
Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

author:Ticket Yao Lieutenant

For Biden, the only country in the world today that has the strength to curb the expansion of US hegemony is China. Therefore, after he took office as US president, not only did he not change the anti-China public opinion line during the Trump administration, but also in the subsequent diplomatic occasions, Secretary of State Blinken tentatively "pressured" the Chinese representatives during the Alaska talks, in a vain attempt to make the Chinese government bow to the United States diplomatically, which is essentially the embodiment of President Biden's anti-China policy.

So, in the history of Sino-US exchanges, has the United States always pursued an anti-China policy? Is the United States anti-China or "anti-communist"? Regarding these two contradictions, by extension, on the basis of grasping global economic hegemony and political hegemony, the United States essentially hopes to achieve the "eternal monopoly of global hegemony" on the basis of the hegemony it has, so as to ensure that the United States will never decline, can continue to suck blood from the world, and continue to have the core goal of "greatness".

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

When New China was founded in 1949, the United States showed an attitude of "hostility to China and blockade of China." After all, at that time, China and the Soviet Union had extremely close relations, not to mention that China and the Soviet Union were both socialist countries, and for the "anti-communist" mentality that prevailed in the United States at that time, whether it was considering the relatively strong conventional military strength of the Chinese People's Liberation Army under the framework of Sino-Soviet cooperation (and China's strong industrial strength after the Soviet Union aided China), or considering that China was the world's largest socialist country in terms of population, it was absolutely impossible for the United States at that time to show "goodwill" toward China.

After the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, in view of the pressure of military aggression by the United States against Korea and China, the Chinese Volunteer Army entered the Korean Peninsula and began the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. For the United States, which was not aware of the actual combat capabilities of the Chinese People's Liberation Army at that time, China's move was tantamount to "hitting a stone with a pebble", and it was not until the volunteer army and the US military really engaged in actual combat that the US government truly realized the terrible strength of the Chinese Army, which was not afraid of death, so that it was even more jealous of China's development and rise militarily, economically, and politically.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

After the end of the Korean War and the beginning of the Vietnam War in the United States, the global communist movement began to rise again. It was warm. The rise and fall of the workers' movement and people's guerrilla warfare in Japan, South Korea, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and other regions have made the capitalist countries headed by the United States and Britain feel great fear, and even some American elites have realized the limitations of capitalism, thus affirming the advanced nature of communist ideology.

At the end of the Vietnam War, when the U.S. military operation in Vietnam was a complete failure, the Soviet Union was in its heyday, and many celebrities and political elites who had been firmly supportive of capitalism had to think about "when the United States will become a communist country." Interestingly, China at that time also chose to part ways with the Soviet Union because of the degeneration of the Soviet Union (the Soviet Union became an imperialist country competing for hegemony like the United States in the middle and late period) and the Soviet Union's political interference in China.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

And what were the consequences of parting ways with the Soviet Union? The whole territory of China has been subjected to nuclear blackmail by the Soviet Union, and China's northern border line has great military pressure, after all, if the Situation compares the Chinese People's Liberation Army with the Soviet Army, the Platon Army and the Soviet Army alone have a considerable gap (and the gap between the Air Force is even larger). With China's first atomic bomb test in 1962, it was able to compete with the Soviet Union in the field of nuclear deterrence (of course, China's rapid development in nuclear weapons delivery capabilities was also extremely important).

With the United States in the 1970s presenting the Soviet Offensive and the United States defending, and the contradictions between China and the Soviet Union became more and more intense, even if the Chinese and American governments differed in many political views, they could at least reach a consensus in the general direction of "defending against the Soviet offensive". Therefore, before the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the two countries first achieved "table tennis diplomacy" at the 1971 World Table Tennis Championships, and the US Government secretly sent Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to visit the Chinese government, hoping to open up channels for cooperation with China.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

The famous historical event that occurred in 1972, that is, the "Nixon Visit to China", made all countries around the world attach great importance and attention at that time. That Sino-US diplomatic activity was the first time that a U.S. president took the initiative to open up the process of normalizing relations with China, and it was also the first time in the history of the 20th century that the United States took the initiative to deal with the world's most promising future power. This is unheard of in Japan, South Korea, France, Germany and other countries, and even more unseen for some small pro-American countries.

It can be said that this sino-US diplomacy can be called a major turning point in world history. For Japan, which has always been known for being anti-China, it has shocked it quite a bit, and even made the Japanese government feel a little "uneasy". Therefore, after Nixon's visit to China in February 1972, the Japanese government quite quickly issued a "Sino-Japanese Joint Statement" with China in September 1972, announcing the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, and also representing the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

Judging from the US diplomacy with China this time, China has undoubtedly benefited a lot. At least the two countries have taken the lead in reaching consensus in some areas of politics, paving the way for China's reform and opening up to be extremely important (the United States will gradually lift its economic blockade on China on the basis of recognizing the "one-China" principle and normalizing relations with China). However, it is worth paying special attention to the fact that even if China and the United States had a "diplomatic honeymoon period" in the 1970s, in terms of fundamental political contradictions, the possibility of hostility between China and the United States will be inevitable.

