
A certain brigade of the Rocket Army has seen and heard about the year-end military sports training assessment

author:China Industry Network

Original title: Scientific Training strengthens physical fitness (theme)

——A year-end military sports training assessment of a brigade of the Rocket Army (subtitle)

Jiefangjun Daily special correspondent Chen Xiaoqiang special correspondent Yue Xiaolin

In recent years, with the in-depth advancement of actual combat training, how to enhance the physical fitness of officers and men, cultivate the fighting spirit of tenacious struggle, accumulate physical strength for actual combat training, and serve to be able to fight and win wars has become one of the important topics in the building of combat strength of the troops.

Since the start of training in 2021, a certain brigade of the Rocket Force has improved the quality and effectiveness of military training through various forms of training methods and achieved good results. A few days ago, they carried out a year-end military sports training and assessment, and the achievements of officers and men were markedly improved.


"The low score on the horizontal bar is because of the poor muscle strength of the upper limbs, and it should be combined with dumbbells, barbells, self-weight push-ups, etc. for combined exercises..." Next to the horizontal bar, Liu Haibin, a soldier of a certain company who won the first place in the examination, shared with his comrades his method of practicing the horizontal bar.

Since the beginning of this year, the brigade has carried out the activity of "everyone striving to become a military sports instructor" and encouraged officers and men to actively share their experience and gains in military sports training. In order to better mobilize the enthusiasm of officers and men to participate in military training, the brigade has also adopted a group training method that combines collective training with group training, so that officers and men can form mutual aid groups in military sports training to solve problems in training more quickly and accurately.

Due to the poor leg strength, Jia Jun, chief of the brigade's security section, had difficulty in completing the 3,000-meter armed combination course training within the specified time. This year, he and training backbone Li Yanwei formed a training team. According to his physical fitness, Li Yanwei designed a combination of sandbags, squat barbells and snake-like running for him. After several months of intensive training, Jia Jun successfully passed the year-end assessment.

In addition, the brigade also produced two quantitative analysis charts for each officer and soldier, "Dynamic Performance Curve Table" and "Daily Achievement Schedule", which can be used by officers and soldiers to clearly see their training results. The rich training methods and visible training results have made the enthusiasm of officers and men to participate in physical training continue to rise. In this year-end assessment, the excellent rate of the brigade's basic physical fitness courses has been significantly improved.


In this appraisal, the "special training team for body size standards" organized by the brigade some time ago has achieved remarkable results. Meng Ze, a soldier of the service company, successfully broke through the "weight barrier" with the "result" of losing 15 kilograms in 3 months.

Body size is the first hurdle that the military needs to face in the human ability assessment. To this end, the brigade has launched a healthy diet plan for officers and men who are overweight; it has also scientifically arranged the training rhythm according to the physical fitness of officers and men, physical training, job characteristics, seasonal characteristics, and other elements, based on the biochemical indicators presented by physical testing, distinguishing between hierarchical objects to determine "weight loss packages," and adding more targeted small courses, such as weight-bearing sit-ups, squatting and turning back running, and combat exercises, to help them lose fat and gain muscle.

Nowadays, continuous body shaping, physical fitness, and physical fitness have become the conscious actions of the officers and men of the brigade. Sun Jian, the director of the department who did not pass the examination due to excessive body shape in the military physical fitness assessment, successfully achieved the body shape standard in the year-end assessment after slimming exercise.

"I really didn't expect that professional terms such as cadence, stride length, strength training, anaerobic threshold, and heart rate have now become high-frequency words in the mouths of officers and soldiers." This shows from one side that the comrades-in-arms have a more concrete understanding of scientific training. Wang Jiayu, who graduated from the military academy and returned to the unit, told reporters.


The wind is fierce, and the rain and snow are attacking. Carrying a load of carrying equipment, Xing Xiaohu, a soldier of the brigade, began an unusual training test. Multiple courses take turns, which is not only a test of skills for him, but also a challenge to physical fitness.

After struggling to cross the finish line of the 3-kilometer armed cross-country, what awaited Xing Xiaohu immediately was the assessment of the shooting course. After taking a deep breath, he quickly aimed and fired, and his results were good.

In the high-intensity, heavy load, practical physical fitness and skill combination assessment can still cope with it, thanks to the good physical fitness state of the usual reserves. On the modern battlefield, good physical reserves are just as important as great brainpower and expertise.

The brigade follows the law of physical training, combines the actual situation of the task, scientifically does a good job of "addition and subtraction", continues to enrich the form of military physical training, pays more attention to the integration and tempering of physical fitness, skills, psychology, will and other aspects, and also innovates many competition items with strong practicality, such as weight-bearing turn-back running, 1000-meter release and collection of cables, 3 minutes of screw tightening, etc., and integrates basic physical training such as walking, running, jumping, lifting, and climbing into the skill competition to promote the synchronous improvement of physical fitness level and military skills.

Zhang Jianming, political commissar of the brigade, said: "Strengthening physical fitness through scientific training can not only temper the will quality of officers and men, reduce training injuries, but also strengthen professional capabilities. ”

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