
Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

author:Boring show talent

1. Qin Dynasty (Lü Buwei)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

Lü Buwei

Lü Buwei (?) –235 BC), courtesy name Jiang (江), courtesy name Lü (Lü), was a native of Puyang (濮阳, in modern Hua County, Anyang, Henan). At the end of the Warring States period, he was a merchant, politician, and thinker of the Wei Dynasty, and later the Minister of the Qin Dynasty, the twenty-third grandson of Jiang Ziya.

In his early years, he engaged in business with Yang Zhai, brought the protons of the Qin state back to the Qin state, and supported her to become the queen of Qin Zhuangxiang, and was worshipped as xiangguo, fengwen xinhou, and 100,000 households in Luoyang, Henan. He led troops to capture the lands of the Zhou, Zhao, and Wei states, and established Sanchuan County, Taiyuan County, and Dong County respectively, making a major contribution to the cause of qin's king Yingzheng's annexation of the six kingdoms. After the death of King Zhuang Xiang, Prince Yingli took the throne and worshipped him as Xiang Bang, honoring him as "Zhongfu", and his power fell to the world. Implicated in the rebellion of the Yan Yi clique, he returned to China and his family exiled to Shu County, committing suicide on the way.

He presided over the compilation of the "Lü Shi Chunqiu" (also known as "Lü Lan"), which contains the Eight Classics, the Six Treatises, and the Twelve Ages, and combines the various schools of the pre-Qin Sects, "Ju Confucian Ink, Combined Name Law", known in history as "Miscellaneous Families".

2. Western Han Dynasty (Zhang Liang)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

Zhang liang

Zhang Liang(?) –186 BC), courtesy name Zifang, was a native of Yingchuan City (present-day Yu County, Henan). [Outstanding strategist of the late Qin and early Han dynasties, a founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, a statesman, and together with Han Xin and Xiao He, he was known as the "Three Masters of the Early Han Dynasty".]

Zhang Liang's ancestors served as the minister of state of the Han kings for five generations in Korea. Liu Bang was urged to make a humble remark at the Hongmen banquet, preserve his strength, and dredge Xiang Yuji's father Xiang Bo, so that Liu Bang could escape smoothly. With his outstanding wisdom, he assisted Liu Bang, the King of Han, in winning the Chu-Han War, establishing the Han Dynasty, and helping Liu Ying, the son of Empress Lü, to become crown prince and be crowned marquis.

Zhang Liang was proficient in the way of Huang Lao, did not love the throne, and traveled all over the world with Chi Songzi in his later years, and died in the second year of Henkel (186 BC) with the posthumous name Wencheng. Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, once commented on him in the Luoyang Nangong Palace: "In the midst of the husband's planning and planning, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away, and I am not as good as the sub-room." ”

3. Eastern Han Dynasty (Cao Cao)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

Cao Cao

Emperor Cao Cao of Weiwu (155 [1] – March 15, 220), courtesy name Mengde, was an auspicious and small character. A native of Peiguo County (沛国谯县; present-day Bozhou, Anhui Province). Outstanding statesman, military man, writer, calligrapher, and poet of ancient China. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was the son of Cao Song and the founder of Cao Wei.

Cao Cao was a young man and alert, and RenXia was debauched and did not rule the industry. At the age of twenty, he was made a lieutenant of northern Luoyang. He later served as a cavalry lieutenant and participated in the suppression of the Yellow Turban Army. Move the jinan phase, play free from greed, and forbid obscenity. Zheng for the East County Too Shou, not on, called the disease home. and Dong Zhuo was good at government, and he was a soldier who was a family and raised an army, and consulted with Yuan Shao and others to discuss Dong Zhuo. In the third year of Chuping (192), according to Yanzhou, more than 300,000 Yellow Turban troops were divided and lured, and their elite army was selected as the Qingzhou Army, and since then the strength of the army has been greatly enhanced, and yuan shu, Tao Qian, Lü Bu and other departments have been defeated. In the first year of Jian'an (196), Emperor Xian of Han was sent to Xu (present-day Xuchangdong, Henan), where he became a sikong and rode a general in the military and took charge of the imperial government. In the fifth year of Jian'an (200), he defeated Yuan Shao's main forces in the Battle of Guandu, and successively flattened Yuan Shang, Yuan Tan and other forces. In the twelfth year of Jian'an (207), wuhuan was broken and the north was unified. In the thirteenth year of Jian'an (208), he ascended the throne as chancellor. In the same year, he attacked Jingzhou and fought the Battle of Chibi with the combined forces of Sun Quan and Liu Bei, and was defeated. In the eighteenth year of Jian'an (213), he was made the Duke of Wei. In the 20th year of Jian'an (215), Zhang Lu was enlisted and Hanzhong was taken. In the following year, he was knighted as the King of Wei. In the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an (220), he died of illness in Luoyang at the age of sixty-six. His son Cao Pi was proclaimed emperor of the Han Dynasty and posthumously honored Cao Cao as Emperor Taizuwu and buried in Gaoling.

