
Tax help Hanzhong tea fragrant wafting Kyushu

author:User 4435746406

On the eve of the Qingming Dynasty, the tea mountains in the Nanzheng Mountains began to be lively. "Mingqian tea, as expensive as gold", every time at this time, the tea mountain and production plant of Xinmeixin Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. are in full swing, and the annual race against time has begun again.

"Hanzhong buy tea, Xihe Yima", Hanzhong because of its winter without severe cold, summer without severe heat climatic conditions, since ancient times is China's Jiangbei tea area of the north edge of the largest green tea production base and one of the birthplaces of Han tea culture, the production of Hanzhong Xianhao quality is excellent. Xinmeixin Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Mujiaba Town, Nanzheng District, with a long history of tea production, superior ecology in the tea area, and its main tea brand is named after the "Yuanshan Mei" crown tea, which means that the tea is like a beautiful person, impetuous in the world, and the heart enjoys the leisurely nature of the distant mountains.

Tax help Hanzhong tea fragrant wafting Kyushu

Xinmeixin Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. has gradually developed and matured from the initial small scale, and now has formed a "company + base + farmer" operating model for tea garden construction, with more than 2,000 acres of high-quality tea gardens, annual sales of more than one million yuan, and more than 500 tea farmers in each tea picking season. At present, the company has driven 116 poor households in three poor villages to get rid of poverty and become rich, tea farmers have achieved an annual per capita income of nearly 4,000 yuan, relying on the "company + base + farmer" model not only to achieve the organic combination of decentralized production and large-scale processing, but also to make the people in the surrounding rural areas drum up.

Relying on excellent quality and good development model, "Yuanshanmei" is well-known and has become a "famous brand product in Shaanxi Province", the company's direct stores throughout the province, the main green tea, black tea, white tea, black tea and other series of products are exported to all parts of the country, Hanzhong tea fragrance has drifted to all corners of the world. And this overwhelming development is inseparable from the tax department all the way.

Tax help Hanzhong tea fragrant wafting Kyushu

"Since the company's inception, the tax department has often come to the door to ask for needs, helped us solve many difficulties, and will send tickets to our doors when we are busy, the service is too intimate." In the process of development, we applied for registration as a small-scale taxpayer, the policy is getting better and better, the small-scale threshold has been raised from the original 100,000 yuan per month to 150,000 yuan per month, saving 15,000 yuan for our company, so that we have more funds to update the equipment and expand the scale of production. Ren Yaohong, the head of the company, said happily.

With less pressure and sufficient power, Xinmeixin Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. has made full use of horsepower to strive to turn the "green leaves" on the tea mountain into the "golden leaves" on the road to prosperity in the spring. In order to help tea enterprises to lighten up, the Nanzheng tax department opened a green channel to provide policy drip irrigation services to escort Hanzhong tea fragrant Kyushu. (Photo and Contribution: Nanzheng District Taxation Bureau Jiang Zun)