
3790 Love (Lyricist By Li Dajiang)

author:Lyrics by Li Dajiang

3790 Love

Lyricist Li Dajiang

Love the mountains and love the water and love the hometown

Love flowers, love grass, love fragrance

Love is not enough spring breeze to spread the wilderness

Love is not enough to flourish good times

Love the rain, love the wind, love the sun

Love the stars love the moon late

Love is not enough heaven and earth even Guangyu

Love is not vast enough to grow in the world

Love to write, love to draw, love to sing

Love dear friend love daddy

Love is not enough red dust dreams and illusions

Love is not enough to drink and kiss the intestines

Love is an eternal song

Love is a boundless gallery

Love is a concern in everyone's heart

Love is the trickle of clear water.