And this fundamental political contradiction is, on the macroscopic level, "the contradiction of the capitalist forces in their vain attempt to completely eliminate communist thought." Microscopically speaking, it is China's huge political influence after the reform and opening up that worries the United States that "the communist movement will flourish again" and affect the political and cultural hegemony of the United States in the global capitalist world, thus inevitably having a jealous and vigilant mentality toward China's rise.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

On the eve of the decline and complete disintegration of the Soviet Union, the political contradictions between China and the United States became more obvious. In the late 1980s, after seeing China's rapid economic growth, many anti-China politicians in the United States began to advocate the so-called threat of China's rise to the financial hegemony of the United States, and the US government at that time also considered the possibility of containing and sanctioning China again more than a decade after normalizing relations with China.

In the face of relatively unanimity of internal opinions in the United States, then US President George W. Bush (known as "Old Bush") struggled to maintain Sino-US relations at a crucial time, laying the foundation for Sino-US relations, although they were full of contradictions in the future, they still did not break down. In January 1989, bush had just taken office as president of the United States, and his first stop on a foreign visit was China. In June 1989, bush and Deng Xiaoping had a phone call to clarify the determination of the US government to resolutely safeguard the strategic relationship between the two countries, but it must take into account the sentiments of the American people. Sanctions against China are to be imposed.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

However, bush was rather "contradictory" in saying that these sanctions against China would not be permanent, but they would have to be shown politically. The implication is that the U.S. government hopes to make "the American people 'believe' that the United States has the power to contain any rising country" by symbolically sanctioning China in areas such as the economy (rather than that the United States really has the power to contain any rising country). This reflects the contradictions between different factions within the United States, and at a deeper level, it also reflects the second contradiction between China and the United States that has been implemented consistently.

This contradiction is that "the rise of China's economy is bound to challenge the financial monopoly hegemony of the United States controlling the world", and today in 2021, it is "the fundamental contradiction between the United States maintaining the dollar hegemony and China's implementation of the internationalization of the renminbi". As far as this contradiction itself is concerned, if the United States does not make appropriate concessions and abandons some privileges that are not its own, then the economic contradictions between China and the United States will actually be insoluble.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

It should be known that with the development of China's economy, Chinese enterprises are bound to need to invest in other countries with the demand for various resources such as manpower and material resources, and obtain more economic and trade benefits in the most suitable environment for their own development. Of course, the premise of all this development is under the framework of China's "mutual benefit and win-win" with foreign countries. With the foreign investment of Chinese enterprises and the development of China's economy towards globalization, the Chinese government will inevitably adapt to the times and vigorously promote national strategic plans such as the "Belt and Road", and the ultimate goal is to internationalize the renminbi while driving the global economic development and achieving the common prosperity of all the people of the Chinese and the common prosperity of the people of the countries along the Belt and Road.

However, this has a great impact on the "American hegemony" that the United States has established on a global scale. We must be clear that the most essential difference between the foreign policies of China and the United States is actually that while China treats other countries equally and realizes the cooperative development model, the United States is still promoting the neo-colonialist set of ideas, and through its own military and economic hard power to compare its own weaker countries to coerce, so as to establish an "unequal" cooperation framework, develop small countries to a certain extent, and eventually serve the development of the US economy and become a political and economic vassal of the United States.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

The United States did this to South Korea in the 20th century, and it also did this to Japan, so under the surface economic prosperity of Japan and South Korea, its lifeblood is still in the hands of the United States, which fundamentally makes it impossible for Japan and South Korea to choose an independent foreign policy, let alone let the mainland be under the control of the US military, and as for choosing a pro-China policy for long-term economic development, it is even more impossible to talk about.

Under such circumstances, China's "mutually beneficial and win-win" cooperation model is essentially a disguised liberation of small countries that could only obey the soviet union or the United States. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, these small countries could only follow the instructions of the United States and serve the economic development model of the United States and its allies, and if they wanted to be independent or rebel against the United States, their fate would be doomed to be tragic. But with the rise of China, these small countries have a new choice. At the very least, China will not force them to obey China's instructions, nor do they need to be attached to the Chinese economy, but only as partners, long-term harmonious coexistence.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

Of course, such a state of affairs threatens the hegemony of the United States and forces the US government to adopt containment of China. After all, when a socialist country like China rises and can lead all countries around the world to common prosperity, and there is no need to bow to the United States, who will kneel and welcome the hegemony of the United States? There is no doubt that in addition to The Roks and South Korea, which have been "protected" by the US military in many places (in essence, control and surveillance, preparing to use the Japanese and South Korean mainland as a bloody battlefield in the future, so that the war will take place in the United States), and the sad countries that are deeply dependent on the United States in their economy, other countries that are seeking independence and self-reliance and moving toward prosperity are likely to choose China as an equal partner.

