
What are the most remarkable qualities of good people?

author:Interactive slide rail screen Yang Fan

Part of this article is excerpted from Jenny Joe: "Knowledgeable Girl, Live a Higher Life"


See a story like this in a book:

Once, a student of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno asked Zeno, "Teacher, you are very knowledgeable and know so many things, why do you often doubt your answer?" ”

Zeno replied, "Man's knowledge is like a circle, the outside of the circle is unknown, the inside of the circle is known, the more you know, the larger your circle will be, the larger the circumference of the circle, so the more space you have contact with the unknown." So while I know more than you, I don't know more than you. ”

You see, the better people are, the more they can see their own ignorance. As a result, walking on thin ice and feeling awe became part of their character and life. It is precisely because of this mentality that they have never stopped exploring knowledge and life.


Then, in reality, for many of us, we often feel invincible in the world when we know nothing.

Fu Sheng mentioned in the cognitive trilogy that people have four cognitive realms: "don't know that they don't know", "know that they don't know", "know that they know" and "don't know that they know".

95% of people are in the first layer of "not knowing what they don't know".

So, when we ask the other person why you are so good, perhaps we should ask ourselves another question: Why don't we work so hard?

Often, thinking that you know everything is precisely the beginning of one's ignorance.


Over the years, society has been debating whether going to college is useful or not. People who say it is useless can always give many examples to prove that they can succeed without going to college. From Bill Gates to Jobs, from Einstein to Edison, the social university seems to be more able to produce successful people.

Ironically, those who succeed without reading a book value education more than anyone else. The more people who see it, the more they can see the gap, and the more they understand the importance of reading.

I often have friends ask me how I can become a good person. I would ask them rhetorically, what do you think is the most significant substance of good people?

They usually say a lot, such as talent, such as persistence, such as opportunity, such as family situation, and so on.

I think that's the gap. Truly good people can't stop, because there is a panic about ignorance in their hearts. For knowledge, for learning, they always feel that they don't know enough, they don't learn deep enough.


Write at the end:

So, now to answer me: What are the most significant qualities of quality people?

The answer may be simple, they see more than we can see, they work harder than we do.