
What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Raising flowers and watering for three years, if you want to raise flowers well, watering is a technical job. As the saying goes, diligent people raise fish, lazy people raise flowers. If you want to raise a good flower, you don't need to be diligent, but you have to control your hands, water less and move it less to grow strong. Most of the flowers and grasses that are usually raised do not need too much water, and some flowers bought by newbies, regardless of three or seven twenty-one, see the pot soil is dry and wet.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

Or a place that moves a lot. Nine times out of ten, the flowers are raised in this way, resulting in a large number of empty pots in the house. Flowers are either yellow leaves or rotten roots, black rot, no flowers can not be raised well, self-proclaimed "flower killer". In fact, if you want to raise flowers, how to water is the key, remember these six watering tips, any flower can raise a stick.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

First, do not dry or water

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

Especially in indoor flower raising, indoor ventilation conditions are not very good, often close the door and close the window. Watering should also be more strictly controlled. Many people always can't control their hands, see the flowers and grass they like, they like to spray water, water, move the position, in fact, these are some "stinky problems" that can't control themselves. Very few plants that really like water. Common on these kinds, such as copper money grass, bowl lotus, water hyacinth and the like,

Most of the flowers are required, and the potted soil is loose and breathable. Do not dry and do not water, watering is thorough, their roots are in the soil, there must be a certain time, space, breathing. If you often let the soil wet answer, the air in the soil is squeezed away by moisture, which will cause stuffy roots. First of all, the capillary root will rot, and then the rotten root will rot. Therefore, if we raise flowers at home and maintain the principle of not drying or watering, we can feed most of the flowers.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

If you don't know how well you are watering, put a bamboo skewer in the pot, when you want to water, pull it out to see, and when it is half dry, it is best to water them. In this way, its root system can be ensured to have sufficient nutrient breathing. The root system is developed, can breathe well, breathable and water-permeable, whether it is a water-loving plant or a drought-tolerant plant, there will be no rotten root rot.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

Second, pour thoroughly

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

Do not dry and do not water, pour thoroughly, it is very easy to understand, but many friends can not do it. Some friends say that after they water it, they will soon leak water, is this not watering thoroughly? In fact, many of the flowers we raise, its soil permeability is relatively poor, such as the newly purchased longevity flowers, watering down the water immediately from the edge of the pot immediately exposed, but the soil in the middle has no water. After pouring it several times like this, the root system in the middle can not get water, it dries up, and the water next to it flows out, can this be regarded as watering thoroughly?

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

Watering thoroughly is to water the pot inside and out, up and down. The root system of the plant is distributed in the upper part of the soil, and it is also distributed in the lower part, if it is often watered unevenly, some of the roots will dry up and rot, which will cause the plant to have yellow leaves, causing it to fall leaves and grow badly.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

If you are worried that the plant will not be watered thoroughly, you can put it in a tray with water, let it penetrate for half an hour after watering, and then take it out, or water it several times repeatedly to allow its water to fully penetrate into each place of the pot, which is considered watering.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

Third, dry less and wet more

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

Each flower has its own growth habits, and some plants are particularly drought tolerant, even if they don't water for a month or two. Some flowers are very wet, and the surface of the pot soil should be watered in time when it is dry, otherwise it will fall. Therefore, they can not be uniformly watered, dry plants should be watered less, and wet plants should be properly watered.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

There are many friends who can't figure out whether their plants like to dry or wet. If you raise plants, whether it is stems or leaves, and there are water containers in the middle of the rhizomes, such as more fertile leaves, stems, tubers and so on, such plants are more drought-tolerant, such as money trees, fortune trees, cacti, cacti balls, desert roses, etc., are very drought-tolerant.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

And cyclamen, gardenia, rhododendron, copper money grass, jasmine, etc. These plants are very fond of water, watering less easy yellow leaves, dry leaves, if you can't distinguish their habits, you can go to the Internet to search for the growth habits of this plant, like dry or wet, like sunshine or like shade, so at a glance. When watering, fertilizing, and maintaining, you will grasp the initiative, and it will not be easy to die.

Fourth, there is no need to water on cloudy days

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

When raising flowers, if it rains on a cloudy day, try not to water the plants, and try not to put them outside to rain, because the air is wet on rainy days, and it cannot be well ventilated after watering, and the pots cannot be well dried, resulting in the pott soil is wet, in a state of siltation, there will be rotten leaves, rotten roots. It is best to water on sunny days, timely ventilation after watering, plants can get the maximum growth absorption, watering in the summer to avoid the noon exposure period, winter to avoid the cold period, you can greatly reduce the probability of rotten roots and leaves.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

Fifth, water more during the growth period and control water during the dormancy period

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

We raise a lot of plant growth habits are different, a variety of, can not be generalized, spring, summer, autumn and winter is not the same watering method, if the plant is in the growth period, is growing vigorously, growing very fast, to properly water more, at this time it grows fast, absorb more water, more watering, in order to meet its growth and survival needs. If the watering does not keep up, the plant will definitely freeze and not grow, and there will be a wilt.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

If the plant is in the dormant period, the plant does not grow, such as in the summer hot season, the cold season of winter, many plants are not adaptable, do not grow is dormant, at this time to control the watering, even one or two months do not water it does not matter, at this time they are growing very slowly, or even do not grow, if too much watering, the water in the soil can not be absorbed, silt in the pot, easy to cause rotten roots.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

However, can not not water, because do not water, its root system for a long time can not absorb water, the root system will dry up, there will be rotten roots, the later rescue is more difficult, so to dry thoroughly, every other day or two to give it a small amount of watering, and more ventilation, must ensure that the root system is fresh, after the dormancy period will soon slow down to continue to grow.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous

If you raise flowers will not be watered, raise what flowers die what flowers, just remember these few tips, raise any flowers can be raised, greatly reducing the mortality rate of raising flowers, novices become flower masters, so that your family plants are green in all seasons, and the flowers are undefeated.

What flowers to raise and what flowers to die? Watering keeps in mind the "5 tips", the root system is comfortable, the leaves are fertile, and the flowering is vigorous