
The Pirates of the Caribbean series is guided by a timeline with a tight plot span of only 31 years

author:Why magazines

The timeline of the Pirates of the Caribbean films is not complicated, but it is quite extensive. From 2003's Curse of the Black Pearl, Disney has not only managed to adapt its oldest and most popular theme park theme into a movie, but has also created a magical film series that will influence the next decade or so.

The Pirates of the Caribbean series is guided by a timeline with a tight plot span of only 31 years

The Pirates of the Caribbean film series not only brought a new role to American actor Johnny Depp, the playful and funny pirate Jack Spyro, but also gave the actor a new lease of life in his acting career. Actors Orlando Bloom and Kayla Knightley also re-opened their illustrious acting careers because of this series. Bloom made his big-screen debut in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Lord of the Rings Reappearance, and has starred in the series since 2003, but it was Pirates of the Caribbean that really helped Bloom become a true box office star. Knightley has played small roles in films in the past and played a key role in the romantic comedy True Love On Fire the same year as The Curse of the Black Pearl, but the British actress also rose to fame for the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

The series is based on a narrative that tells various adventure stories about pirates and their enemies, and with the release of each Pirates of the Caribbean movie, the fictional pirate world it builds has grown larger, with new villains and heroes emerging, while also establishing connections to previous film productions. Five Pirates of the Caribbean films have been released so far, and they have provided a large number of memorable stories for fans, and now a complete timeline is written for fans through a wide range of stories to see how all the events happen. Every Pirates of the Caribbean seems to cover a lot of areas, but in fact many of the plots in different movies are very close.

Timeline of Curse of the Black Pearl

The Pirates of the Caribbean series is guided by a timeline with a tight plot span of only 31 years

The Curse of the Black Pearl begins by introducing the core cast that will appear in future films — Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Kayla Knightley, Jeffrey Rush, and Jack Davenport — and tells the story of the cunning pirate Jack Sparrow and the kind blacksmith Will Turner who team up to save Will's sweetheart, Elizabeth Swan, who is kidnapped by Jack's nemesis.

1720: After the ship on which Will Turner and his mother were riding was destroyed by the Black Pearl, Will managed to steal a gold coin from the Black Pearl. Will Turner is rescued by Wetherby Swan, who takes the gold coins and keeps them.

On the same day in 1728, Jack Sparrow arrived in Port Royal. James Norrington was promoted to commodore. Jack's arrival sounded alarm bells, and he hid in Will Turner's blacksmith's room to hide from the soldiers of Port Royal. Jack was eventually arrested and put in jail. That night, Hector Barbersa and the undead crew of the Black Pearl raided Port Royal in search of their lost gold coins. They kidnapped Elizabeth Swann in search of the gold coin. Will asks Jack to help him save Elizabeth, because he knows about Barbosa and the Black Pearl.

The next day: Will and Jack succeed in capturing the Navy's warships in Port Royal and pursuing the Black Pearl. They ambushed Barbosa and the Black Pearl crew on Death Island, just before Barbosa was able to reverse the curse. Will successfully lifts the curse and has Jack kill Barbosa, and then Norrington and his army (who are hunting down Will and Jack) arrive to arrest the crew of the Black Pearl.

Timeline of The Coffin of The Gathering Souls

The Pirates of the Caribbean series is guided by a timeline with a tight plot span of only 31 years

The Second Film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, The Coffin begins to really tease out the depth and breadth of the pirate world, while incorporating real-life pirate legends, such as the story of David Jones, into the plot. Depp, Boom, Knightley, Davenport, Rush, and many of the supporting characters of Pirates of the Caribbean returned to the film. In this film, The marriage of Will and Elizabeth is interrupted by the conspiracy of Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company. Will and Elizabeth break up, Elizabeth joins Jack's power, and Will inadvertently catches up with David Jones.

1729: Their marriage is prevented after Will and Elizabeth are arrested by Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company.

Will is recruited by Beckett to find Jack's compass so that Beckett can use it to guide him to the heart of David Jones, so that he can completely eliminate pirates and establish the East India Trading Company in a position of dominance around the world. Will was later forced to join the crew of the "Flying Dutchman", where he met David Jones.

Elizabeth escapes from prison and joins Jack and the Black Pearl, who pleads with Jack to help her find Will. The crew also visited Tia Dalma, who told them about the curse of David Jones, who was destined to become the permanent captain of the flying Dutch.

Elizabeth and Jack used his compass to point them in the direction of David Jones' heart. They reunite with Will, but force them to fight David Jones.

Norrington was taken with the Black Pearl during Elizabeth's and Jack's rendezvous at Tortuga, and he managed to steal David Jones' heart and return it to Beckett, leaving David at Beckett's mercy.

