
Food festival | Rao Yuan, a well-known Cantonese cultural scholar: The Cantonese Banquet is a wonderful collision between Guangdong music and Cantonese cuisine


 This year's Guangzhou International Food Festival will make every effort to create a popular product of "Food Festival + Lingnan Culture" - Le Yun Cantonese Banquet. Rao Yuan, a well-known Cantonese cultural scholar, believes that this is a wonderful collision between Guangdong music and Cantonese cuisine.

Food festival | Rao Yuan, a well-known Cantonese cultural scholar: The Cantonese Banquet is a wonderful collision between Guangdong music and Cantonese cuisine

The well-known Cantonese cultural scholar Rao Yuan, Wang Hanwen

  Rao said that the Guangzhou International Food Festival has been successfully held for more than 30 sessions, and each previous edition has been held in a different place. Since it was held in Panyu District, it has been fixed ever since. Panyu is the hometown of fish and rice, the hometown of food, and the hometown of Guangdong music, and classic Cantonese music such as "Sailong Wins the Championship" and "Backgammon" has been handed down from generation to generation.

  Rao Yuanyuan said that this year's Guangzhou International Food Festival to create a "Le Yun Cantonese Banquet" explosive products, in the hometown of Guangdong music, the source of Guangdong cuisine, a wonderful collision, will be a taste, hearing, smell, touch fusion, giving people a kind of wholehearted enjoyment, very worth looking forward to.

  On the occasion of the opening of this year's Guangzhou International Food Festival, Rao Yuan touched the scene with emotion, and sang a song on the spot to punch in for this year's Guangzhou International Food Festival: There is a food festival in Guangzhou, and the neighbors come to the bricks (can't eat it), which has been done for decades, and eclipses the food for the heavenly cat (don't suffer losses).

 □ Wang Hanwen, a media reporter in Panyu District

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Food festival | Rao Yuan, a well-known Cantonese cultural scholar: The Cantonese Banquet is a wonderful collision between Guangdong music and Cantonese cuisine

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