
Socrates-related knowledge points

author:Teaching recruitment exam information number

In the examination, the ideas of the characters in the ancient Greek period are more important, often examined in the form of objective questions. The knowledge points of the common examination include character status, educational ideology, and educational practice. The following is a summary of Socrates, one of the three sages of ancient Greece, to help everyone better review.

I. Educational Objectives:

Socrates believed that the purpose of education was to cultivate the talents of statecraft. He believed that the ruler of the country must have talent and virtue, be deeply sensible, and have all kinds of practical knowledge.

II. Moral Education Theory:

It is the center of his educational ideas, and will discuss his moral education ideas from the following aspects:

1. The Unity of Virtue and Wisdom: He mentioned that knowledge, wisdom and morality are intrinsically closely linked; Secondly, he mentioned morality as a philosophy of human practice.

2. Virtue is knowledge: Morality is not innate, correct behavior is based on correct judgment, and knowledge, wisdom and morality are intrinsically and directly linked. The good and evil of people's behavior mainly depend on the knowledge they have, and only by knowing what is good and what is evil can they turn to good and avoid evil. Therefore, to teach people morality is to teach people wisdom, and to teach people to distinguish between right and wrong is to teach people morality, that is, to teach people knowledge is to teach people morality. In this sense, Socrates makes it clear. "Virtue is knowledge".

3. Moral teachability: he is the main way of moral education from knowledge education; Teach people to learn to be human, so that people have moral education; Teaching by example is more important than words, discussing morality in several aspects, and teaching people to learn knowledge and learn morality.

4. Moral education content: wisdom, justice, temperance, and bravery are the four major contents.

III. The Theory of Intellectual Education:

Socrates advocated that the ruler must have a broad knowledge, and in addition to politics, ethics, eloquence, and all kinds of practical knowledge required for life, geometry, astronomy, and arithmetic were listed as subjects that must be studied.

Fourth, the theory of sports: health lies in exercise.

V. Methods of Education ------ Socratic Method:

Socratic method is also called "question and answer method", "midwifery". In his philosophical research and lectures, Socrates developed a unique method consisting of four steps of ridicule, midwifery, induction and definition, called "Socratic method". Sarcasm is to constantly question the other party's speech, forcing the other party to trap themselves in contradictions, have no words to answer, and finally admit their ignorance; Midwifery is helping the other person to rely on themselves to get answers to questions; Induction is to find the commonality, essence of things from various specific things, and to seek "general" through the comparison of specific things; Definition is the subordination of individual things into general concepts, the general concept of things. Midwifery has a strong inspirational thought, and is the first person in the West to propose heuristic thought.

The above is a review of Socrates's related knowledge, and the following is presented to you two practice questions to consolidate:

【Multiple Choice Questions】

1. Socratic law is also known as ( ).

A. Question-and-Answer Method B. Discovery Method C. Teaching Method D. Eloquence

1. [Answer] A. Analysis: When Socrates teaches students to obtain a certain concept, he does not tell this concept directly to the student, but first asks the student a question and lets the student answer. If the student answers incorrectly, he does not correct it directly, but asks another question to guide the student to think, so as to guide the student to the correct conclusion step by step. Socratic method is carried out in the form of teachers and students' questions and answers from beginning to end, so it is also called question and answer method.

2. The famous greek philosopher Socrates founded the "midwifery", which embodies the teaching principle of ( ).

A. Heuristic principle B. Principle of consolidation C. Principle of intuitiveness D. Principle of quantitative strength

2. [Answer] A. Analysis: This question mainly examines the relevant knowledge of Socrates. Socrates' "midwifery", also known as the question-and-answer method, is mainly taught through the question-and-answer method between teachers and students, reflecting the principles of enlightening teaching.

Socrates-related knowledge points

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