The End of the World timeline

The Pirates of the Caribbean series is guided by a timeline with a tight plot span of only 31 years

The original Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy ended with World's End. In the final film, Jack, Will, Elizabeth, Barbosa, and the rest of the pirate world must band together against Beckett, who is determined to end pirate rule at sea and make the East India Trading Company the true power of the Seven Oceans. Fate is decided and life is taken, however, Jack manages to get out alive and prepares for another adventure.

Two months after the Coffin Incident, the East India Company declared a state of emergency and began executing anyone accused of being a pirate or associated with pirates.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Will are taken aboard the Black Pearl, now under the command of Barbosa, and the crew sails to the end of the world, straight to David Jones's Cabinet, where they are going to retrieve Jack.

After rescuing Jack, the crew set off for Fort Charles, where Barbosa had asked the Fourth Brotherhood Tribunal to convene. Elizabeth was chosen as the King of Pirates, allowing her to lead all international pirate crews against Lord Cutler Beckett and the East India Trading Company.

When the opposing sides meet in the ocean, Calypso is released from her human form, triggering a large whirlpool. In a naval battle between the East India Trading Company and pirates, Will and Elizabeth were officiated by Barbosa, with Will killing David Jones and replacing him as captain of the Flying Dutchman, while Becket was killed aboard his ship Endeavour.

After the battle, Barbosa regained command of the Black Pearl, and Jack stole the nautical chart to set the course for the Fountain of Immortality.

August 1739: Elizabeth and Henry await the day will return to the coast, believing that his duty to fly the Dutchman has been completed and that he can be with them forever. But Will told them it was impossible, and then went back to his ship and crew.

Timeline of "Strange Waves"

The Pirates of the Caribbean series is guided by a timeline with a tight plot span of only 31 years

"Strange Waves" is the first film to break the story of the original trilogy, introducing new faces while further expanding the fictional pirate world from previous films. Depp and Rush were the only returning cast, with Penelope Cruz, Ian McChoan, Sam Cleveline and Agnes Berg-Frisbee joining the cast. In Stranger Tides, Jack and Barbosa gather in search of the Fountain of Immortality, trying to exchange their discoveries for the "Black Pearl" captured by the pirate Blackbeard.

1746: Blackbeard's ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, attacks the Black Pearl, shrinks it, and puts it in a bottle.

1750: Jack is forced to board queen Anne's Revenge with Angelica and leads Blackbeard to the Fountain of Immortality. At the same time, Hector Barbosa led a group of men and horses led by King George II to the Fountain of Immortality.

Also in 1750: Commissioned by King Ferdinand of Spain to find the crew of the Fountain of Youth. Destroyed the Fountain of Immortality.

Timeline of Dead No Proof

The Pirates of the Caribbean series is guided by a timeline with a tight plot span of only 31 years

The current final film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series is 2017's Dead No Proof. In the fifth film, Depp continued to play Jack Sparrow, Rush returned to play Barbersa, and added new characters to Javier Baden, Kaya Skdraro and Brenton Swaites. The film tells the story of Jack being recruited by Barbersa's daughter Carina to find Poseidon's trident. Will and Elizabeth's son Henry joined their crew, and the three set out to find the weapon that could defeat Armando Salazar. Armando Salazar, a pirate hunter who was killed by Jack years ago, is seeking revenge on Jack.

1730: Henry Turner is born a year after the "End of the World" event.

1732: Karina Smith, daughter of Hector Barbosa, is born.

1741: Thieves attempt to steal Galileo Galilei's diary from Carina, which includes a search for a map of Poseidon, the god of the sea.

1742: Henry, 12, attempts suicide to meet his father, Will. Henry is taken aboard the Flying Dutchman, who tells Wilfpoceton that the power of his trident can break his curse. Will refuses, sending Henry home.

1746: Karina leaves the orphanage and finds a job as a maid.

1749: Karina infiltrates the university in disguise as a man to study astronomy courses and is found and expelled.

1750: Karina leaves England for Saint Martin. She intended to use Galileo's diary to locate maps that no one could read and Poseidon's trident.

1751: Armando Salazar, a ghost pirate hunter, and his crew escape the Devil's Triangle. Salazar went to Jack for revenge. Jack is forced to work with Carina and Henry to find Poseidon's Trident, which is the key to defeating Salazar.

Spanning about 31 years, spanning about 31 years from will Turner's discovery by Elizabeth Swan in The Curse of the Black Pearl to their reunion with their son in Dead Or Not, the series may not be over yet, as Pirates of the Caribbean 6 was hinted at at the end of the previous film, but it is unclear when the sequel will be there.

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