
Talk about the story of the two "Langguans" on Langguan Alley, pay attention! Not the groom official

author:DEEPIN Ningbo

Turning around from Yonggui Road, today we came to Langguan Lane. Listening to the name of this alley, do you still think that there has been some famous groom here? We don't know if the groom official is famous, but it is true that there are two groom officials here, and there are still two of them. Today, let's take a look at Langguan Lane and talk about the stories of the two Langguans who used to be here.

Talk about the story of the two "Langguans" on Langguan Alley, pay attention! Not the groom official

Langguan Lane starts from Yonggui Road in the west and Mayuan Road in the east, with a total length of more than 300 meters. According to the "Yinxian Tongzhi", "Langguan Lane, formerly known as Langguandi". In the alley, there is the mansion of Chen Kuang, the doctor of the government and the member of the punishment department, who was given to Him during the Ming Yongle period. At the wall gate of No. 19 Langguan Lane, there is a plaque of "Langguandi" hanging above the original platform gate, but unfortunately it was completely destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.

Talk about the story of the two "Langguans" on Langguan Alley, pay attention! Not the groom official

Another Lang official was the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi First Year Jinshi, Hanlin Academy Editor, the right attendant of the official Department Zhang Jiajun, whose mansion was the wall gate of No. 13 Langguan Lane, that is, the famous "Zhangjia Hall". In front of the gate of the Zhangjia Hall, there were four pairs of flagpoles with stones, two on the left and right, two more than the general official family, which is said to have been granted by the Guangxu Emperor himself. Zhangjia Hall is one of the two famous halls in Ningbo, the other belongs to the Gaoqiao Zhang clan we mentioned earlier, the last generation of Ningbo Zhuangyuan, the first place of Xianfeng Second Year Jinshi, and the first place of Zhang Feng's mansion - Zhuangyuan Hall, which was originally in Xihe Street, and then moved to Tianyi Pavilion as a whole. The former Zhangjia Hall on Kelangguan Lane was not so lucky, and it was demolished in the early 1990s during urban construction, which was a pity.

Talk about the story of the two "Langguans" on Langguan Alley, pay attention! Not the groom official

Approximately near 13-19 Mao Lang Guan Lane

Speaking of Zhang Jiajun, this is a remarkable figure, according to historical records, Zhang Jiajun entered the Hanlin Courtyard when he was 42 years old. He was successively the teacher of the Tongzhi and Guangxu emperors, and the history books say that he "taught the emperor to read, and was able to devote himself to his duties." In this regard, Empress Dowager Cixi also commented on this, and once wrote the four characters of "Gong De Zhi Cai" and gave a plaque with red lacquer and gold characters. This plaque was once hung in the middle of the Zhangjia Hall, which is very eye-catching.

 Zhang Jiahua was incorruptible all his life, and after his death, he was buried without silver or a thick quilt, and later Guangxu personally gave the teacher a royal quilt, and the official government also issued two thousand "pension silver", which allowed him to be buried with dignity. He was a role model, honest and honest, and set an example for future generations.

Talk about the story of the two "Langguans" on Langguan Alley, pay attention! Not the groom official

In addition to the stories of these two Langguans on Langguan Lane today, the Central Plains Primary School in Ningbo City on the south side is also worth talking about. In April 1941, Ningbo fell, and after the fall of Ningbo, it was enslaved by the Japanese army. However, Weng Xinzi, a native of Shitang, Xixiang, Yinxian County, was not willing to accept the enslavement education of Japan, and in May of the same year, he funded the establishment of Zhongyuan Primary School in Langguan Lane, aiming to "restore the Central Plains and maintain the cultural traditions of the Central Plains". In order to raise funds for running the school and maintain the school food, Mr. Weng transported the grain from his hometown of Shitang to the school by boat for opening the house, and sold some of the grain for financial expenses. Later, Mr. Weng's patriotic behavior was persecuted by the reactionary forces, and he had to go abroad to make a living. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhongyuan Elementary School was renamed Xinyuan Elementary School. After liberation, it was unified into Langguan Lane Primary School named after the place. In 1984, when Mr. Weng Xinzi returned to his hometown, in order to commemorate Mr. Weng Lao's patriotic deeds and the hardships of running the school that year, the school reverted to its original name - Zhongyuan Primary School.

Well, the story in Langguan Lane is here with you, many place names in Ningbo are full of stories, pay attention to me, and talk about the story of our hometown Ningbo.

DEEPIN Ningbo, take the subway with me to visit Ningbo and feel the essence of Ningbo

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