
The invention of the bicycle was related to volcanic eruptions? 7 rare facts that exist behind common things

author:Brain holes illuminate life v

Behind many common things in life, there are some unknown stories, such as: we are familiar with the fire brigade, its birth is actually because of a famous fire, the first artificial dialysis machine, actually made of orange juice cans, sausage casings and car parts, and the popularity of fingerprint identification technology, and two similar appearance of prisoners, then about the history of these things, I believe many people do not know, the following small editor to talk about, bicycle invention and volcanic eruption related? 7 rare facts that exist behind common things!

The invention of the bicycle was related to volcanic eruptions? 7 rare facts that exist behind common things

Baby monitors are all familiar to us, but did you know that its birth was related to a kidnapping incident? On March 1, 1932, Charles Lindbergh, the son of American pilot Lindbergh, who was more than 1 year old, was kidnapped, and although a ransom of fifty thousand dollars was paid, on May 12, the baby's body was found in the bushes not far from home.

The kidnapping received all the attention of the United States, after two years of long-term investigation, a carpenter named Richard Hauptman, after a major suspicion, was arrested and finally sentenced to death, and because of this incident, the Japanese-American Isamu Noguchi invented a "radio nurse", that is, a baby monitor, which is made of black bakelite and has the function of a receiver and transmitter, and the receiver is placed on the guardian's ear to receive sound transmission from the transmitter in the baby room. With this baby monitor, the safety of the baby is greatly increased.

The invention of the bicycle was related to volcanic eruptions? 7 rare facts that exist behind common things

As incredible as it may sound, the invention of the bicycle was indeed closely associated with a volcanic eruption, which in 1815 erupted on Mount Tambora in Indonesia, causing ash clouds to spread around the world, lowering global temperatures and causing a large number of deaths of crops and animals because of this climate change.

People often use animal means of transport, such as cattle and horses, are due to this large number of deaths caused by shortages, and later the German Carl von Dreis, in 1817 invented the prototype of the modern bicycle, a two-wheeled bicycle made of wood, but there is no gear chain, so this kind of car needs to be completed by manpower, although it is very primitive, but it is popular throughout Europe, and it is precisely because of this invention of Karl von Dreis that the birth of the modern bicycle was accelerated.

The invention of the bicycle was related to volcanic eruptions? 7 rare facts that exist behind common things

Band-Aid is one of the things we commonly see in life, in fact, its invention is very long, in 1920 has been invented by the American Earl Dixon, of course, his invention process is somewhat unexpected, actually related to his wife, it is understood that his wife is prone to minor injuries when cooking for the family, a lot of small wounds on the hands, at the beginning, Earl Dixon will cover the wound with a cloth and tie a knot to support it, but this is neither hygienic nor convenient.

Later, in order to alleviate his wife's pain, he chose to use disinfectant cotton gauze and surgical tape to make a Band-Aid that modern people are more familiar with, and later during world war II, this seemingly inconspicuous Band-Aid helped many soldiers.

The invention of the bicycle was related to volcanic eruptions? 7 rare facts that exist behind common things

Lloyd Grove Kopman was a brilliant American inventor who invented many household appliances, the most famous of which was the toaster, but it is worth mentioning that the inspiration for this invention was not Kopman, but his wife, who once asked him if he could invent a toaster that did not require manual flipping.

Because at that time, the bread machines used by people were manual and very inconvenient, so in 1914, after continuous research, Koppman finally successfully invented the world's first automatic toaster and also applied for a patent.

The invention of the bicycle was related to volcanic eruptions? 7 rare facts that exist behind common things

In 1666, a huge fire broke out in London, England, burning many buildings and leaving thousands of people homeless, and later in order to avoid the recurrence of this incident, the local insurance company set up private firefighters to protect the property of their insured people from fire, after all, preventing the house from catching fire was actually much lower than the cost of rebuilding the house.

The first fire station was set up by the economist Nicholas Babang, and the insured houses were marked by the insurance agency, and in the event of a fire, the firefighters only extinguished the insured property, and if the property on fire was not marked, they would only let it burn until 1865, when the United Kingdom passed the Metropolitan Fire Protection Act, which formally incorporated the fire department into the public authority.

The invention of the bicycle was related to volcanic eruptions? 7 rare facts that exist behind common things

The world's first dialyzer was made during World War II, when the Dutch doctor William John Kaffle, when treating a patient with chronic kidney failure, because there was no suitable way to treat organ failure, he thought of inventing a dialysis machine.

But at this time, because of the Second World War, the German army invaded the Netherlands, William John Kfort had to go to a remote hospital, continued to insist on his invention, he made a simple dialysis machine made of orange juice cans, sausage casings and car parts, in 1945, successfully treated a 67-year-old woman with kidney failure, after the end of the war, William John Kfort not only improved the dialysis machine, but also invented the first artificial kidney.

The invention of the bicycle was related to volcanic eruptions? 7 rare facts that exist behind common things

Fingerprint identification technology, really well known, was associated with two similar-looking inmates, and in 1903, an African-American named Will West entered Leavenworth Prison, where, like any other new inmate, he underwent standard admission procedures, with prison staff taking photographs, describing bodies and taking 11 anthropometric measurements.

It turned out that he matched the record of a prisoner named William West, who had been convicted of murder, although the prison staff believed that Will West was William West, but was denied, and later could only be identified by fingerprints, in fact, fingerprint technology, which had been invented at the end of the 19th century, but did not get more attention, until after this incident, it began to be truly widely popularized.

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