
After Zhang Fei's tomb was excavated, the cultural relics in the tomb revealed his true face and subverted the traditional cognition

author:Go back in time and realize the present

The face is like crown jade, thick eyebrows, nose like jade pillar, mouth Sai Dan Zhu... Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms is definitely one of the most impressive figures. The whole appearance is similar to that of the Buddha in the temple, which is a blessed appearance in the eyes of folk feng shui scholars.

No matter from which point of view, the description of Zhang Fei's personality in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is still relatively accurate, because it is basically consistent with the expression in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. For example, rewards and punishments are clear, respect for gentlemen and righteous soldiers, etc., but the requirements for subordinates are more stringent.

After Zhang Fei's tomb was excavated, the cultural relics in the tomb revealed his true face and subverted the traditional cognition

It is precisely because of such a special image that he is also full of drama in the plot and film and television drama of the entire Three Kingdoms. However, according to the latest research by archaeologists, Zhang Fei in history is not a rough person, but a beautiful man who is good at calligraphy and painting.

With the development of the times, the excavation of Zhang Fei's tomb has also been put on the agenda. When many people learned of this news, they showed a sneering attitude. His image has been vividly displayed in film and television dramas and novels, is this still worth studying?

Zhang Fei's first appearance in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is the bridge section of Liu, Guan, and Zhang Taoyuan. Later, Liu Bei looked at the list and sighed, while Zhang Fei reprimanded him in the back, and the plots in various film and television dramas revealed Zhang Fei's "reckless" personality.

After Zhang Fei's tomb was excavated, the cultural relics in the tomb revealed his true face and subverted the traditional cognition

At the same time, for Zhang Fei's impression, the hats people buckle are "stupid old black and tigery". A stupid big man who is still grumpy, has no glorious history, is not a dynasty, and what can contribute to the historical value in the tomb?

Under the combination of the two, Zhang Fei's tomb was "thrown" aside without any protective measures. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, you are this kind of psychology, tomb robbers do not think so, how can you know whether it is true or false without hands-on practice?

From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the present, Zhang Fei's tomb has been looted no less than fifteen times, and the entire building is on the verge of collapse. In the 1980s, with the approval of the relevant authorities, archaeologists began protective excavations of Zhang Fei's tomb.

After Zhang Fei's tomb was excavated, the cultural relics in the tomb revealed his true face and subverted the traditional cognition

Because tomb robbers visited more often, archaeologists did not have much hope for the excavation. After three days of preparations, people were greeted by hordes of paintings and calligraphy, which were sealed in coffins and not destroyed.

First of all, the author emphasizes that the things placed in the tomb are related to the deceased in addition to wealth. There was no gold, silver and treasure in the chaotic era, and it seems that these calligraphy works must be related to Zhang Fei himself.

This also makes people wonder, a reckless man, the tomb actually contains such a thing, is Zhang Fei an artist? Zhang Fei's most prominent thing is martial arts, film and television dramas sometimes do not even know the words, how can there be time to create artworks?

After Zhang Fei's tomb was excavated, the cultural relics in the tomb revealed his true face and subverted the traditional cognition

According to the environment of the Three Kingdoms period, to become a general must have his own "two brushes". To demonstrate a historical fact, relevant materials must be used to support it, and after relevant literature verification, it just confirms people's speculation.

Archaeologists have found that these works are rich in detail and colorful, and if you speculate according to this detail, Zhang Fei is likely to be a different image in history. As for the roughness and recklessness, it is largely due to the influence of the novel.

In the eyes of most people, Zhang Fei was born into a landlord's family, which does not mean that he has no justice. Before he knew Liu Bei and Guan Yu, two brothers, he had been busy with his own business. Since you have money and time, why can't you cultivate your personal interests?

After Zhang Fei's tomb was excavated, the cultural relics in the tomb revealed his true face and subverted the traditional cognition

In the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", it was recorded that Zhang Fei wrote poetry, was good at painting, and was proficient in everything; the Ming Dynasty work "Painting Essence Yuan Interpretation" was even more expressed: Zhang Feixi painted beautiful people and was good at cursive writing; the Qing Dynasty's "Records of Paintings of Past Dynasties" described: Zhang Fei, a zhuozhou native, likes to paint beautiful people.

Many people think that the history of the wild is not a reference, but is what is recorded in the main history completely correct? Wild history is also history, and it is naturally worth studying. Even after following Liu Bei's march to the great battle, this true color has never changed.

When others win battles, they all use the resources and equipment they possess to discuss and reward their merits, but Zhang Fei is different, and picking up a pen and paper is an inscription. If there is no pen, it will be replaced by stone, singing the praises of their own merits while not forgetting to encourage the soldiers.

After Zhang Fei's tomb was excavated, the cultural relics in the tomb revealed his true face and subverted the traditional cognition

The tomb also records Zhang Fei's poems, namely "Zhang Fei Li Ming". According to relevant literature, this is Zhang Fei's style of using the Zhangba Snake Spear after defeating Zhang Gao, which really makes historians shine.

In addition, several portraits of Zhang Fei appeared in the tomb. After restoration, archaeologists found that this was a handsome guy with an online appearance. Eight feet tall, converted to the current standard of one meter eighty-five, plus the landlord's origin, this is not rich and handsome?

First of all, Zhang Fei did not have a big beard, nor did he have naturally curly and messy-looking hair, nor did he have angry eyes. Historians believe that Zhang Fei's appearance was handsome, in line with the aesthetic standards of the time, and even higher than Zhuge Liang's appearance.

After Zhang Fei's tomb was excavated, the cultural relics in the tomb revealed his true face and subverted the traditional cognition

Of course, many people are not convinced, and you all know that Zhang Fei's two daughters were married to the emperor as empresses. The woman who was the empress must be very beautiful, if Zhang Fei was ugly, how could she give birth to such a beautiful daughter? I'm afraid I can't say anything about this mutation, right?

The inscription in the tomb clearly records the life of Zhang Fei, who was not a muscular warrior, but a general with considerable literary talent. This should not be said, Zhang Fei will not be a rich son today, such as the second generation of the rich?

After Zhang Fei's tomb was excavated, the cultural relics in the tomb revealed his true face and subverted the traditional cognition

If he speculates according to the image of a reckless man, how can he calm down and chant poems and paint? From this point of view, the "image of Zhang Fei" presented to people in film and television dramas such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is indeed debatable.

In the eyes of the ancient king, a thousand people have a thousand Hamlets in their hearts. No matter what kind of image you are a supporter of, one thing is certain that the character "Zhang Fei" must exist, but his appearance is covered with a veil of mystery.

Today, science and technology continue to develop in the twenty-first century, and the research on Zhang Fei in the field of historiography is still continuing. I believe that in the near future, the true side of Zhang Fei will also be presented in front of the world, and I also ask you to keep the greatest expectations for Zhang Fei as a character.

I'm Sokoto, thank you for reading. If you're also interested in culture, you might as well keep an eye on me.

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