
"Lookout" published an article: Sail to the free trade port


Beijing, 23 Nov (Xinhua) -- The 47th issue of The Outlook news weekly published on November 22, 2021, published an article entitled "Sailing the Free Trade Port." The summary is as follows:

Free trade ports are the highest level of openness in the world today. On June 1, 2020, the "Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port" was announced, outlining the "timetable", "mission statement" and "road map" for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, marking that this major strategy has entered the stage of full implementation.

The construction of The Hainan Free Trade Port is a brand-new exploration, there is no precedent to follow, and Hainan needs to emancipate the mind, dare to try, and boldly innovate more than at any time in history.

A series of unique and pioneering policies and systems of free trade ports have been rapidly implemented. The relevant departments of the central government and the state, together with Hainan Province, have accelerated the construction of the four beams and eight pillars of the free trade port policy system, and more than 140 policy documents have been implemented so far.

Hainan puts institutional integration and innovation in a prominent position. A total of 13 batches of 123 institutional innovation cases have been released, effectively optimizing the business environment, improving the level of social governance, and stimulating endogenous power for high-quality development.

The construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port requires a strong legal guarantee. On June 10 this year, the Law of the People's Republic of China on The Hainan Free Trade Port was passed by vote, and the law was aligned with the international high-level economic and trade rules, and a series of institutional arrangements were made for the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port at the national legislative level.

The construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port also requires the establishment and improvement of a fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism. In August this year, the "Implementation Measures for the Establishment of a System for The Notification and Publication of Fault Tolerance and Correction of Public Employees in the Hainan Free Trade Port, Clarification of Correct Names, and Re-use of Typical Cases (Trial Implementation)" was officially promulgated, encouraging grass-roots cadres to try first and dare to try.

Hainan adheres to high quality and high standards to build a free trade port, which is first embodied in the optimization of industrial structure and kinetic energy conversion led by tourism, modern service industries and high-tech industries. High-tech enterprises have gradually become a new engine for Hainan's modern economic system.

The construction of a free trade port with high quality and high standards is also reflected in the implementation of ecological environmental protection in the whole process of free trade port construction. With the strictest planning, the strictest measures, the strictest punishments, and the strictest accountability, Hainan carefully cares for green mountains, green waters, blue seas and blue skies.

To build a free trade port with high quality and high standards, it is also necessary to build the business environment into a "golden rice bowl". The Hainan Provincial Government has set up a special class to optimize the business environment, and through the methods of centralized office, wall-chart operations, and list management, it has launched a war of annihilation and a war of annihilation of business environment issues.

Based on the strategic intersection of domestic and international double circulation, Hainan Free Trade Port connects the super-large domestic market internally and attracts global high-quality resources to the outside world, and is committed to becoming a "reactor" for both domestic and international markets and two kinds of resources.

Statistics show that Hainan's actual utilization of foreign capital has doubled for three consecutive years. In the first eight months of this year, the actual utilization of foreign capital was 1.907 billion US dollars, an increase of 388.09% year-on-year, and the growth rate ranked first in the country. 1367 foreign-invested enterprises were newly established, far exceeding the number of 1005 newly established enterprises in the whole of last year, an increase of 235.87% year-on-year.

In the first half of this year, the first China International Consumer Goods Expo was held in Haikou City, attracting about 70 countries and regions, 1505 enterprises, 2628 consumer boutique brands to participate in the exhibition, reflecting China's sincere desire to share market opportunities with the world and share the opportunities for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.

Direction determines the road, and the road determines destiny. Hainan Free Trade Port is a free trade port with Chinese characteristics. Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system is undoubtedly the most essential difference between the Hainan Free Trade Port and other free trade ports in the world.

The Hainan Free Trade Port must not only have the basic elements of the free trade port, but also fully reflect the Chinese characteristics and follow the socialist system. At the basic institutional level and in the ideological field, we will never cross the red line, and have zero tolerance for illegal and criminal acts such as pornography, gambling, drugs, and smuggling. Hainan has identified risk points in 15 aspects such as trade, finance, and ideology, promoted risk prevention and control work in different categories and specializations, and promoted the formation of a "five-in-one" risk prevention and control pattern of party, government, military and people's police.

Careers thrive because of talents, and talents gather because of careers. Over the past three years, Hainan has successively introduced 4 batches of 415 outstanding cadres on temporary duty, and sent 4 batches of 400 cadres to study in relevant central units and developed provinces. As of the end of July, Hainan has introduced 309,000 talents, effectively alleviating the urgent demand for all kinds of talents in the initial stage of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.

On the coast of the South China Sea, millions of talents are pouring in from all sides, chasing the unlimited opportunities and bright future given by the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. (Reporters Chen Liangjie, Liu Changlin, Wang Huiyu, Wu Maohui) (End)

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