
Taiping Imperial Records (Bingbu Vol. 17) - Edited by Li Fang, Li Mu, etc. (Northern Song Dynasty)

author:Subset of scriptures and poems and songs

○ Machine slightly five

  Wang Yin's "Book of Jin" says: Ma Longzixian was the king of Chengdu, and the forward Lu Ji attacked the king of Changsha at Shiqiao. The soldiers are fiercely armed. Sima Wanghu, the champion of the King of Changsha, led the crowd to beg for salt, and Xian Jian did not move. Hu Nai made dozens of horses get off their horses and tie them to the saddle, and let them serve Xian, and then made dozens of horses ridden by each thorn, and the horses ran to the Xian army, and the army was destroyed. Hu Yinchi fought fiercely and slashed at the battlefield.

  The "Biography of Mao Bao in the Book of Jin" says: Shi Sujun sent Mi Wan hu to give to Zu Yue, and sent Sima Huanfu to greet him. Bao told his people: "If you do not obey the art of war and military orders, how can you not go ashore and evil!" "It is a battle of change of strength, and it is known that its rice is obtained."

  Also known: Malone Ping Taiyuan, Jia Chi Dong, Qu Gai, Drum. Long Qi plotted to make hair, pinch the magnet, thief negative iron armor. Before he could go, the pawn was first armored by the rhinoceros, leaving nothing to hinder, and the thief thought that the gods were also.

  It is also known that since Wei Ou imprisoned Deng Ai, the generals tried to rob Ai, and the whole battle tended to the camp, and the guards went out to meet him, and the false table grass would declare Ai's affairs, and the generals would believe it and stop.

  It is also known that Liu Kun is less powerful, has the talent of vertical and horizontal, is good at making friends and winning, and is quite pompous. Friends with Fan Yang Zudi, Wen Di was used, and the book with relatives said: "I pillow to be used, Zhi Owl rebelled, often afraid of Zu Sheng's first whip." "It's like this. In Jinyang, the city was surrounded by Hu Qi, and the city was embarrassed and helpless, Kun Nai climbed the tower on the moon and roared, and Hu Thief heard it, and they all sighed sadly. In the middle of the night, the thief is drooling, and there is a cut of the soil. Xiang Xiao blew it again, and the thief abandoned the siege and left.

  It is also known that Lu Xun went south from Guangzhou, with 100,000 soldiers and 1,000 ships, and defeated the general Liu Yi in Sangluo, and went to Jiangning. Follow the brother-in-law Xu Daofu is known to have courage, knowing that Yu yu has returned, if there is no war, please go up in Xinting and Baishi, burn the boat, and attack it several times. Follow more strategies and less decisions, want to be all-round, and do not listen. Dao Replied, "I will eventually be mistaken by Lu Gong, and nothing will happen." Let me drive for the hero Lord, the world is not certain! "After the defeat.

  Also known: Wang Dun is anti. When Tun dies, his brother shall be his heir. Shen Chong led more than 10,000 people from Wu to join Wang Han and so on. Sima Gu Biao said: "Today, when a great event is lifted, and the Son of Heaven has strangled his throat, his feelings are depressed, his strength is frustrated, and he hesitates in doubt and hesitation, and he will cause disaster." Now if the fence pond is broken, because the lake water irrigates Jingyi, the power of the boats and ships, and the use of the extreme water army, this so-called soldier who yields without a war, the best strategy. With the sharpness of the first arrival, and the strength of the southeast army, the ten ways are advancing, the multitudes are multiplied, and the reason will be destroyed, and the middle strategy will also be. Turn misfortune into happiness, because defeat is successful, summon Qian Feng to plan things, because of the slash to surrender, the next strategy. "The charge could not be used, and the fleeing returned to Wu." Han Fu led the crowd to cross the Huai, Su Jun and other counterattacks, broke the big break, and also burned the camp and retreated. Then Zhou Guang beheaded Qian Feng, Wu Ru beheaded Chong, and passed on the first JingShi.