Cao Cao was good at poetry, knew the art of war, and opened the Style of An. There are many poems. There is also a note that "Sun Tzu" has been handed down. Jinren compiled his poems into a typeset edition of cao cao's collection. [158] He was also good at calligraphy, and was rated as a "wonderful product" by Zhang Huaihuan's "Book Break" of the Tang Dynasty.

4. Three Kingdoms (Shu-Zhuge Liang)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

Zhuge Liang

Zhuge Liang (181 – October 8, 234), courtesy name Kong Ming (孔明), courtesy name Wolong, was a native of Yangdu ,琅琊阳都, in present-day Yinan County, Shandong Province), and a Shu Han chancellor during the Three Kingdoms period, an outstanding politician, military, inventor, and writer in ancient China.

Zhuge Liang accompanied his uncle Zhuge Xuan to Jingzhou in his early years, and after Zhuge Xuan's death, Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Longzhong. Later, Liu Beisan Gu Maolu invited Zhuge Liang to join forces with Sun Quan of Eastern Wu to defeat the Cao army at the Battle of Chibi, forming the momentum of the Three Kingdoms and capturing Jingzhou. In the nineteenth year of Jian'an (214), he captured Yizhou. [7] He then defeated Cao Jun and captured Hanzhong. In the first year of Zhang Wu (221), Liu Bei established the Shu Han regime in Chengdu, and Zhuge Liang was appointed as a chancellor. After the lord Liu Chan succeeded to the throne, Zhuge Liang was made the Marquis of Wuxiang and led the YiZhou Pastor. Be diligent and prudent, personally handle political affairs large and small, and reward and punish strictly; make alliances with Eastern Wu to improve relations with all ethnic groups in the southwest; implement the Tuntian policy and strengthen war readiness. Five northern expeditions to the Central Plains failed to achieve the goal of reviving the Han Dynasty. Eventually, due to overwork, he died of illness in Wuzhangyuan (in present-day Qishan, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province) in the twelfth year of Jianxing (234) at the age of fifty-four. Later Lord Liu Chan was posthumously honored as marquis of Zhongwu, and was often honored as Marquis of Wu in later generations. Huan Wen of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was posthumously honored as the King of Wuxing.

Zhuge Liang's representative prose works include "The Table of Teachers" and "Book of Commandments". He invented wooden cattle flowing horses, Kong Ming lanterns, etc., and modified the crossbow, called Zhuge Lian crossbow, which can be fired with ten arrows in one crossbow. In his lifetime, Zhuge Liang "bowed down and died later", and was a representative of loyal subjects and wise men in traditional Chinese culture.

5. Western Jin Dynasty (Yang Hu)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns


Yang Hu (221 – December 27, 278), courtesy name Uncle Zi, was a native of Nancheng County, Taishan County, Yanzhou. An outstanding strategist, statesman, and writer of the Western Jin Dynasty, the son of Cao Wei Shangdang Taishou Yangyuan and the nephew of Cai Wenji, a talented woman at the end of the Han Dynasty.

