
Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

author:Shangguan News

Secondary School Entrance Examination


206 Day

Winter break

56 Day

Writing grade test


A mold

41 Day

The examination and the model are roughly calculated according to the time of last year, and the exact time will be modified at any time after the announcement.

Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

Exams start today!

Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it
Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it
Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it
Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

The Teaching and Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Education has informed that the 2021 writing level examination in the compulsory education stage of the city will be held on November 26 (Friday) from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Enrolled ninth grade students take the Writing Grade II exam.

The nature of the 2021 writing level examination in the compulsory education stage of the city is an academic level examination. Therefore, it is very important for each student.

Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

1. Examination content

According to the Shanghai Compulsory Education Stage Writing Grade Examination Standards, the first and second level examinations are composed of two parts: hard pen writing + brush writing, and each student must complete a hard pen writing and a brush writing test paper.

Hard pens account for 60% of the total score, and soft pens account for 40% of the total score.

Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

2. Evaluation of achievements

The test scores are divided into four grades of "excellent, good, qualified and unqualified" (the score of the make-up examination is "passed" and "unqualified").

The examination grades are recorded in the designated column of the "Shanghai Student Growth Record Book" of the relevant grade, and the ninth grade is recorded in the designated column of the "Chinese Course Learning Record Form".

In terms of registration, students can follow the arrangement of the school teacher. Inter-school borrowing students are registered by the school they are attending. If a student is unable to complete the test content due to special reasons such as illness or disability, he or she may not participate in the registration and examination after applying by parents and students. Students who do not register will not be able to take the test.

Those who fail to pass the exam need to take a make-up exam!

Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

Third, the real question review

Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it
Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

3. Essential tools before the exam

Hard pen writing instrument

1. It is recommended to use pens with more than 0.3mm refills or non-erasable pens, and no erasable fountain pens. (One or two more can be prepared)

2. It is recommended to use black or blue-black ink.

Soft-pen writing instrument

1. It is recommended to use a wolf with a sharp length of about 2cm and a diameter of about 0.5cm. (One or two more can be prepared)

2. Try to use the ink as much as possible to use genuine Yide Ge or Cao Sugong.

3. Prepare commonly used brick tables or ink cartridges, old newspapers or wool felts, water-holding utensils, rags, etc.

2020 Compulsory Education Stage Writing Grade Examination

(Level II) Standard

First, hard pen words

1. Grades and Grades:

Excellent (60 to 53 points), good (52 to 45 points), qualified (44 to 36 points), unqualified (35 points or less).

2. Specific standards:

Grade II Excellent: Writing standards, reflecting the basic form of strokes in line letters, reasonable structure, stable center of gravity, proper handling of size and spatial relations, correct handwriting, neat and neat surface. No words added, no missing words, no typos.

Grade II good: writing standards, well-proportioned glyph size, basically reasonable structure, neat and tidy. No more than 1 word is added or missed, and there are no typos. There is no alteration on the rolled surface.

Grade II qualified: writing standards, you can see the form of some strokes, the structure is basically reasonable, the size and spatial relationship are handled appropriately, the handwriting is clear and not scrawled, and the volume is basically clean. No more than 2 typos, additions, or omissions.

Grade II unqualified: random and irregular writing, typos, additions, omissions more than 2, skewed handwriting, difficult to identify, the size is very uneven, the structure is scattered, and it is scribbled.

Second, brush words

Excellent (40 to 37 points), good (36 to 30 points), qualified (29 to 24 points), unqualified (23 points or less).

Grade II excellent: writing standards, clear stroke form, reflecting the basic skills of mentioning, pressing, and dun, with the pen has a distinction between light and heavy, the structure of the word is flat and symmetrical, the center of gravity is stable, the size and spatial relationship are handled properly, the handwriting is correct, and the writing is neat. No typos.

Grade II good: writing standards, stroke writing basically meet the requirements, the size of the glyphs is symmetrical, the structure is basically reasonable, the center of gravity is stable, and the volume is neat. No typos.

Grade II qualified: writing specifications, can see the shape of some strokes, there are some mention, press, dun feeling, the size of the word is symmetrical, the structure is basically reasonable, the handwriting is correct, the volume is basically clean. No more than 1 typo.

Secondary unqualified: the writing is random and irregular, there are more than 1 typos, the handwriting is crooked and blurry, there is no form of stroke at all, the size of the words is very uneven, the structure is scattered, and the scribbles are random.

Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

Although it is difficult at first glance, everyone really does not have to be nervous, as long as you write carefully, avoid the occurrence of crooked handwriting and random scribble, it is still very easy!

Don't forget to share your feelings with us after the test!

Looking forward to everyone's good news Oh ~~

Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

Review of previous events

Exams start today! The writing level exam is the most comprehensive strategy, and everyone can pass it

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