
Recently high! There have been many people poisoning alarms...

Source: Popular Science China


Guangzhou 110 alarm service desk received the report

Some citizens are due to cold weather

Improper use of gas

Accidents that cause carbon monoxide poisoning

Just recently

There have been a number of such accidents throughout the country

Case 1

On October 8, Ms. Wang's washed shoes in Xi'an were difficult to dry due to the cold, so she baked them with cinder, but it led to gas poisoning. According to the doctor, the woman baked in front of the cinder for nearly an hour, then slept for another hour, woke up with dizziness and nausea, etc., and then became unconscious, called out, diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning, and the patient has been discharged from the hospital.

Case 2

On November 17, a couple in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, barbecued at home, and the kitchen doors and windows were closed tightly, resulting in carbon monoxide poisoning, one of whom fainted unconsciously, and the other also fainted after calling the police. Firefighters broke the window and entered the room to rescue the two men. At present, both are out of danger of life.

Recently high! There have been many people poisoning alarms...

Case 3

On November 25, Ms. Yao from Harbin and her colleagues came to Guiyang on a business trip to a restaurant for dinner. In the middle of the meal, everyone had symptoms of nausea and vomiting, and even two colleagues were unconscious on the spot, and all 12 people were poisoned. Later, after rescue, all people were out of danger of life. Later, Ms. Yao recalled that the store was cooked through charcoal, and everyone was in a confined space, the ventilation system was broken, and everyone was poisoned.

Case 4

According to the surging news, some time ago, villagers in Cao Village, Pingyao County, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, burned honeycomb coal for heating, resulting in carbon monoxide poisoning. In the end, three of the four members of the family were killed, leaving only the 8-year-old child.

Guangzhou police once again issued an urgent reminder

Use gas in cold weather with safety in mind

Beware of carbon monoxide poisoning

Winter weather is cold, the public in the room with coal stove heating, or citizens in winter bathing, and the use of gas water heaters in life, etc., if you do not pay attention to maintain air circulation, the incomplete combustion of fuel and poor exhaust, easy to cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Poisoned people often gradually fall into a coma in a state of unconsciousness. Often, when the poisoner realizes that he should leave the scene, he is already weak on all fours, unable to cry for help, which is extremely dangerous.

The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, fatigue, drowsiness and other symptoms, and the severe ones are confused, the skin is flushed, and the lips are red like cherries, which is life-threatening.

If mild carbon monoxide poisoning is immediately out of the environment and inhaled fresh air, it can be recovered quickly; severe carbon monoxide poisoning will lose memory, mental retardation, and mental disorder after rescue and rehabilitation; and severe carbon monoxide poisoning will die on the spot.

The following places are most susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning accidents:

Poor smoke exhaust in home kitchens;

Improperly placed water heaters in toilets;

Air-conditioned interior of a closed air-conditioned car;

Poorly ventilated rooms that use gas or coal.

Police alert

Once a person is found or suspected of carbon monoxide poisoning, the doors and windows should be opened for ventilation immediately, the poisoned person should be quickly transferred to the air circulation, and immediately dial 120 or send directly to the hospital. Before the arrival of professional medical rescuers, it is important to ensure that the patient's airway is unobstructed.

To avoid suffering

Carbon monoxide, the "killer" of the invisible killer

This knowledge must be understood

Recently high! There have been many people poisoning alarms...

Source: @Xinhua Viewpoint, The Paper, CCTV News, Shaanxi TV News, Gansu News, people's attention

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