Yang Hu was born in the "Taishan Sheep Clan", erudite and literate, honest and upright. During the Cao Wei period, he accepted the bus requisition, served as Zhongshu Lang, and moved to Shi Huangmen Shilang. The sister married the great general Sima Shi and defected to the Sima family, and her career was smooth. Emperor Cao Of Wei ascended the throne, serving as a secretary and supervisor, Xiangguo engaged in Zhonglang and Zhongling, commanding the Yulin Army, and also managing internal and external affairs, and was enthroned as Juping County. After the establishment of the Western Jin Dynasty, the general of the Qianzhong Army, the Scattered Horse Chang Shi, and the Lang Zhongling were crowned marquis of Juping. In the fifth year of the Tai Dynasty (269), he served as a che cavalry general, Kaifu Yi tongsan division, the governor of the Jingzhou military, sitting in Xiangyang, Tuntian Xingxue, with virtue and gentleness, deeply won the hearts of the military and the people; expanded the armament, trained soldiers, fully prepared to destroy Sun Wu, and gradually moved to the southern generals, and was crowned the Marquis of Nancheng.

In the fourth year of Xianning (278), Yang Hu died, and before his death, he recommended Du To pre-take over the post. After his death, he was given the title of "Shizhong and Taifu" (太傅), with the courtesy name "Cheng". During the Tang and Song dynasties, it was worthy of enjoying the Wu Temple.

6. Eastern Jin Dynasty (Sima Yuanxian)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

Sima Yuanxian

Sima Yuanxian (382–402), courtesy name Langjun, was a native of Wen County, Hanoi (present-day Wen County, Henan). Emperor Of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he was the grandson of Sima Yu, Emperor Wen of Jin, nephew of Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin, and son of Sima Daozi, the Prince of Huiwen.

Sima Yuanxian was intelligent and studious, had a lot of dabbling, and had a strong ambition, and when his father was crowned the Prince of Huiji, Sima Yuanxian was made the prince of Huiji. At the age of sixteen, he was appointed as a general in the service and enlistment. With the merit of quelling the "Rebellion of Wang Gong", he was awarded the Zhongshu Order and the Leader of the Central Army. In the third year of Long'an (399), his father took power, and he was a general of the Later Dynasty, Shang Shuling, and Yangzhou Assassin. Those who were recruited from Jiangnan to "be free of slavery as guests" and went to Beijing to perform military service ("Le genus"), which inspired Sun En's uprising.

In the first year of Yuan Xing (402), he was given the title of Shi Zhong, a false Huang Yu , a general on horseback , and a military governor of the Eighteen Prefectures , and the Xing army rebelled against Huan Xuan , but due to the defection of the forward Governor Liu Jiaozhi , he was defeated and arrested , and was killed at the age of twenty-one. After Emperor An of Jin was restored to the throne, he was given the title of Tai Wei (太尉) and his courtesy name was Zhong.

7. Southern and Northern Dynasties - Northern Wei (Cui Hao)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

Cui Hao

Cui Hao (381 – July 5, 450 [60]), courtesy name Boyuan (伯元), courtesy name Taojian (Peach Jian), was a native of DongwuCheng, Qinghe County (present-day Gucheng County, Hebei). During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, he was an outstanding politician and military strategist of Northern Wei, the seventh grandson of Cao Wei Sikong Cui Lin and the eldest son of Northern Wei Sikong Cui Hong.

Cui Hao was born in the Qinghe Cui clan of the northern clan, and was a man of superior wisdom and often compared himself to Zhang Liang. He served in the three dynasties of Emperor Daowu of Northern Wei, Emperor Mingyuan, and Emperor Taiwu, and was the most important adviser of Emperor Taiwu, who was deeply trusted by him and made great contributions to promoting the unification of the north by Northern Wei. Repeatedly defying public opinion and judging the timing, emperor Taiwu assisted Emperor Taiwu in destroying the states of Huxia and Northern Liang, breaking through Rouran, relieving the military threat from the north and Guanzhong regions, and opening up the trade route to the western region. Lei Bai Situ, Duke of Fengdong County.

In the eleventh year (450) of the Taiping Zhenjun of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Cui Hao was implicated in the "Prison of National History" and was exterminated by the Nine Tribes at the age of seventy.

8. Sui Dynasty (Yang Su)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

Yang Su

Yang Su (544–606), courtesy name Dao, was a native of Huayin County, Hongnong County (present-day Huayin, Shaanxi). Sui Dynasty warrior, courtier, and poet.