  It is also known in the "Record of Records": Fu Deng attacked Yao Cang, Cang returned to Anding, Deng ate Xinping, left his army at Hukong Fort, and led more than 10,000 people to surround the camp and wept on all sides, and the mourning was moving. Evil, ordered the three armies to weep in response to Deng, and Deng Nai retreated.

  It is also known that Wang Yong of Hejian sent Zhang Fang to the king of Changsha in Guanzhong, and Fang led his people from the HanGu valley into the south of tunhe. The general Huang Fushang refused to defeat him, and Zhang Fang led his troops into Luoyang. Emperor Hui of Qi was in the city, and fang jun saw the public opinion from afar, so he retreated, and Fang could not stop it, and the crowd was defeated. Fang retreated from the twelve-mile bridge, and people were frustrated, and there was no desire to restore their determination, or to persuade Fang to escape at night. Fang Yue: "The advantage of the soldier is blunt, and the loss of the gui is the ear." I went forward to build a fortress, unexpectedly, and this use of soldiers is also strange. "It was night that sneaked into the city of Los Angeles for seven miles. Since he was victorious, he did not think much of it, and overheard that Fang Leicheng was a soldier, and the division was a battle, so he was defeated.

  It is also known that Shi Le was based on the Xiang Kingdom, and the Jin general Wang Jun sent Wang Jun to supervise Wang Chang and Xianbei Duan to have more than 50,000 people in the Six Dependents and the Last Cup to beg for it. When the city was not repaired, it was built to fence the city to wait. As far as the six dependents were stationed in Zhuyang, Le dispatched the generals to challenge one after another, and were frequently defeated by the six dependents. Hearing of his great construction of offensive equipment, Le Gu said that his general Zuo Yue said: "Now that Kou has come to force him, he is widowed, and he is afraid that the siege will not be solved, the external salvation will not be reached, the internal food will be exhausted, and the defeat will not be solid." I will be a concise soldier, and I will fight in the wilderness to decide, how can I? The generals said, "It is advisable to hold firm in order to be tired, and the other master will retreat from himself, and he will pursue and attack, and he will be able to attack." Zhang Binyue: "I heard that the six dependents were sent to the North City in the early month of the month, and now that I am weak, I dare not go to war, and I will be slack." The fierceness of the people of the Present Duan Clan, the last one is the most, and the courage of its pawns is in the last cup, but do not return to battle, showing weakness. The rapid chiseling of the north base is more than twenty times, and the dao waiting thieves are undecided, unexpected, straight to the end of the tent, the enemy will be shocked, the plan is not enough, the so-called lightning can not cover the ears. The crowd of the last cup ran, the rest of the self-destruction, after the last cup was captured, Wang Jun commanded. "Lena Zhi, that is, with Kong Chang as the governor of the attack, built a gate in the northern city. Xianbei entered the northern base of Tunbei, waiting for his position to be undecided, and led the soldiers to clamor in the city. Hui kong Cang oversaw the ambush of the various tumen and attacked, and when the last of the people were captured, the six dependents and others scattered. Cang took advantage of the victory to pursue, pillow corpse for more than thirty miles, and obtained fifty armored horses. He took the six dependents to receive his remnants, tuned in Nagisa, sent envoys to seek peace, sent armored horses and gold and silver, and asked for the last cup with the three brothers of the last cup as a hostage. The generals also persuaded him to kill the last cup to frustrate him, and said: "Liaoxi is humble, has no grudge with me, and is the ear of Wang Jun." Killing one person now, and resenting a country, is not a plan. It will be pleasing to the occasion, and it will no longer be used for dredging. "So he took the quality and sent the last cup, and the six dependents and so on were returned, and finally they were used."

