
CBA infighting? Vice Chairman of the Basketball Association called out to Yao Ming to make two requests Zheng Haixia replied with praise

author:Sports says ball

The vice chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association called out to the chairman in the air, asking Yao Ming to quickly complete a major event related to the future development of Chinese basketball, and this request was also approved by Zheng Haixia, a chinese meritorious basketball player. Is this a contradiction within the Basketball Association, is there anything that can't be spoken behind closed doors?

CBA infighting? Vice Chairman of the Basketball Association called out to Yao Ming to make two requests Zheng Haixia replied with praise

The two major balls in the Chinese sports men's football basket are currently in a state of ice and fire. The highest level of the Chinese Super League in China, because of the reckless play of golden dollar football was eaten, the perennial Giant Mac Evergrande team because there was no money, suddenly fell, and then triggered a chain reaction, including the Guangzhou team, six or seven teams have broken out the scandal of unpaid wages, as short as 2 months, long is more than half a year, and even many clubs and the Football Association cry poor, even the travel expenses of the game can not afford, "want to let the fans watch the game, OK, the Football Association first borrowed us some travel fees."

And the CBA league is thriving, the commercial value of the league is getting higher and higher, to what extent is the fire, for example, Guo Allen can fine more than 1 million yuan for wearing the wrong clothes, if you are no one in the league, can you pay so much money to pay for a few clothes?

CBA infighting? Vice Chairman of the Basketball Association called out to Yao Ming to make two requests Zheng Haixia replied with praise

Although the CBA league is now hot to the sky, but there is a strange phenomenon fans must have noticed, that is, the league has not expanded, Guangxi, Hubei, Henan and other provinces without CBA teams, sharpened their heads and wanted to rush in, but unfortunately, Yao Ming, who is the Basketball Association, does not open the golden mouth. Last year, the August 1 men's basketball team was disbanded, it is said that this quota was speculated out of the sky-high price, but Ningbo Fubon regarded this quota as a baby, preferring to lose money to run a team, lose games, but also in the CBA League to support, why? It is to see the future of the CBA League, and after this village you will no longer find such a good potential investment stock.

However, this contradiction finally triggered a dispute within the Chinese Basketball Association, just after the Chinese basketball celebrity, Wang Libin, vice chairman of the Basketball Association, openly shouted to chairman Yao Ming on Weibo, and the rhetoric was very fierce: he said: "China's professional leagues cannot copy the US professional basketball, and capital cannot decide." A small number of capital cannot control the highest competition platform of the league, let alone form a monopoly on the highest quality commercial resources. The current CBA access system is incompatible with the two major strategic goals of high-quality development and common prosperity pursued by China in the second hundred years, and it is long overdue to revise and expand the army. ”

CBA infighting? Vice Chairman of the Basketball Association called out to Yao Ming to make two requests Zheng Haixia replied with praise

Listen, "can't copy the NBA", "can't let a small number of capital control the CBA", "it is long overdue to expand the army", to the fans to translate, Yao Ming, as the head of the Basketball Association who returned from the NBA, can not blindly copy the NBA, and can not let capital control our CBA league, should be open to allow more teams to join. Soon after this weibo was issued, it was immediately forwarded by Zheng Haixia, a famous Chinese women's basketball player, who said: "The views of Chairman Zhao Tong Libin."

CBA infighting? Vice Chairman of the Basketball Association called out to Yao Ming to make two requests Zheng Haixia replied with praise

The CBA can not expand the army, originally should be the Basketball Association and the CBA League organizers behind closed doors, the leaders sit together to study the big thing, but as the vice chairman Wang Libin in the Weibo air call chairman Yao Ming, is not a bit of the following meaning? Or is it that the leaders' opinions are not unified at all, and they have no choice but to ask for approval on Weibo and put pressure on Yao Ming, the details of which are worth playing.

In fact, the fundamental reason for this is because of the problem of CBA seat allocation. Today's CBA teams are cash cows and are an important sports development project in a city or even a province. At present, Guangdong has three teams with the best economic situation, three teams in Zhejiang, one in Shanghai, two in Beijing, two in Shandong, and the remaining sports provinces such as Liaoning are just one team. However, this does not delay other provinces from wanting to join in the pie.

The NBL Guangxi team, which has won the secondary league championship for several consecutive years, and the Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei and other teams that are NBL strong teams, also want to become the first CBA team in the province. Wang Libin is the vice chairman of the Basketball Association, but he also has an official position, the chairman of the Shaanxi Basketball Association. From this more realistic position, looking at his Weibo shouting, you should immediately understand what it means: I want a CBA team in Shaanxi, and Yao Ming opened the door!

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