Yang Su was from the Hongnong Yang clan of the Guan Sergeant clan. During the Northern Zhou Dynasty, he started the Chinese and foreign government records, the doctors under the ceremonial department, the governor of the capital, and the generals and yi tongsan divisions of the lei. He participated in the Battle of Northern Qi, and accompanied the general Wang Lu to rescue Pengcheng and captured the Southern Chen general Wu Mingche. Later, he attacked Huainan with the Shangzhu state of Wei Xiaokuan, during which time he befriended Yang Jian, the Duke of Suiguo, quelled the rebellion, and was given the title of Grand General and renamed the Duke of Qinghe County. After the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, he was promoted to the rank of Imperial Historian. In the eighth year of Emperor Kai (588), the water army led by the governor of Xinzhou destroyed the Chen Dynasty, paid homage to the governor of Jingzhou, entered the Duke of Yue, and supported Yang Guang, the prince of Jin, as crown prince. After Yang Guang ascended the throne, he presided over the rebellion of Yang Yu, the king of The Han Dynasty, and paid homage to Shang Shuling, Taishi, and Situ, and then created the Duke of Chu. In the second year of Daye (606), Yang Su died at the age of sixty-three. He was awarded the title of Guanglu Doctor and Taiwei (太尉), and his nickname was "Jingwu".

9. Tang Dynasty (Guo Ziyi)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

Guo Ziyi

Guo Ziyi (697–781), courtesy name Ziyi, was a native of Zheng County, Huazhou (present-day Huazhou District, Weinan, Shaanxi). A famous general, politician, and military figure in the Tang Dynasty, he was the son of Guo Jingzhi of Shouzhou.

Born in Taiyuan Guo clan. In his early years, he joined the army as a martial artist and accumulated merits to Jiuyuan Taishou. When the Anshi Rebellion broke out, Ren Shuofang led an army to serve the king, retake Hebei and Hedong, and worshiped Shangshu and Tongzhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi. In the second year of De (757), he regained the two capitals and made meritorious contributions, plus Situ and Daiguo Gong. And into the position of Zhongshu Order. In the second year of Qianyuan (759), he assumed the responsibility for the defeat of xiangzhou's troops, lost his military power, and was in an idle position. In the first year of Baoying (762), he was successful in the mutiny in the Pingding River and was enfeoffed as the king of Fenyang County. In the first year of Guangde (763), the servant Gu Huai'en colluded with Tubo and Hui to invade, and Chang'an fell. He was re-activated as the deputy marshal of Guannei and recaptured Chang'an. In the first year of Yongtai (765), tubo and Hui invaded, and at Jingyang, they rode back to The Hui and defeated Tubo. In the fourteenth year of the Gregorian calendar (779), after Emperor Dezong of Tang ascended the throne, he was honored as "Shang Father" and was enthroned as a lieutenant and Zhongshu Ling.

In the second year of Tang Jianzhong (781), he died of illness and was given the title of Taishi (太師), with the courtesy name "Zhongwu", accompanied by the Tang Dynasty Emperor's temple court, and was buried in Jianling.

10. Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (Feng Dao)

Each dynasty and each generation had several top beams and columns

Feng Dao

Feng Dao (882-954), also known as Ke Dao , was a native of Jingcheng , Yingzhou ( present-day northwest of Cangzhou , Hebei ) , a famous prime minister during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period , who lived through four dynasties and ten dynasties of kings , and was known as the "Elder of the Ten Dynasties".

In his early years, Feng Dao served Liu Shouguang the Prince of Yan, serving successively in the Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou Dynasties, successively serving Emperor Zhuangzong of Later Tang, Emperor Mingzong of Later Tang, Emperor Min of Later Tang, Emperor Gaozu of Later Jin, Emperor Gaozu of Later Jin, Emperor Gaozu of Later Han, Emperor Yin of Later Han, Emperor Taizu of Later Zhou, and Emperor Shizong of Later Zhou, during which he also submitted to Emperor Taizong of Liao, always serving as a general, three dukes, and three divisions.

In April of the first year of the Later Zhou Dynasty (954), Feng Dao died of illness and was posthumously honored as the King of Ying, with the posthumous title of Wen Yi. Later historians, out of the concept of loyalty to the king, were very disdainful of him, Ouyang Xiu scolded him for "not being honest", and Sima Guang even denounced him as "the best of traitors". However, in his affairs of helping the people and promoting the virtuous, in the Five Dynasties period, he had the reputation of "the people of the world who are not wise and foolish, and all look up to the Tao as elders, and are happy to be praised for it".

The whole thing is not easy to pay attention to!