
"Goodbye 007" Daniel Craig's Closing Battle "007: No Time to Die"

author:A chronicle of the growth of the little year

007, a symbol that has been popular for sixty years, is still a benchmark for the secret agent genre today.

The series is not old, but people will be old, this Ren 007, Daniel Craig, acted for fifteen years, and this is his final work.

Beauty, suits, luxury cars, high-tech toys, vodka martinis... These elements were arranged and combined more than twenty times, and I was tired.

Daniel Craig's 007 is different.

The past 007 is a bit like Sun Wukong, suddenly emerging such a number one character, flying in the sky, omnipotent; Craig's 007 is not jumping out of the stone cracks, "Casino Royal" to "Flawless to Die" outlines his growth trajectory:

Born in an aristocratic family in Scotland, he was hit by the death of his parents and the death of his adoptive father at an early age, and when he grew up, he joined the army, served in the British Royal Special Air Service Regiment, and was recruited by Mrs. M to MI6 after retiring, and after passing the test, he stood out as Agent 00.

The past 007 was a calm, elegant, and unsure gentleman, and Craig's 007 had a very different style: Kong Wu was powerful, his face was cold, and he looked like an industrial worker more than an agent.

He would be impulsive and provoke diplomatic disputes for M; he would bring personal emotions to work and make people wonder if he was taking revenge or carrying out a mission; he would say dirty words, the classic "Do I fucking care?"

Craig's 007 is no longer a playboy who "lives in a kaleidoscope of flowers and leaves don't stick to his body."

Craig's 007 is also a man in a midlife crisis.

He was old, his body was not as strong as he used to be, he couldn't shoot accurately, and he had to rely on alcohol and drugs to suppress the pain.

From Casino Royale to Flawless Death, Daniel Craig fulfilled the producers' expectations of "reinterpreting 007" and "giving authenticity", and since then 007 is not a symbol, but a flesh and blood person.

The man's name was Bond, James Bond.

From the perspective of film history, such a transformation does not make much sense, after all, Ethan Hunt and Jason Bern pearls are already in front of it; but for those of us who grew up watching 007, it has a different meaning.

Bond is a man's dream. The bond of the past is the dream of a teenager, the spring breeze is proud and always on the road; Craig's Bond is the dream of a middle-aged man who is exhausted, ending his life with a vigorous death, completely resting in peace, leaving a memorable back for the world.

Although we still have to face a chicken feather life after walking out of the movie theater, at least Bond has lived for us on the screen.

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