  It is also known that Du Pre sent The army of Fan Xian, Yin Lin, Deng Gui, Xiangyang Taishou Zhou Qi, and others to lead the people to Jiangxi, and to give the festival, between the tenth and the tenth day, the city of Leke, as premeditated. He also sent Yamen Guanding, Zhou Zhi, Wu Chao, and others to lead eight hundred strange soldiers to cross at night in a boat, in order to attack Lexiang, many banners, and set fire to Bashan, and to seize the heart of thieves in the city of key harms. Sun Xin, the governor of Wu, was terrified, and Wu Yanshu said: "The armies from the north are flying across the river." "Wu's men and women descended to more than 10,000 mouths, and the will, the nest, and other ambush soldiers were outside the city. The Xin army rejected Wang Jun, and was defeated and returned. He waited for the ambush troops to enter with the Xin army, and did not realize it until he was under the tent and returned to the army. The old army said: "In order to count the war, it is worth ten thousand." "

  It is also known that Liu Gaozhi and other demon thieves Sun En, En, were defeated, and more than 200,000 men and women were captured, and they entered the sea for a while. Fearing the trampling of the officers and the army, it is because of the fact that the Dao abandons the treasure children. When the eastern soil is solid, the yue li is full of eyes, and the prison is closed, so Enfu escapes into the sea. (The General Code: Sun En was spared by using this technique.) )

  Also known: Li Zhi guarded Xingyang, and Later Zhao Shile personally led the army to attack Xingyang. He sent the old and the weak into the mountains, and ordered the cattle and horses to be scattered, because they set up ambushes to wait for them. The thief fought for the cattle and horses, and he cried out in unison, and moved the valley with a loud voice, and he was defeated, and he was killed by many, and Le Nai retreated.

  Also known: Liu Kun guarded Taiyuan and sent the general Ji Huan to lead more than 100,000 people to beg Shi Le. Le will refuse, or advise: "The soldiers and horses are exquisite, and their sharp edges cannot be taken seriously, and it is advisable to go deep into the trenches and high walls to frustrate their sharpness, and the offensive and defensive forces are different, and they will be perfect." Le Yue: "The crowd is far away, the body is exhausted, the dogs and sheep are in a mess, the orders are uneven, but they can be captured in one battle, and they are strong!" Kou has fallen, Hu Ke is gone, the army is moving, and it is easy to return! If you take advantage of my retreat, you will be immaculate, and you will be deep and high! This is the way to self-destruct without a fight. "The Cutter." With Kong Cang as the forward governor, he ordered the three armies to behead the rear. The suspect soldiers were placed on the mountain and divided into two volts. Le lightly rode and fought, and pretended to be a crowd to the north. The Tang army pursued it, and the soldiers attacked before and after, and the Tang army was defeated.

  Also in the "Record": Former Yan Murong Liao's seal became slightly wider, (廆, 胡廆) According to Thorn City. Jinping Prefecture Assassin History, Dongyi Colonel Cui Yiyin Knot Gao Gou Li (毖, yin secret. and Yuwen, Duan Hui, and others plotted to destroy the land in order to divide the land. So he said with The Emperor, "He believed in Cui Yi's false words, inviting a momentary benefit, and coming to his ears." If there is no unity, there will be no surrender, and I will be destroyed now. However, when the other army first joined, its sharp edge was very sharp, and fortunately I fought quickly. If you fight back, you will fall into the trap. If you wait for it, you will doubt it and guess it. One is suspicious of me and yu yu, and the other is suspicious of those who have conspired with Han and Wei in the Three Kingdoms, and then they will be confused by their feelings, and then they will take it. So the Three Kingdoms attacked thorn city, closed the door and did not fight, sent the envoy to send cattle wine to treat Yuwen, and said to the public: "Cui Yi made an envoy yesterday." "So the two kingdoms doubted Yuwen ͬ춏@Ҳ and led the troops back. Yuwen Xi said, "Although the two kingdoms have returned, I should be the sole and the other country." "Forcing the city with all their might, camped thirty miles in a row." 廆簡瑞士配子皝, pushing forward in front, 皝, Yin Huangzi Han led the elite horse as a strange soldier, out of the poop, straight to its camp; 廆 phalanx advanced. The Si Du officials were proud of their own people, did not have equipment, and when they saw the arrival of the Army, Fang led the troops to refuse. The forwards began to make contact, and Han had entered his camp, set fire to them, and the crowd was defeated.