When we switch from economic contradictions to politics, we can simply understand what the core reasons for the "vain attempts of the capitalist forces to completely eliminate the contradictions of communist thought" are. The original intention of the existence of communist ideology is actually to oppose feudal oppression, anti-capital exploitation, and build a new world in which everyone is equal, and China, as a socialist country, while continuously promoting the common prosperity of the domestic people, is also actively promoting the development of the world in the direction of equality and peace through foreign economic investment and equal diplomacy. Such an act is completely contrary to the exploitation and oppression of the peoples of small countries and the third world pursued by the capitalist countries headed by the United States.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

Therefore, the United States is now so afraid of China's rise and jealous of China's growing strength, after all, China is the only existing socialist power in human society today. The path pursued by the Chinese people is essentially a great path that liberates the minds of all mankind and promotes the whole world to a new era, which is extremely unfavorable to the United States, which now relies on dollar hegemony to suck blood all over the world. Therefore, during the george W. Bush era, even if the US government wanted to carry out economic cooperation with China, out of the consideration of maintaining its own hegemony, it must also impose economic sanctions on China under the guise of "the name of the American people."

Following the two Sino-US diplomatic activities of "Nixon's visit to China" and "Bush Sr.'s visit to China", we have noticed more and more that the attitude of the United States towards China has gradually changed from "moderate" to "tough", and even in some cases, it has shown an evil hostile attitude (refer to President Trump's so-called "Wuhan virus"). Judging from the constant contradictions between China and the United States and the occasional friendly situation between China and the United States, it is obvious that Sino-US relations have gradually become rigid because the United States has tried every means to contain China in this process.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

During this period, Japan changed from the uneasy attitude it had when China and the United States established diplomatic relations to its now extremely arrogant and positive anti-China attitude (which is greatly related to the change in U.S. foreign policy). Vietnam and India, which once invaded China's border areas, have also become more arrogant because of the intensification of the US containment strategy against China. However, in the 2016 Sino-US military confrontation in the South China Sea, the United States took the lead in fearing the stage and leaving, making the Philippines, which originally provoked the so-called "South China Sea arbitration case", become honest, and Vietnam also became more and more dissatisfied with the United States after the incident (the United States cannot guarantee Vietnam's "security" when provoking China), so it rarely provoked anti-China diplomacy.

By the time of the "China-US Alaska Dialogue" in 2021, the Attitude of the United States towards China has become extremely tough, and China's attitude towards the United States is as "not humble and unobtrusive" as ever, which is essentially a concrete and concentrated expression of Sino-US economic and political contradictions. In the course of the dialogue, the US personnel spoke to China in a very rude manner, and the Chinese personnel fought back quite strongly, which the US government did not expect, and the American people were extremely shocked after seeing it.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

After all, before the Sino-US Alaska dialogue, no country dared to fight back hard against the rude speech of the United States in front of US Secretary of State Blinken. And China is currently the only country like this. In the context of China's economic rise and military modernization, China is full of confidence to meet the containment and challenges of the United States. And this phenomenon is a situation that the United States has been guarding against, fearing, and fearing.

Of course, no matter how the United States acts in such a situation, in terms of the final result, China is still unstoppable and unstoppable. Historically, this is the general trend of the historical trend of the prosperity of Chinese civilization, and from an economic point of view, China's successful development of the socialist market economy is essentially to represent the most advanced production relations in the world. China's booming industrial system is also the most advanced productive force in the world.

Why has the attitude of the United States changed from soft to hard in its three diplomatic relations with China? The 2 major contradictions are implemented throughout

From a political and cultural point of view, communist ideology and socialist politics have embodied the most advanced institutional superiority in various situations (this can be referred to the strong strength of the Chinese government in the new crown epidemic). When we analyze them one by one from the economic, political, and other angles, we can finally find that countries like the United States, which now rely on a prosperous financial industry and harvest the world with dollar hegemony, are destined to run counter to China's current path, so the United States will not only harden its current anti-China campaign, but even in the future, it will solve problems with more vicious and shady methods.

Judging from the above three Sino-US diplomacy, no matter how the contradictions between China and the United States are covered up, how to intensify, with the rise of China, the decline of the United States is becoming more and more obvious, and the contradictions between China and the United States will inevitably be implemented with the changes of the times, rather than "short-lived". After all, the development of the communist movement on a global scale is now at a low ebb, and the capitalist forces led by the United States occupy many advantages on a global scale. The time for China to move toward rejuvenation and achieve great development in the world is likely to have hundreds of years of process and the efforts of dozens of generations. In any case, let's wait and see!