
Searcher: This year, I am 99 years old, and the comrades who used to fight together want to see you

author:CCTV1 is waiting for me


My name is Wu Zhankui, I am 99 years old, and I have come to look for my comrades-in-arms Deng Changfu, Chen Maosheng and Ji Chaohua when I was a soldier.

We've been apart for nearly seventy years, and I've been missing them a lot.

In 1922, I was born in Shangcai County, Zhumadian, Henan, with my parents and two older brothers, at that time, the family did not have fields or houses, and I built a shed next to the vacant land.

I know that if we want to live well, we must drive our enemies out of our country.

In 1947, with a passion for blood, I joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army, where I met my comrades-in-arms Deng Changfu, Chen Maosheng and Ji Chaohua. Chen Maosheng is my class leader, and Ji Chaohua is a culture teacher.

Chen Maosheng is about one meter and seven meters, with double eyelids, high nose bridge, medium stature, amiable, especially fond of talking.

I remember when I first entered the army, Chen Maosheng asked me: "Why do you want to become a soldier?" ”

I said, "I grew up in a very poor family, and I became a soldier to drive away the enemy, so that they would no longer bully us, and so that everyone could live a good life." ”

Searcher: This year, I am 99 years old, and the comrades who used to fight together want to see you

The picture shows the person asking for help


At that time, Chen Maosheng was responsible for teaching our entire company the techniques and essentials of grenade throwing. He patiently taught us to lay our hands flat when throwing grenades and throw them out with the force of our wrists.

In order to help us practice, Chen Maosheng also drew a grid for us on the ground, five meters a grid, 30 meters is the nearest safe distance to drop the bomb, most people are thrown to 40 meters, more than 50 meters is excellent.

At that time, the prescribed wake-up time of the troops was 6 a.m., and in order not to drag everyone behind, I got up at 4 a.m. every day to practice.

After a period of time, I could drop the bomb to 55 meters, Chen Maosheng was very happy, he told everyone: "Wu Zhankui can grasp the essentials, but also work hard, everyone can ask him for advice if you don't understand." ”

Listening to Chen Maosheng's words, I was very encouraged, and I told myself to work harder to live up to his expectations of me.

Later, through hard work, Company Li sent me to the regiment to learn blasting, and I became the first demolitionist in our company.

After a while, we're going to have a tough battle. Before going to the battlefield, I, Deng Changfu, Chen Maosheng and Ji Chaohua, the four of them agreed with each other that no matter who died on the battlefield, the others would tell his family the news.

Each of us also put a bullet in his coat pocket, and if anyone died in battle, the other one brought the bullet to his family.

I remember that at that time, Deng Changfu and Ji Chaohua were playing cover in front, and Chen Maosheng and I alone carried 50 kilograms of explosives bags to blow up the cement bunker, because the cooperation was particularly good, we successfully blew up the cement bunker.

Luckily, we all came safely from the battlefield.

In April 1948, I joined the Communist Party of China, and Chen Maosheng and Ji Chaohua were my introducers to the party. Because my education was not high, Ji Chaohua also taught me to write an application for joining the party hand in hand.

Later, Ji Chaohua was transferred to Xining, Qinghai, and I, Chen Maosheng, and Deng Changfu participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

One day in 1953, Deng Changfu came to visit me and told me that he was about to retire and go home.

We talked a lot, and before we separated, I gave him the only watch I had on my body, and I agreed with him to keep in touch.

After I retired from the army, I also returned to my hometown, and due to the change of my address, my contact with Deng Changfu, Chen Maosheng, and Ji Chaohua was also broken.

Now that I am 99 years old, I have been thinking about my three comrades-in-arms for nearly seventy years.

Whether they are alive or not, finding them and visiting them is my greatest wish!

Search Information:

Name sought:

Ji Chaohua, born in Shanxi, is about 95 years old

Chen Maosheng, born in Shanxi, is about 95 years old

Deng Changfu, a native of Lu County, Shandong, is about 95 years old

If you have any clues, please call the hotlines at 400-0000-782, 400-6666-892.

Searcher: This year, I am 99 years old, and the comrades who used to fight together want to see you

Editor: Sixi Liu

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