
"Post Pacesetter" Henan Luoyang Huang Jianhua: Down-to-earth, with hard work to write a chapter in life

author:Helo viewpoint

(Teng Zhongjian) Young people gather because of the city, and the city prospers because of youth. The Luoyang Municipal People's Procuratorate has such a group of young people, they come from different cities, but they all meet Luoyang, know each other in the procuratorate, they release their youthful passion in the struggle, chase the ideal of youth, and leave their own youthful colors on this urban picture scroll with wisdom and sweat. With the enthusiasm of not waiting for the time, the courage to be the first, and the tenacity to grasp the end, they bravely stand at the head of the tide, make contributions, and contribute to "building a strong sub-center and forming a growth pole" and striving to write a more brilliant Chapter in Luoyang in the Central Plains in the new era. In this issue, let's walk into the Luoyang Municipal People's Procuratorate and take a look at the story behind Huang Jianhua's busy figure...

"Post Pacesetter" Henan Luoyang Huang Jianhua: Down-to-earth, with hard work to write a chapter in life

Huang Jianhua is a second-level procurator assistant of the Organization Department of the Political Department of the Municipal Procuratorate. In 2004, he was admitted to the Luoyang Municipal People's Procuratorate and worked in the Public Prosecution Bureau, the Technical Department, and the Organization Department of the Political Department. He was credited with personal second-class merit once and personal third-class merit four times, and was repeatedly rated as "advanced worker" and "learning-type procuratorial cadre and policeman".

Practice the original intention of the inspection with actions

"Only by working hard to do a good and solid job at hand can we realize our own value in our work." Since the procuratorate for 17 years, Huang Jianhua has always maintained the fighting posture of a dreamer on the road, made every effort to do a good job in all aspects of procuratorial work, and interpreted the original mission with hard work and dedication. Not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness, not afraid of difficulties, this is the true color of Huang Jianhua's work for many years. In April last year, the Luoyang municipal law system launched the "Fengqiao-style" grass-roots political and legal unit creation activities, and Huang Jianhua was responsible for the creation of the "Fengqiao-style Procuratorial Service Center" of the city's procuratorial organs. In order to do this work in detail, he often picked up lights and fought at night, conscientiously studied the experience of Fengqiao in the new era and relevant political theoretical knowledge, profoundly understood the spiritual connotation of "Fengqiao style", and combined with the actual situation of Luoyang procuratorial work, drafted and formulated the "Activity Plan for the City's Procuratorial Organs to Create a "Fengqiao-style Procuratorial Service Center" and the "Evaluation Standards for the "Fengqiao-style Procuratorial Service Center" of the City's Procuratorial Organs (Trial Implementation)," laying a foundation for promoting the creation of the "Fengqiao-style Procuratorial Service Center" of the city's procuratorial organs. In addition, in order to do a solid job in organizing and coordinating the creation of the "Fengqiao-style Procuratorial Service Center", Huang Jianhua has repeatedly gone to the grass-roots courts to supervise and inspect the creation of the situation, and at the same time conducted secret visits to solve contradictions, maintain stability, and serve the masses to ensure that the creation work was carried out in an orderly and healthy manner. "As a procuratorial worker, we must not only be familiar with legal knowledge and procuratorial business knowledge, but also strive to solve the actual problems of the masses throughout." Huang Jianhua said that the creation of a "Fengqiao-style procuratorial service center" can promote the modernization of the grass-roots governance system and governance capabilities, enhance the people's sense of judicial gain, so it is particularly important, not to tolerate sloppiness and laxity, and to treat every data, indicator, and document with caution and care, so as to truly realize where the judicial needs of the masses are, and where the high-quality and efficient procuratorial services follow.

"Post Pacesetter" Henan Luoyang Huang Jianhua: Down-to-earth, with hard work to write a chapter in life

Make learning a political responsibility

"Only by learning and improving our own literacy and ability can we better perform our duties." Huang Jianhua said truthfully. Since his work, he has regarded insisting on learning as a political responsibility, a way of life and spiritual pursuit, constantly charging his brain and improving his professional and technical level and legal literacy. At present, he has obtained a number of professional and technical qualifications such as electronic data forensic qualification, psychological test professional technical qualification, electronic data investigation analyst qualification, senior engineer qualification and so on. At the same time, he actively participated in the self-study examination for law majors, studied relevant professional knowledge in his spare time, successfully passed the judicial examination, and obtained a master's degree in law from Wuhan University. "The purpose of learning is to apply, and the learning results should be applied to work practice to better promote work." Huang Jianhua said that in work and life, there will always be new problems and new difficulties, and if you want to solve these problems and difficulties, you need to continue to learn and transform knowledge into the ability to solve problems. Since the beginning of this year, Huang Jianhua has been responsible for the creation of unit civilization for the first time. He conscientiously studied and studied the spirit of relevant documents, repeatedly went to the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Civilization Office to consult relevant issues, successively drafted and formulated 15 documents such as the implementation plan for the creation of work and the creation plan for characteristics, established 12 working mechanisms such as training, evaluation, and supervision, edited 46 special topic materials, and compiled and distributed 103 issues of the creation work briefing, which promoted the successful acceptance of the Municipal Civilization Office's civilization creation work of the Municipal Procuratorate. "Being named a post pacesetter this time is an honor for me, but also a responsibility and an incentive." Huang Jianhua said: In his future work, he will further align himself with the vanguard models and the examples around him, set higher standards on himself, strive to practice the procuratorial professional spirit of "being loyal, taking responsibility, serving the people, being just, and honest," be a procuratorial cadre and policeman who is politically competent, professionally competent, responsible, disciplined, and has a strong work style, and do a good job in procuratorial work with a higher spirit, fuller confidence, and a more down-to-earth work style.


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