling of married life, in fact, romance is only a small part of life, family trivialities, family expenses, pots and pans are the norm of married life.

2. Have a job of your own

Some women quit their jobs to be housewives after they get married, but I think it's best for women to have a job of their own. After all, spending the money you earn is much more practical than spending the money taken by others, and only when you are financially independent will you have the right to speak, don't give up your pursuit for men.

3. Learn to cook and improve your cooking skills

I believe that many women do not have ten fingers before marriage, and even housework does not have to be done. But after marriage is different, you already have your own life, do not order a variety of takeaways for convenience, learn to cook not only to save money and hygiene, after marriage you have to consider family life, and in the future you have to cook for him to eat.

4. Don't blindly take care of housework

You must know that marriage is a matter for two people, and various things in the family must learn to share with each other, and housework is no exception. Men also have to take on all kinds of housework, such as washing dishes, sweeping the floor to cook or something, after all, doing housework is not a woman's obligation, men also have to bear part of it.

5. Economic power is best in one's own hands

Many men will always be unable to control their own spending after having money on their bodies, so women are better off taking the economic power into their own hands. The economy is the foundation, whether it is love or marriage, women can never give up their control of economic power.

6. Learn to keep accounts and record household income and expenditure

What you buy every day, how much money you spend, it is best to be able to record it, so that you can clearly understand the daily expenses of the family, and you can also avoid unnecessary expenses and improve the quality of life.

7. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law does not have to be too concerned

The mother-in-law is always a mother-in-law, and it is incomparable with the mother who has raised herself for more than twenty years, so it is good to be polite to each other, and do not care too much. Sometimes it's counterproductive to care too much.

8. Have your own space

Although after marriage, you should be family-centered, but this does not mean that you have to give up your past life, do not always revolve around your husband and children, you can also have your own space, nothing to go out with friends to get together, but also to relax yourself.

9. Conjugal life is important

Happy marriage is inseparable from a harmonious husband and wife life, sometimes we will feel bad consciousness, in fact, this is the normal physiological needs between men and women, to face up to this matter, because this can directly affect the emotional state of the couple, do not be busy with life and ignore it.

10. Family interests come first

Husband and wife are a community of interests, and only when two people can put the interests of the family first, it is possible to get better and better, and it is a manifestation of stupidity to consider personal interests.