
The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

author:X Night Talk

Today I will tell you the story of a serial killer who killed six men in a row, was arrogant after being caught, and scolded in court, but he did not get a trial.

What's going on here?

Let's set our sights on Florida at the end of the 20th century and find out.

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

Florida, the site of the crime, is also known as the Sunshine State

On December 1, 1989, Florida police found a car on the side of the road, the license plate of the car was removed, the fingerprints on the car were wiped clean, and the owner was gone. At first, the sheriff didn't care, Florida was full of tourists and people, maybe it was just an ordinary missing case.

But just a few days later, on December 13, a decomposing male body was found not far from the abandoned car!

Through fingerprint examination, the identity of the deceased was quickly confirmed, it was a divorced electrician named Richard.

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

One of the dead, Richard

Richard had four gunshot wounds on his body and the caliber of the pistol was point 22. In addition, the police had no other clues, and the investigation directly reached an impasse.

But the nightmare had only just begun, and in the next 3 months, there were three more homicides in a row.

In addition to the first case, a total of four men were killed, and the police found that all four men died in a point 22 caliber pistol!

This pistol is not very powerful, and most of the time it is used by women for self-defense. Could it be that the murderer who created this series of serial murders was a woman?

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

Point 22 caliber pistol

In addition to the gender of the deceased, the four cases have several things in common, first, the deceased are very young, and second, the deceased are all dead in the car, and the seat of the car is pulled to the front.

Just as the police were looking for common ground in these cases, a fifth deceased appeared, and this fifth deceased was a retired police chief!

The fifth deceased, Charles, was about to return home to celebrate his 35th wedding anniversary with his wife when he was ruthlessly killed on the road. That's right, the weapon that killed him was the point 22 pistol!

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history


The police once again observed the commonalities between these cases, and finally found that most of the deceased were exposed and had used condoms in their cars! So the police boldly judged that the murderer was most likely a prostitute!

But the police have never heard of a female serial killer, so it's hard to infer from the way she behaves.

In addition, the killer was so calm and meticulous that the police did not even extract a complete fingerprint at the scene! In desperation, the police can only restart the previous unsolved case file, hoping to find clues from it.

The police suddenly found that the disappearance of a missionary was very similar to the above five cases!

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

Missionary Peter

Similarly, the missionary's car was discarded in a similar place to the five cases, and the seats of the car were pulled to the front and the license plates were removed. But the only difference was that Peter's car was hit, and in his car the police found a blood palm print!

After comparison, this palm print does not belong to Peter, so it is very likely that it was left by the murderer! It was also at this time that eyewitnesses appeared!

Not far from where Peter's car was discarded, two women were once witnessed washing their blood with a water pipe!

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

Portrait of the suspect

Two?! The police were surprised that they did not expect that there were two suspects. Are they now going to hunt down two prisoners at the same time?

Before the police could return the favor, the sixth body appeared! On August 11, 1990, truck driver Antonio was found dumped on the side of the road.

This corpse was different from several others, the rings and watches on the deceased's body were gone! If these items can be found, the murderer can be found!

Police began searching various pawnshops in Florida, and to speed up the process, the police made public the portraits of the criminals.

Suddenly, hundreds of clues poured in.

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

The deceased Antonio

One of them, Ted, told the police that a few days ago he had hitchhiked a woman who looked very similar to the portrait!

Combined with the clues, the police determined that the two killers had once lived in a motel called Scenic View, and that the registered name at the time was Camille Green.

As a result, the police began to investigate whether anyone had pawned an item with this name. Sure enough, this Caymi Green was once a camera of the deceased Richard!

But police quickly determined that Kami Green was just a pseudonym. But it doesn't matter anymore, because they have a more reliable clue!

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

On the pawnshop's pawn sheet, the police obtained a fingerprint, and after several hours of comparison, they confirmed the identity of the owner of the fingerprint!

The fingerprint, whose owner was named Irene Vonos, was once arrested for illegal possession of a firearm.

It is reported that Irene often hangs out with drunkards and drug dealers, and she is usually haunted in the Fruxia area. Soon, the police found someone who knew her at a gay bar.

The bar owner told police that Irene often drank at the bar with her gay girlfriend Tereira, then disappeared for a few days, and so on.

But the police squatted for a few days, did not find any trace of the two, and later found that Irene was sad because she broke up with her girlfriend, so she never appeared.

Just when everyone wanted to give up, Irene appeared!

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

Irene Vonos

Lured by the plainclothes police, the police successfully arrested Irene, but there was a problem in front of them, that is, they did not have direct evidence that Irene killed someone!

Although the bloody handprints on peter's car match those of Irene, Peter's body has not yet been found, and the fingerprints only prove that Irene sold the deceased's belongings. So the police must find a way to get Irene to speak for herself!

At this point, the police thought of Irene's gay girlfriend, Tereira.

The police asked Tereira to call Irene, deliberately mentioning the cases, and sure enough, Irene was quick to say:

"I'm not going to let you go to jail, I'm willing to die for you." Rest assured, if necessary I will confess, I am waiting for you in another world! ”

So, eight days after Irene's arrest, she confessed to her crime, which was that she shot and killed the six men!

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

Logically, by this time, Irene could already be convicted, and such a serial killer should be sentenced to death. But on the day of the trial, an accident happened!

Irene claimed that she had killed the six men out of full self-defense!

Irene said that she had been beaten by the men and wanted to kill herself, and she had no choice but to shoot them.

Faced with this claim, the police released a recording of her and Terella's phone calls, and in the face of the recording, Irene had to confess her crime.

The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

Even so, Irene's lawyers claimed that Irene had a serious mental illness and should not be sentenced to death.

It was at this time that Irene, unusually, cursed everyone in court and had everyone put to death immediately. She said she didn't have a mental illness, and now she just wants to die.

"When you rot in hell, I have gone to heaven!" "I killed six people, so what? Can you kill me six more times? ”

Irene's arrogant attitude stunned everyone, on the one hand, the society demanded the immediate death penalty, and on the other hand, the lawyer said that Irene had severe paranoia and could not accept the death penalty. The case was deadlocked for a full decade!

On October 9, 2002, Irene, who had lived in prison for another ten years, was finally sentenced to death, ending her sinful life! And her last words are still full of nerves.

"I just want to say that I will set sail with the Rock, and I will follow Jesus back on June 6th like the Star Terminator!" —Irene's last words
The prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster, the most famous female serial killer in American history

Stills from "The End of the Road"

A year after her arrest, the Hollywood blockbuster "The End of the Road" was released, which was based on Erin. But the film portrays her as a persecuted person, which makes people who come into contact with the case very angry.

What kind of person is Irene? What do you think, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, you can also talk about the next case you want to see.

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