
Life between husband and wife

author:Yi Han's first hand

The most important thing for two people to be honest with each other, not to be suspicious and hide from each other. There is something to say, no matter how big or small. Anything can be talked about. For consideration of misunderstanding one party. Big things can be turned into small things, and small things can be reduced to zero. The harmonious atmosphere in the home will last forever

Suppose my wife and I have been married for more than ten years. In our daily lives over the past few years, we have tolerated each other's shortcomings and appreciated each other's strengths. Adapt to each other and get to know each other

Take eating, for example. My wife used to like to eat spicy food. I don't eat spicy food. Every day at dinner, my wife gradually got used to not eating spicy food in my cooking. I like to eat fish, my wife doesn't like fish, but loves chicken and other beef and lamb. When I eat fish in my daily cooking, I make a plate of meat that she likes to eat

Life between husband and wife

In life and communication, we have our own private space, our own interests and friends. Our respective friends never interfered, but they got along very well

I love going fishing, so there are fish to eat every day. Sometimes when there is a lot of fish, it is also given to relatives, friends and neighbors

Life between husband and wife

I love to read, and I also like to raise some happy flowers and plants. Occasionally, I get together with friends and sing some new pop songs. Sometimes when friends are free, they will also form a group to travel together

Life between husband and wife

When we first got married, we agreed that our home should be outside the man and inside the woman' house. We have kept this promise and agreement since we were married for 28 years. Witness successes and understand failures. After experiencing the wind and rain, but also waiting for a good day, the clouds opened and the fog dissipated

Although life has entered middle age, even if the ground is full of chicken feathers, we will play our role in the family together. So when we first got married, we didn't want anything. While it wasn't a big blessing, at least it was the contented parents who said it for so long for a short reason. Generally speaking, the way couples get along is to run in and influence. If you give a little for the other person, the other person will return the favor with a lifetime.

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