  Also known: Su Jun rebelled and conquered the Stone City, according to it. With Tao Wei and Wen Yu leading the troops to negotiate, the generals asked them to build a fortress at Chapu. Li Genyue, the overseer of the army, said: "Under the ground of Chapu, and in the south of The Water, only Bai Shijun is extremely revered, and can accommodate thousands of people, and it is inconvenient for thieves to attack, and the art of killing thieves is also." "Obey it. Standing at night, the thief was horrified when he saw the fortress. When the thief attacked Daye, Kan would save it, and Changshi Yin envied it: "If daye's infantry battle is unfavorable, then the big thing will go." But when the stone is attacked, Jun will save it, and daye will solve itself. Kan again from envy. Junguo abandons the big leaves and saves the stone. When the armies fought against Jun, Li Yangbu, the governor of Jingling, beheaded Peng Fa in the battle, and the thieves collapsed.

  Also known: The demon thief Sun Enbei went out to Haiyan, Liu Yu was a general, and built a city in Haiyan. Thieves came to attack the city, and the strength of the troops in the city was very weak, and Yu Du was deeply worried about it. One night, the flag is hidden, if it is already gone. Ming Dan opened the door and made several people with disabilities enter the city. The thief asks where Yu is. "The night is over." "By believing in it, he is leading the multitudes." Yu took advantage of his slackness, fought hard, and broke it.

  Cui Hong's "Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen Kingdoms" said: Northern Liang Depression Canal Mengxun led troops to cut down the southern Liang Bald HairEdan, (傉, Nuwoche) into its territory, migrated thousands of households and returned. When Yu Tan chased after Meng Xun and Meng Xun yu Poor Spring, Meng Xun attacked him, and all the generals knew: "The thief has been camped, and he must not commit a crime." Meng Xun said, "I am tired from afar, and I will be light and unprepared, and if my walls are not completed, they can be destroyed with a drum." "Enter and defeat it, take advantage of the victory as far as Guzang is concerned, and those who descend from Yixia are thousands of households." Fear, please go home with it.

  It is also known that Former Yan sent Murong Zhi to Ding Zhi Zhai Zhao at Shuitai, second only to LiyangJin. Zhao refused to defend the south bank. The weeping camp was in Nishijin, and more than a hundred cowhide boats were carried up with suspicious soldiers. Zhao first prepared Liyang with the public, and when he saw that he was facing Xijin, he abandoned the camp and refused to do so. He sent Murong Zhen, the king of Guilin, to lead a horse riding at Liyangjin, Night, and Henan. Zhao smelled and ran, the soldiers were tired and thirsty, and walked back to the slide, Zhao and his wife led hundreds of horses to ride the Northern Fun White Deer, and sent them to pursue and capture the crowd.

  It is also known that Murong Sheng of Later Yan was in charge of Liaodong, and his Liaoxi Taishou Li Langyin led the Later Wei army to the table to ask for troops to resist Kou. Sheng Yue: "This will be deceitful." "Summon them to rebuke them, and to test them, and to destroy their people." Dispatch the general Li Qian to ride on it, and the division was jian'an, and the drought spinning division was summoned. Lang Wen's family was cursed, and more than 2,000 households were self-reliant. And after hearing the drought in the middle of the road, it is said that there is an internal change, no longer prepared, leaving his son to raise a guard order, and supporting the Wei division in Beiping. If the drought is known, the attack will be made, and the dispatch will be chased, and the unsupported will be cut. Sheng said to the Qunchen: "In the past, those who chased after drought and returned to the drought, Lang Xin was a rebel, and he would be jealous of official authority." One is a dove contract class, robbing the good; the second is to die in the mountains, not to be killed, so it is not intended to return, in order to profit from its ambitions, to hide it, and the reason of Bi Ke is also. The courtiers all knew: "Not out of reach." "

  It is also known that Former Qin Fu Jian fell into Xiangyang, and the Jin general Huan Chong attacked it. The Jian general Murong Chui and others rode 50,000 troops to save Xiangyang, with Shi Yue as the forward, second to Chushui. The three soldiers of the Weeping and Yue Night ordered the torch to hold the torch on the branches of the tree, illuminate the light for miles, rush to fear, and return.

