
Riding the tide of the general trend of history

author:Jintai information

Recently, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing, and the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Century-Old Struggle" was deliberated and adopted. This is the third historical resolution of the party and another review and prospect standing at a new historical starting point. Since its birth, the Communist Party of China has always kept firmly in mind its original mission, stepped on the tide of history, and played a magnificent piece of music.

Remember "crossing the snowy mountain meadow", cut through the thorns, and step out of the road ahead. Since the Opium War, China has fallen into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. Under the oppression of the three mountains, the wind and snow are mixed, and the future is hopeless. On this occasion, the Communist Party of China stepped forward to achieve a great leap in national independence and people's liberation. On the one hand, it was from the victory of the October Revolution that we saw the world trend of the rise of socialism, founded the Communist Party of China, and further found the path that suited China's national conditions; on the other hand, the Communist Party of China always adhered to the original mission of "seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation and happiness for the Chinese and the people." With the joint efforts of the whole Chinese and the people, it was finally "the snowy mountains bowing their heads to welcome distant visitors" and won the final victory.

Tell the "story of spring", the world is like a chess piece, create good results. In the face of the turbulent international situation, the CPC led the people to complete the socialist revolution and achieved another great leap in history by leading the people to complete the socialist revolution for the sake of realizing the rise of the Chinese nation. After that, an old man "drew a circle in the South China Sea" and "wrote a poem on the South China Sea in China", and the spring breeze of reform and opening up blew green the land of Shenzhou. One of the reasons why the Chinese Communist Party has been able to create remarkable achievements in an unpredictable environment is to follow the trend and seize the trend of historical trends. Reform and opening up is the trend of the times, constantly liberating the productive forces, improving the people's living security, constantly improving the level of economic development, and gradually fighting for the center of the international stage. Carry forward the spirit of reform and opening up, adhere to pioneering and innovative, and let the "story of spring" be passed on to all generations.

Sing "Go Again", a new blueprint, and draw a chapter. The blueprint of China's new journey has been drawn up in the 14th Five-Year Plan, and the Chinese people will once again set out in the clarion call of the new era. In the course of a hundred years of struggle, the party has changed the future and destiny of the Chinese people and opened up the road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The road to China's rise is unstoppable and is a historical necessity. In the new journey, we must grasp and make good use of past experience, and always keep in mind the ten insistences on adhering to the party's leadership, pioneering and innovating, and self-revolution. Attach importance to theoretical study, constantly arm the mind; always self-examination, timely make up for deficiencies; three opening up to the outside world, inclusive, mutual assistance and mutual benefit. "A long road is getting wider and wider, and the fields of hope are full of flowers", Chinese people will set out for the future again under the banner of the Chinese dream.

"The tide of the world is mighty, and if it goes along with it, it will prosper, and if it goes against it, it will die." The history of the CPC's struggle over the past hundred years tells us that China has grasped the general trend of history and always stood on the right side of history, which is also where our confidence in the realization of the Chinese dream lies.

(Source: Fan Yu, Malu Town, Jiading District)

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