  It is also known that Later Zhao Shile sent Shi Jilong and Chen Caijian away, leaving the peach leopard to guard the city and live in Xitai. The Eastern Jin Dynasty general Zu Ti sent Han Qian and other towns to Dongtai. In the same big city, thieves came and went from the south gate to graze cattle, and the army opened the east gate and guarded each other for forty years. Cloth sacs were filled with soil like rice, so that more than a thousand people were transported to power, and several people were made to carry rice, pretending to be extremely tired and resting on the Tao. The thieves chased after them, and all of them abandoned their burdens and left. When the thief receives rice, he is said to be rich and abundant, while Hu Rong is hungry for a long time, fearful, and has no courage to recover.

  It is also known that Later Liang Lü Guang sent Lü Yanfa to Western Qin and was defeated. Qian Guiyin wept and sighed: "Surviving in death is also today." "It is a vertical rebellion, saying that Qian gui dong ben chengji, Lü Yan believes in it, and leads the teacher to advance lightly." Sima Gengya of Yan said: "Qian Guixiong is brave and brave, the power is unpredictable, the broken Wang Guang, Ke Yang Ding, all of them are lured by the master, although the small country is small, it should not be taken lightly." Trapped in the beast, the situation is dry and can see the wind disperse? "Now it is advisable for the troops to march forward, step by step, and The armies of Xu Qian will gather in a big way, but they can be destroyed in one fell swoop." Delay, defeat, death.

  Also known: Northern Liang Depression Canal Mengxun Vaxi Liang Li Shiye in Jiuquan, first attacked Hao, (Hao Yin Lu, Qi Yin Gate. The snake is in front of the tent. Meng Xun smiled and said, "The previous one was a tengsnake, and now the disk is in my tent, and Heaven wants me to return to the master." "Burn the offensive gear and return, second to Chuanyan." Hearing that Li Shiye was recruiting troops to attack Zhangye, Meng Xun said: "Enter my plan." But I was afraid to hear that I was returning to the army, and I did not dare to go forward. "The military is still powerful, and it is the western realm of Lubu, called Hao, and will march into the Yellow Valley, and the soldiers will be overjoyed to hear it, and they will go straight into the dudu stream." Meng Xun's submarine army rebelled, defeated shiye in Huaicheng, and entered Kejiuquan.

  Also known: Nan Liang bald tan guarded Gu Zang, and Qin Yao Xing sent Yao Bi and so on to the city. The sandalwood drove the cattle and sheep into the wild, and the crowd plundered, and the sandalwood was divided, and the great destruction was broken.

  It is also known that Murong Jun of Former Yan had already keyou and Ji, as for Jizhou. Ran Min's division refused, and met the general Murong Ke at Wei Chang. Min said to Min Yue: "Xianbei takes advantage of the victory, and the strength cannot be taken seriously." Please avoid it, to overflow its breath, and then to attack it, you can also be quick. Min Fury said, "I will go out as a master, and I will ping you prefecture and behead Murong Jun." If you avoid it now, people will insult me. "Min Wei ming Su Zhen, Yan Zhong Xian Zhi." The generals said: "Min is brave and unscrupulous, and the enemy of a husband is the ear." Although there are armored soldiers, they are not enough to strike. I am now divided into three capitals, and I will wait for them. Min is light and sharp, and with the strength of our army as an enemy, he will rush to my Chinese army with ten thousand deaths. I have now penetrated the thick armor to reach it, and the armies but the pawns have fought from the side, and they have attacked it together, and they will be conquered. "Min and Ke met, and they were defeated in ten battles. Ke Nai is connected with iron locks, and Jian Shan shoots five thousand brave and brave people, and the phalanx advances. Min took the horse to the left with a double knife, and the right side held a hook, and hit it downwind. Cut fresh and humble more than three hundred levels. The Russian yan rode to a large extent and surrounded it for several weeks. Min was outnumbered, and the Prancing Horse broke down and walked east, traveling more than twenty miles, and was captured by Ke.

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